CCR1994223COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #223-94 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND CONLEY MCDONALD FOR AUDIT SERVICE OF GENERAL FUND AND SEWER AND WATER UTILITIES FOR YEAR ENDING 12/31/94 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Muskego to enter into an agreement to cover procedures to be used in the auditing of the City's General Fund and Sewer and Water Utilities; and WHEREAS, the firm Conley McDonald has audited the City's books for over twenty years, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval of an agreement between the City and the firm. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance , Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement between the City of Muskego and the firm of Conley McDonald to audit the City's General Fund and Sewer and Water Utilities for the year ending December 31, 1994. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said agreement is subject to the approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS llTH DAY OF OCTOBER , 1994. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #223-94 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 10/94 jmb McDONALD CERTIFIED PLBLIC ACCOUNTANTS&CONSULTANTS September 27, 1994 Mr David L. DeAngelis, Mayor City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 Dear Mr DeAngelis: We are pleased to serve as independent accountants for the City of Muskego. This will confirm our understanding of the arrangements for our audit of the general purpose financial statements for rhe year ending December 31, 1994. Our basic engagement is to audit and report on the general purpose financial statements of the following funds and account groups: Governmental Fund Types: General Fund Debt Service Fund Special Revenue Fund Capital Projects Fund Proprietary Funds: Water Utility Sewer Utility Fiduciary Funds - Trust and Agency Account Groups: General Long-Tern Obligations General Fixed Assets Our audit will be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and will include our examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounr and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significanr estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presenrarion. 19601 \\?SI Bluemound Road P.O. Box 0975 BrwMield. \\l 53008-0975 Phon? (414) i96-0701 FAX (414) 796-8422 City of Muskego Page Two September 1, 1993 The objective of our engagement is the completion of the foregoing audit and, upon its completion and subject to its findings, the rendering of our report. As you know, the financial statements are the responsibility of the management and the Common Council of the City of Muskego who are primarily responsible for the data and information set forth therein, as well as for the maintenance of an appropriate internal control structure (which includes adequate accounting records and procedures to safeguard the City’s assets). Accordingly, as required by generally accepted auditin: standards, our procedures will include obtaining written confirmation from management concernins important representations which we will rely upon. As also required by generally accepted auditing standards, we will plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable, but not absolute, assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Accordingly any such audit is not a guarantee of the accuracy of the finan- cial statements and is subject to the inherent risk that errors, irregularities (or illegal acts), if the! exist, might not be detected. If we become aware of any such matters during the course of our audit, we will bring them to your attention. Should you then wish us to expand our normal auditin: procedures, we would be pleased to work with you to develop a separate engagement for that purpose. Preliminary field work is tentatively scheduled for October 1994. Final field work is tentatively scheduled to begin in March 1995. The audit report will be submitted prior to May 31, 1995, Assistance to be supplied by your personnel, including the preparation of schedules and analysis of accounts will be discussed and coordinated with the City Clerk. Timely completion of this work will facilitate achieving the best audit performance with the minimum time. We will assist in the preparation of the Financial Report Form for Wisconsin Cities and Villages to be filed with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. This report is considered a special repon and therefore, is not to be considered as audited by us. The report will be completed prior to thc extended due date of May 15, 1995. It will, however, be your responsibility to obtain a filins extension (which is automatic upon request) from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue from the original due date of May 1 to the extended due date of May 15, This report requires man! allocations of expenses beyond which is recorded on the City’s records. It will be necessary that these allocations be reviewed annually by the City Determination of these allocations by the Cip will facilitate the report preparation in minimum time. The City is required by Wisconsin statutes to make available to the public updated annual repons describing the status of each existing tax increment financing district. We will examine the financial statements of the City’s Tax Increment District Funds for the year ended December 3 1 1994, and issue a separate report thereon before September 30, 1995 City of Muskego Page Three September 1, 1993 Below we have provided you with our estimated fees for auditing, bookkeeping and the preparation of the financial report filed with the Wisconsin Depanment of Revenue for 1995 with a comparison to the actual fees charged in 1992, 1993 and 1994. - AUDIT and BOOKKEEPING FEES Citv and Utilities General Fund and all other funds exclusive of funds detailed below Water Utility Sewer Utility Preparation of Financial Report filed with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue Subtotal TIF Funds TOTAL Percentage Increase (Decrease) Actual 1992 $ 22,575 6,500 6,500 2.600 38,175 22.833 $ 61.008 Actual 1993 22,523 6,760 6,760 2,700 38,743 23.925 62,668 2.7% Note: 1994 fees for the TIF Fund audit are estimated as work is not yet complete. Actual 1994 23,300 7,000 7,000 2.800 40,100 24.775 (Note) 64.875 3.5% Estimated 1995 24,100 7,250 7,250 2.900 41,500 25,650 67.150 3.5% - In connection with developing our 1995 fee estimate, we have included an inflationary factor of 3.5% We have also projected that the Cin; will utilize the same level of bookkeeping and accounting services from our firm during the audit process as was required in the prior year, City of hluskezo Page Four September 1 1993 Should the rime requirements of our staff be reduced because of significant improvements in the accountin. and recordkeeping functions, WK will. of course, bill the lesser amounts as we have done in prior wars. The 1995 fee estimates summarized above do not include services for budget assistance, sewer rate consulration. water rate studies, other special studies or accounting and bookkeeping consultation which occurs outside of the audit process. Our fees are based on the time required of the individual’s assigned to the engagement plus direct expenses for reproducing the year-end audit reports. Individual hourly rates vary according to the degree of responsibility involved and the skill required. Our hourly rates for 1994 and 1995 are shown below 1994 Rates for Management Advisory Rates for Audit Services Services Partner s 112.00 s 140.00 Tax Manager Not Applicable 120.00 Audit Manager 83.00 104.00 Audit Supervisor 66.00 82.00 In-Charge Accountant 52.00 65.00 Associate Accountants 35.00 to 45.00 44.00 to 55.00 1995 Rates for Audit Services Partner $ 116.00 Tau Manager Not Applicable Audit Manager 86.00 Audit Supervisor 68.00 In-Charge Accountant 54.00 Associate Accountants 36.00 to 45.00 Rates for Management Advisory Services $ 145.00 125.00 108.00 85.00 67.00 45.00 to 57.00 0 0 e City of Muskego Page Five September 1, 1993 I will be the partner in charge of all work we will perform for you. It will be my responsibility to insure that your management receives good services. I will call upon other partners in the firm for a second point of view or a specialized knowledge as necessary. The audit this year will be supervised by Mr. Callen Strunk, CPA, Audit Manager, assisted by other members of the staff as necessary. We look forward to our association with you and your staff and appreciate the opportunity to serve the City of Muskego. Please call if you have any questions about any aspect of our engagement. If this letter correctly expresses your understanding of the agreement, please sign the enclosed copy where indicated and return it to us. Very truly yours, CONLEY McDONALD & CO. Donald N. Vilione, CPA Partner DNV/dlw:me The foregoing letter fully describes the services required and is accepted by US, CITY OF MUSKEGO Date David L. DeAngelis, Mayor