CCR1992001COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #1-92 APPROVAL TO CORRECT CLEANING SERVICE CONTRACT Dan Plautz Cleaning Service WHEREAS, Resolution #314-91 approving the extension of the which are now corrected as listed below to reflect a 3% cleaning service contract for 1992 included erroneous figures increase; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby extend the cleaning service contract with Dan Plautz Cleaning Service through December 31, 1992 at the rate of $1,558.28 per month, with City Hall #100.0900.3220 responsible for $952.90 per month and Police Department #100.2000.3220 responsible for $605.38 per month. 0 DATED THIS 14TH DAY OF JANUARY , 1992. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #1-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 1/92cac .. Dan Plautz Cleaning Service u176 s7007 Wlldwood Dr. nuskego, Vi. 53150 City of nuskego Mrs. Jean narenda Clty Clerk November 25,1991 QUOTATION FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES - JAN. 1,92 - Dec.31,92 The prlce quoted below is for the attached cleaning specifications. The prlce lncludes a 3% increase across the board. COSTS 1991 1992 Muskego City Hall, Library $925.15 $952.90 nuskego Police Dept. s587.75 $605.38 (Includes 6 days service) TOTAL $1,512.90 $1,558.28 I am looking forward to continue our good worklng relationshlp. Please call if you have any questions. Thank You, DAN PLAUTZ CLEANING SERVICE Approved : CITY OF MUSKEG0 - CLEANING SPECIFICATION e QUOTE FOR SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1992 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1992 ON A TOTAL PER NONTH BASIS. SERVICE TO PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (except paper products and hand soap) CITY HALL AND LIBRARY 1st Floor: Entire area including Lobby, Corridors, Council Chambers, Assessor's Offices, City Clerk's Office, Nayor's Office, Treasurer's Office, Bookkeeper's Office, Building Inspection Offices, Planning Offices, Clerk's General Office area, Conference Room, .Entire Library, Stairways, Entrances and two Lavatories. Lower Level: Entire area including Parks and Recreation Dept. Offices, Library Office, Lions Den, Employees Lounge, Lunch Room, two Lavatories, open area, corridor, back stairway, Muskego Room and Wisconsin Room. 1st Floor: Entire area including entrance, lobby, general and private offices, report writing mom, conference room, two cells, corridors and four lavatories. Lower Level: Entire area including two locker rooms, two showers, lunch room, txo lavatories, corridors, weight room, Information Systems' rooms, training room, and stairways. UL L nnLLI LAOMSI OU LLULNG DAILY SERVICES 1. Empty waste wcegtacles and dispose of waste in outside garbage receptacles. 2. Espty and clean all ash t:ays. 3. Clean and sanitize all restrooms, including fixtures. &. Clean restzoom partitions. 5. Clean and sanitize all wate: fountains. 6. Ciry Hall - V~CJIXQ all carpeted arsas. Librav - Vac3um all car?ered areas Mon.,Ued.,Fri. Vac~um traffic areas h offices Tues. ,Thurs. Vacxum edges along shelving ea. 2 weeks. Main Level: Council Chambers Vacuum 2X/week Lower Level: Lions Den Vaccuum lX/veek Wisconsin Room - Vet Xop 1X/week Zuskego Xoom - Wet Xop 1XIGeek (Tues.) AS NEEDED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. Dust office furniture. counters, *councsr top in Open Area. file cabinets, tele?hones, all ledges and moldings, etc. (Excluded: All ernployeos desks; bookshelves in Library.) Clean a11 mirrors, iacerior window glass and foyer windows. Clean and refill all restroom dispensers. Machine scrcb, wax and .buff floors, and strip as needed. Clean entranceways, lobby and corzidors - sweep. dust mop and/or damp mop depending on weather conditions. Vacuum entrance and corridor mats *(lower stairJeL1 and seairs as needed). Shampoo as needed. Caqered areas CJ be shampooed at least raice a year, with the heavy traffic areas co be shampooed as needed and blended in vith the rest of che carpeting. *Espc~ aaskec and Sveep Offset Xoom. as needed. GENE3AL UPE.1 OF T'.'ZSE FACILITIES 1. Xse? jani:ar's closecs clean and ocderly. 