CCR1992317COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #317-92 AMENDMENT TO 1992 BUDGET AMENDED WHEREAS, Section 65.90(5)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the Common Council to make budgetary adjustments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council Of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby direct the City Clerk/Comptroller to make the following adjustments to the 1992 City Budget: ACCOUNT AMOUNT From: 0100.8300.3212 Contingency TO : 0100.8400.3212 Miscellaneous From: 0100.8300.3212 Contingency To : 0100.5100.1530 Clothing Allowance From: 0100.8300.3212 Contingency To : 0100.7200.1110 Recr. Salaries & Wages Other To : o~aa.7~00.~60~ Recr. FICA $4,472.63 4,472.63 630.00 630.00 445.73 412.20 33.53 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to publish a Class I Notice in accordance with Section 65.90(5)(a) within 10 days of adoption of this Resolution. a DATED THIS 22ND DAY OF DECEMBER , 1992. SPONSORED BY: Finance Committee Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Edwin P. Dumke This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #317-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. a 12/92 jmb STATE OF WISCONSIN Milwaukee County ) 5s. I $. ClTY OF MUSREGO I AMENDED COhTMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION 8317-92 AMENDMENT TO 1992 BUDGET ' consin Statutespe-tstheCommonCoundl TKHEREAS, Section 65.90(5)(a) ofthe wis- to m'+ budgetary'adjuatmentf!. NOW,.THEWFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED that the Common Coundl of the City of Mu- skego, upon the recommendation of the Fi- nanceCom.mit~e,doei,herebydi~ttheCity ClerWCohptroller ti make the foUowing ad- justmmen,ta to the 1992 City Budget ACCOUNT AMOUNT: .-From: 0100i8300.3212 Continaencv:.' $4,47253. - -1 4.47263. To: 01,00.8400.3212 Miscellaneous; ~ - From: 0100.8300.3212 Contingency; 630.00. To- 0100.5100.1530~Clothing Mowⅇ 630.00. From: 0100.8300.3212 Contingency; 445.73. i To:'~0100.7200.1110 'Reci. Salaries .& .. ! Wages Other; 412.20. To: 0100~Z300~1601 %cr.PICA; 3363. .I 1 BE IT FuFiTwER RES-OLVED that. the ' ~ ,B;scs~~~~Sect~o~65.90(SM~.~~n 10 Clerk is di&ed hpubli+ aCl,ass I Notice.in . diyi,of id6p&n"df t!ddZisolutiqn. , BER,:1992:- . , DATED ,THIS ZZND DAY p~ DECEM-- .. ' Fink& Committee SPONSORED BY Ald..Patrick A. Patterson Ald.-Edwin P. Dde Judith Ziolkowski being duly sworn, a newspaper published a1 .. Ehsksno. ............. dolh depose and say Ihal he is an aulhorized represenlalive 01 The. .. NILS~C~O SIIII.. ................. Wisconsin and lhal an adverlisemenl of which the annexed is a ltue copy, taken Irom said paw, was published lhelein on .......................... ........ .............. ...... - /G+&.A.. .... ........................... ........................ Subscribed 01. ... and ... My commission expires'. /' ...... . .APRIL. 13.. .19.93 ,, \ HOjmb