CCR19913110 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #311-91 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF EASEMENT MMSD WHEREAS, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District desires to construct, operate, maintain, repair and reconstruct a Collection System Control and Monitoring Facility along a right-of-way on a parcel of land known as Tax Key No. 2221.993 described on the attached Exhibit "A"; and and located off Racine Avenue near Gemini Drive and further WHEREAS, the offering price is $950 for the acquisition of said easements; and WHEREAS, the Parks E, Recreation Board, Public Utilities Committee and Finance Committee have recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Park E, Recreation Board, Public Utilities Committee and Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute construct, operate, maintain, repair and reconstruct a the easements for Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District to Collection System Control and Monitoring Facility along a right-of-way on the parcel of land identified above subject to review by the City Attorney. e DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 199 1. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #311-91 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 0 11/9lcac EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, by and between the CITY OF MUSKECO. a Municipal Body Corporate, party of the first part, and the MILWAUKEE VETROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT (MMSD). party Of the second part: WITNESSETH, that, whereas the party or the second part desires to construct, operate, maintain, repair and reconstruct a Collec- t,ion System Control and Monitoring Facility and its appurtenances in, ,upon, under, over, through and along a certain right-of-way as described hereinafter and shown on the attached Exhlbit A. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the payment of $950.00 to the party of the first part, receipt of whlch 1s hereby confessed and acknowledged, the party of the flrtlt part, for itsel?, its successors and assigns do hereby grant unto the party OF the second part, Its successors and assigns the right and permission and non- exclusive easements for access. permanent facilities and for tem- porary construction In order to construct, operate, maintain, repalr and reconstruct a Collection System Control and Monitoring Facility and its appurtenances in, upon, under, across. over and through the following described right-of-way owned by the party of the first part: PERMANENT SEWER EASEMENT PARCEL 20 Tax Key 2221.993 That part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 1.6, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the Clty of Muskego, County of Waukesha and State of Wisconsin, which Is hounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said 1/4 Section; thence North 88°-47'-42" East along the South line oP West 1270.12 feet to the point of beginning of the landa said 1/4 Sectlon 1395.23 feet; thence North 01°-12'-18'' to be described; thence North 00°-16'-13" West 20.00 South 00°-161-13" East 20.00 feet: thence South 89°-L13'- feet; thence North 89°-43'-b7" East 20.00 feet: thence 117" West 20.00 Peet to the point of beginning, containing 0.01 acre of land more or less. PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT Parcel 21 Tax Key 2221.993 That part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 5 Waukesha and State of Wisconsin, which 1s bounded and North, Range 20 East, In the Clty of Muskego. County of described as Pollows: Parcels 20 k 21 Page 1 of 4 Tax Key 2221.993 Project ID P09-I11 Commencing at the Southwest corner qf said l/4 Section; thence North 8Eo-b7'-42" East along the South llne 9f said 1/11 Section 1395.23 feet: thence North 01°-12'-18" West 1270.12 feet to the point of heglnnlng of the lands to be described; thence South 89°-43'-J17" West 80.00 Peet; thence South 68°-29*-16v9 West 96.44 feet; thence South 56°-'40'-55" West 46.00 feet to the Northeasterly slong said Northeasterly llne 20.08 feet: thence North line of Racine Avenue: thence North 38°-18'-07" West 56°-40'-55" East 49.81 feet: thence North 6E0-29'-16" East 102.26; thence North 89°-43'-47" East 83.75 feet; thence South 00°-16'-13" East 20.00 feet to the point of beginning. containing 0.11 acre or land more or less. It is further agreed that the area previously