CCR1994194COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #194-94 (Name)Approval of Cleaning Service Contract for 1995 REMOVED FROM AGENDA 09/13/94 kd@q COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #194-94 APPROVAL OF CLEANING SERVICE CONTRACT FOR 1995 0 WHEREAS, quotes were obtained for cleaning services for 1995 for City Hall/Library, Police Department, Municipal Garage, and Parks Headquarters as follows: (Prices are Per Month) City Hall/ Police Municipal Parks Company Name Library Department Garage Hdqtrs. Total Dan Plautz $1,261.98 $ 629.84 $ 529.46 $ 220.00 $2,641.28 Bud-Clean $3,098.33 $2,535.00 $1.014.00 $ 732.33 $7,379.66 In addition, a $30/hr. charge was quoted for strip/scrub, seal and waxing and a $15/hr. charge was quoted for carpet/furniture cleaning. Coverall Cleaning $3,018.00 $1,167.00 $ 637.00 $ 237.00* $5,5059.00 *If priced at 3 hr./night - charge is $378.00 tile floors: In addition, the following quotes were received to initially strip and refiniEh $1.266.00 $ 415.00 $ 651.00 $ 200.00 $2,532.00 WHEREAS, the Finance Committee reviewed the quotes and approved $2,641.28 for cleaning services for 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Committee, does hereby approve the cleaning service contract with City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Dan Plautz Cleaning Service for the year 1995 at the rate Of $2,641.28 per month as follows: 0 the quote received from Dan Plautz for a monthly total of City Hall/Library $ 1,261.98 Police Dept. 629.84 City Garage Account #100.0900.3220 Account #100.2000.3220 D.P.W. Account #100.5800.5200 264.73 Sewer Utility 132.37 Water Utility 132.36 Account #100.7300.2400 220.00 Parks Building Total $ 2,641.28 Resolution #194-94 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the contract with Dan Plautz Cleaning Service for 1995. DATED THIS 13TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1994. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Edwin P. Dumke This is to certify that this is a true and accurate COPY of Resolution #194-94 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 9/94 jmb