CCR1992325COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #325-92 AMENDED APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BASE SALARIES FOR CERTAIN CITY OF MUSKEG0 EMPLOYEES FOR 1993 WHEREAS, base salaries for certain City of Muskego non-represented employees need to be established for 1993; and WHEREAS, the salaries are identified on the schedule attached, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. 'NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve establishing base salaries for certain City of Muskego non-represented employees as identified on the attached schedule, as amended. DATED THIS 22ND DAY OF DECEMBER , 1992. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #325-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 12/92 jmb NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES A. Salaries. The following are base salaries to be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated in 1993. These figures do not include any percentage increase as negotiations are in progress: POSITION Annual Salaries Police Chief Lieutenants (2) Director of Bldg Inspection Director of Planning Public Works Superintendent Utility Superintendent Director of Info Systems Library Director Parks Director Recreation Director City Attorney Hourly Salaries Building Inspector Deputy Building Inspector (Full Time) Parks Maintenance Person Deputy Clerk (Adjusted on 7/28/92) Deputy Treasurer Mayor's Secretary Public Works Foreman Public Works Asst. Foreman START - 44,843.37 41,596.84 28,612.50 28,612.50 32,438.08 29,429.48 28,875.00 28,602.24 26,569.58 26,569.58 26,000.00 15.82 14.00 within 30 days 1 Certif. 8.63 10.90 10.40 8.27 9.59 15.27 14.73 I 5 MOS. - $6,572.86 30,607.50 30,607.50 37,072.09 30,476.99 30,607.50 30,052.58 27,558.03 27,550.03 16.29 14.40 2 Certif. required 9.52 11.50 11.00 9.28 10.77 18 MOS. 50,031.79 45,507.47 36,445.00 36,445.00 40,481.09 37,703.80 36,445.00 32,283.68 31,737.68 31,737.68 17.46 15.37 3 Certif. required 13.94 12.60 12.60 10.35 11.83 Page 2 - Non-Represented 1993 Base Salary Scale POSITION Part-Time Hourly Salaries Deputy Building Inspector Soil Erosion Inspector Asst. Recreation Supervisor Maintenance Person Draftsperson Mower Operator Library Page High School Student Election Chairman Election Inspector Board of Canvassers START 9 MOS. 24 MOS. - 14.50 (1 Cert. within 30 days) 8.50 9.00 8.76 9.30 10.15 7.42 8.33 5.51 5.00 4.25 4.52 5.49 4.25 ($4.50 after 6 months) 4.25 + $S.OO/day 4.25 4.25 with $lO.OO/day minimum Seasonal Hourly Salaries - Parks Department Idle Isle Attendants 4.25 Baseball Maintenance 4.25 Parks Maintenance Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 & over TXTCLX: NONREF’93 12/92 cma 4.50 4.75 5.00 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #325-92 APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BASE SALARIES FOR CERTAIN CITY OF MUSKEGO EMPLOYEES FOR 1993 tain City of Muskego to be established for 1993; and tified on the schedule attached; has recommended approval. that the Common Council of the mmendation of the Finance establishing base salaries for presented employees as identified DATED THIS DAY OF \, , 1992. ONSORED BY: \ This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #325-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. * 12/92 jrnb City Clerk NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES A. Salaries. The following are base salaries to be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated in 1993. These figures do not include any percentage increase as negotiations are in progress: POSITION Annual Salaries Police Chief Lieutenants (2) Director of Bldg Inspection Director of Planning Public Works Superintendent Utility Superintendent Director of Info Systems Library Director Parks Director Recreation Director City Attorney Hourly Salariee Building Inspector Deputy Building Inspector (Full Time) Parks Maintenance Person Deputy Clerk (Adjusted on 7/28/92) Deputy Treasurer Mayor's Secretary Public Works Foreman Public Works Asst. Foreman START - 44,843.37 41,596.84 28,612.50 28,612.50 32,438.08 29,429.48 28,875.00 28,602.24 26,569.58 26,569.58 26,000.00 15.82 14.00 within 30 days 1 Certif. 8.63 10.90 10.40 8.27 9.59 15.27 14.73 f r j MOS. - 16,572.86 IO, 607.50 IO, 607.50 17,072.09 10,476.99 IO, 607.50 IO, 052.58 !7,558.03 !7,558.03 16.29 14.40 2 Certif . required 9.52 11.50 11.00 9.28 10.77 18 MOS. 50,031.79 45,507.47 36,445.00 36,445.00 40,481.09 37,703.80 33,945.00 32,283.68 31,737.68 31,737.68 17.46 15.37 3 Certif. required 13.94 12.60 12.60 10.35 11.83 Page 2 - Non-Represented 1993 Base Salary Scale POSITION START 9 MOS. 24 MOS. - Part-Time Hourly Salaries Deputy Building Inspector 14.50 (1 Cert. within 30 days) Soil Erosion Inspector 8.50 9.00 Asst. Recreation Supervisor 8.76 9.30 Maintenance Person 7.42 8.33 Draftsperson 5.51 Mower Operator 5.00 10.15 Library Page 4.25 4.52 5.49 High School Student 4.25 ($4.50 after 6 months) Election Chairman 4.25 + $5.00/day Election Inspector 4.25 Board of Canvasser6 4.25 with $10.00/day minimum 0 Seasonal Hourly Salaries - Parks Department Idle Isle Attendants 4.25 Baseball Maintenance 4.25 Parks Maintenance Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 L over MTCLK: NONREP93 12/92 cma 4.50 4.75 5.00