CCR1992129COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #129-92 AMENDMENT TO 1992 BUDGET WHEREAS, Section 65.90(5)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the Common Council to make budgetary adjustments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby direct the City Clerk/Comptroller to make the following adjustments to the 1992 City Budget: ACCOUNT Increase Revenue 0100.0050.0901 Surplus Applied for Capital 0100.9900.1003 Capital Outlay Increase Expenditures Transportation (Sealcoating/Asphalting) Transportation (UrbadRural Drainage) Public Safety (PD -- 911) Public Safety (PD -- PC w/Printer) Public Safety (PD -- Backup Dispatch Facility) Public Safety (Bldg Insp -- CRT) Education & Recreation (Library Computers) 0100.9900.1002 Capital Outlay 100.9900.1004 Capital Outlay Increase Revenue Increase Expense 100.0041.0732 General Government 100.2800.3615 Comprehensive Plan 100.2300.2400 Tess Corners Fire Dept 100.0900.5200 Maintenance of Bldg & Grounds (Auto Doors) Increase Revenue Increase Expense 100.0041.0727 Public Safety 100.2000.1116 P.D. Training From: 100.9900.1002 Public Safety Planning Dept Capital 100.9900.1001 General Government Planning Dept Capital To : From: 100.1100.7901 Ineurance 100.2000.3910 Police Vehicle Replacement To : AMOUNT 11,432.28 4,524.28 1,000.00 1,300.00 225.00 2,000.00 1,050.00 1,333.00 14,199.33 1,427.50 771.83 12,000.00 825.56 825.56 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Resolution #129-92 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to publish a Class I Notice in accordance with Section 65.90(5)(a) within 10 days of adoption of this Resolution. DATED THIS lZTH DAY OF MAY , 1992 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David D. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #129-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/92cac ' CITY OF MUSKEGO. :'-,c., I . RESOLUTION #129-92 ' !.AMENDMENT TO 1992 BUDGET WHEREAS, Section 65.90(5)(a) or the Wis- eohsin Statutes oermits the Common Council to~make budgetary adjustments. , that the Common Council of the City of Mu- :'. NOW,'THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED skegd, upon the recommendation.of the Fi- nance Committee. does hereby direct the City justmenis to the.1992 City Budget: ClerWComptroller to make the following nd- ,ACCOUNT: AMOUNT:; ',. ", , . , ,.. ~ ,~ ,_., Incr'ease Revenue .ta!;$11,432.28;: ,. .. , 0100.0050.090~ Surplus Applied for Capi- 5 IncFase.Expendit-qe?!~ ;.: . .- I .y: ,: ~~po+ti~~! (sealeoatinp/Asphalting)i;.l .0100:9900,1003,~ap~t~~0utlay, . :-.i..' $4,524,'28 >:-. . .-..-. .. .. . ., .. ' I_ ; o~oo.~soo.~ooz C&d Outlay. -I ' Publid Safety (PD - PC wmrin,ter)s: -. Transportation (UrbanlRural Drainnge). 51,000.00 1. ' 'I public Safety (P,D - 911), $1,300.00 , ~~~~~ eility),,$2.00~.00 $1;050.00 'Public -Safety (Bldg. Inep. .- CRT)., .I 100~9900.1004 Capital Outlay. ' .I 'i Education'& Rscreation (Library Cornpu-! CITY OF MUSKEGO OfficWtice RESOLUTION #129-92 COMMON COUNCIL AMENDMENT TO 1992 BUDGET ConsinStatutespermits the Common Council WHEREAS. Section 65.90(5)(a) afthe Wis- to make budgetary adjustments NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED skego, upon the recommendation of the Fi- that the Common Council of the City of Mu- nance Committee. does hereby direct the City justments to the 1992 City Budget: ClerWComptroller to make the following ad- ACCOUNT AMOUNT: Increase Revenue tal. $11.432.28 Increase Expenditures 0100.0050.0901 Surplus Applied for Capi. 0100.9900.1003 Capital Outlay Transportation (Sealcoating/Asphalting), Transportation (Urbaflural Drainage), 0100.9900.1002 Capital Outlay Public Safety (PD - 911). $1.300.00 Public Safety (PD - PC ~Printerl, $4.524.28 $1,000.00 $225.00 Public Safety (PD - Backup Dispatch Fn- Public Safety (Bldg. Insp. - CRT), 100.9900.1004 Caoital Outlav cility), $2,000.00 $1,050.00 ters), $1,333.00 Increase Revenue $14,199.33 Increase Expense $1,427.50 771.83 Grounds (Auto Doors). 12,000.00 Increase Revenue Increase Expense 100.2000.1116 P.D. Training, $825.56 From: Education & Ree;eation (Lidrary Compu- 100.0041.0732 General Government, 100.2800.3615 Comprehensive Plan, 100.2300.2400 Tess Corners Fire Dept., 100.0900.5200 Maintenance of Bldg. & 100.0041.0727 Public Safety, 825.56 100.9900.1002 Public Safety Planning Dept. Capital. $4.000.00 100.9900.1001 General Government Planning Dept. Capital, $4,000.00 100.1100.7901 Insurance, $3,000.00 100.2000.3910 Police Vehicle Replace- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to publish a Class I Notice in accordancewithSeetion65,90(5)(a)within 10 days of adoption of this Resolution. DATED THIS 12TH DAY OF MAY, 1992. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMIlTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Durnke This is to certify that this is a true and accu- Ald. David D. Sanders rate copy of Resolution RI29-92 which was adopted by the Common Council ofthe City of Muskego. Is/ Jean K. Marenda To: ~- From: To: ment, $3,000.00 ~~ ~ City Clerk The.. N.nskcgu.S~~it. a newspapr published a1 i.lnskego. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a lrue copy, laken from said palm, was published therein on .. .. . ... .. ... ......... ....................... ......................... .................... .......................... BOOKKEEPER, /! My Commission expires'. .APRIL 31.. .19.93 .