described for said easement shall be restored by the party of the second part after construction is complete to as near the pre-constructlon condition as 1s reasonably possible. NOW, THEREFORE, it is further agreed that the party of the second part, in conslderation of the right-of-way so granted to It through all the land previously described, hereby covenants and agrees with the party or the first part that It will construct and maintain said Collection System Control and Pbnltoring Facllity and its appurtenances in good order and condltlon and that, In and during the construction of said facility and Its appurtenances and thereafter in and about Its operation, maintenance, repair or reconstruction wlll indemnify and save harmless khe party of the flrst part, Its heirs, successors and asslgns, from all loss or injury to Its property due to such construction, operation. main- benance, repalr and reconstruction, and that no special charge will be made against said lands, for the cost of such construction, operation, maintenance, repair and reconstructlon. The party or the first part reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns. the right to make such use of the lands included in the previously described permanent rights-of-way and to erect such buildings or other structures thereon as wlll not injure or disturb said facility or its appurtenances provided, however, that plans for said improvements be reviewed and approved by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Dlstrict prior to construction. Said approval will not be unreasonably withheld and the revlew will be made in a timely fashion For no charge. Page 2 of 4 Parcels 20 6 21 Tax Key 2221.993 Project ID PO9-111 I " I The conslderation stated above is full payment ror all of the property and/or property rights hereinbefore described and included full cornpensation Cor items of damage set rortli In Sec. 32.09, Wis. Stnts. Compensation for addltional ltems of (damage llster! in Sec. 32.195, Wls. Stats., has not been Included. Such Items if shown to exist require a separate claim by the grantor as provided in Sec. 32.20, Wis. Stats. An appeal from the amount or compensation hereinbefore set forth may be made within six (6) months or the recording of thl3 document a3 set forth in Sec. 32.05(9-12). For the purpose or any such appeal, the amount of compensation hereinbefore stated shall be treated as the award, and the date of taking and evaluation shall be the date of recordlng of this document. Other persons having an interest or record in the property are \erewith listed: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t.he said part,ies as have caused thelr hands and seals to be hereunto fixed. WITNESS: CITY OF MUSKEG0 Jean Marenda, City Clerk STATE OF WISCONSIN ) MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) ) ss Personally came before me this __ Wasne 0. Salentlne and Jean Marenda to me known to be the Mayor and day of , 1991, City Clerk respectively of the Clty of Muskego, who 6y Its authority and on its behalf executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My Commission Expires Notary Public (SEAL) Parcels 20 b 21 Page 3 of 4 Tax Key 2221.993 Project ID P09-I11 Wallace Whit.? Execlltlve Director STATE OF WISCONSIN ) MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) ) ss Personally came bePore me this - Wallace White, Executive Director OF the Milwaukee Metropolltan day of 1991, Sewerage Diatrlct, known to me to be such orricer, and who acknon- ledaed that he executed the PoreEoing lnstrllment on lts behalP ror the-purpose aforesaid and by its authority as such OFFlcer. My Commlssion Expires Not.ary Public, State of Wisconsin (SEAL) for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Dlstrlct. This instrument was drafted by Carl E. Royahn on behalf of and 0077nk Parcels 20 h 21 Page 4 of 4 Tax Key 2221.993 Project ID PO9-111 MS0227.027 MIS OF 0URlNG 'GRID NORTK. WISCONSIN -ATE PWE COORDIHATE SlSTEU. SOUM ZONE I CONTROLS - PHASE 111 ** EASEMENT 0 1/4 SEC. NO. PROJECT: MMSD coLLEcnoN srsm INTEREST: PERMANENT ACCESS ** TAX KEY NO.: 2221.993 DR: RE9 12/07/89 OWNER: c/rr OF MUSKEGO PARCEL: 21 CHK: RAZ I ‘CRIO NORM. WISCONSIN MIS Of BURINC STATE PME COOROINITE ”_”__ ”L. 5YSlEM. SOUTH ZONE .. .~ * CONTROLS - PHASE Ill PROJECT: MMSD COLLECTION SYSTEM TAX KEY NO.: 2221.993 INTEREST: PERMANENT EASEMENT OR: RE9 12/07/89 OWNER: ClW OF MUSKEGO PARCEL: 20 CHK: RAZ