2. Lsave only designated nigh: li$:s on. 3. CSeck doors and gatzs uaon leavi-g job and S~C'JC~ sac. CX: CleanCHL CITY OF YUSKEGO - CLEANING SXCIFICATIONS e ?OLiCE DEPARTMENT: DAILY SERVICES (5 c!av week): 1. 2. 3. 4. 0- 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 13. 0 Dail;r empty all waste rece2tacles within the Depar'aent into the dumpster provided. outsice of the DeparLnent. Damp clean receptacles as needed and replace plastic garSage bags. LTpty two waste recestacles located in the garage area. Lavatories (6) cleaned and sanitized. Do all fixtures, uri- nals, toilets and toilet seats. Clean all mirrors, counter tops, and fill vending dispensors (pa?er towels, soap, etc.). Damp clean walls, doors and partitions. Floors to be dust mopped andfor swept and damp mopped. Pct urinal deodorant blocks in urinals as neec'ed. Clean entrance and lobby area daily. Sweep, dust mop or damp mop tile floors as needed due to veather conditions, vacuum car2et area enough to prevent any evidence of dirt. Dust all furniture and horizontal surfaces. Clean both entrance doors' glass and interior partition 5lsss. Vacmm all mats/runners. within the clerical an& raciio i3orn.s will be *one daily. (Desks Dusting, vacmming, was:= removal, cleaning and glass partition will be cleaned by CeSarLne3t employees.) All other horizontal surfaces will Le handle6 by the service. Euty Sergeant's office t3 be cleaned ckily - dusting. vacmxning and glass Gartition. 3esk to be cleane2 5y e!!plcyees. All other office fxrniture incluC.ng cajinet cleaned by se-mice. Lunch rocm, weight rocm, Cetectives' office, and roll call r3om will be d.ust2d, vacJL!ed., sve?t aEc?fOr damp mopped, furniture xi2ed down, sink and. ccun=er tg~s cleaned daily. Weiqnt room is 13c=t& i.? the lcwer level nex ts the men's locker room. Xen's locker mom d.ust=<, sxe?t anljor damp mopFe& daily. Clean shcwer xom. Vacxu;n all Is= flsor c=z:et daily to ;reven: evidence of dirt andjcr due t3 ;reat?.er cznliticns. Sweep, dut mop and/or damp mop tiled. hallways ard stairs on 1st floor. Dust and wise down all ?~-r:itxe ir: =?.e Detectives' cf5ce (n3rt:lves: site - Is: fhcr! - 'I~C'ILTI rags 8s xeeee2 6-e to ;rea:her ccrditlms. 3cl2i2 q arsa (zcrtke=sz 2nC; s.ie;c!Cx: acpzec! ax5/3r <amp acTFed Ee;ezli?.g ~2 xe==?er C=~CI=:JCS. hs: all hcrizmtd aii:xe~. _.." c:zx :&le :z>s in :his affice only. .. . TIiREE TIMES PER WEEK: 1. Clean out water fountains (2). 340 TIMES PER WEEK: 1. Clean the crisis room office. 2. Chief's office (east side) cleaned, vacmmed and dusted. Desk is employ-ee's task. All other furniture and horizontal surfaces to be done by service. me two Lieutenants' offices (west wall) to be done the same as CNef's office. 3. Downstairs hallway between stairwell (north end) and lunch room should be swept, dust mopped and/or damp mopDed twice a week or as weather conditions indicate. 4. Vacuum and swee?, and/or damp mop, dust, wise down all furni- ture in the two holding cells and juvenile holding room. Clean and sanitize the toilet facilities in the holding cells. 5. -e Infomation System' office is to be done same as Chief's off ice. 1. Confeznnce room (southeasi enC) an6 training room [lower level] t3 '.e cleaned, vacuume5, furzitL-e wi2ed dcwn, tales cleaned. 2. Besort writing room - dust all horizsntal sufaces. 3. Women's locker room - clean, swees, dust nop anc?/or damp mop and dust. 4. All otker hallways, otSer than area Setxeen scai-me11 (north en&) anc? PmcS racm, ts Se ssrest, dust rnoFFed anC/or damp mopped. 3. All equipment and cleaning supplies, with the exception of n deodorant blocks for the urinals, will be supplied by the service. All paper products, hand soaps, and urinal blocks will be supplied by the City. :* GENERAL UPKEEP:' 1. Keep janitor's closets clean and oraerly. 2. Leave only designated night lights on. 3. Check doors and gates upon leaving job to be sure they are secure. 4. Notify the City Clerk or Departanent head of needed supplies in depleted. sufficient time so they can be purchased before supply is