CCR1991243COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #243-91 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC SNOWMOBILE TRAIL WHEREAS, Waukesha County is requesting to construct and maintain a public snowmobile trail in Denoon Park, and WHEREAS, the Park h Recreation Board and the Finance Committee have recommended approval of an agreement for a one year period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute maintain a public snowmobile trail in Denoon Park for a one year the attached agreement to allow Waukesha County to construct and period. DATED THIS 24TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1991. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #243-91 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 9/91cac AGREEHCRT FOR PUBLlC SNOWHOtltLE TRAIL IO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Thin 1" to certlfy thnt WAUKWIIA COUNTY. II UlnconaIn Hunleipnl Corporation. Wnukenhn. Wlnconsln. herelnrtter cnlled the Pernlttec. In hereby permltted nnd Ruthorired hy City of Huskego we the fnllowlng deecrlhed nrcn for the purpose or constructinn nnd maintainlng II puhllc anavmohlle trail twelve feet In width over the folloulnp described renl eatate in myunrter ot Section 31 , 15 N, R 2OE, Tamsld+xaX city of Huskego , Wollkesha tounty,canolnn , herrlnnftcr cnllerl the Ovner, to enter wpm nnd Owner's HnIllng Addreset U182 58200 Racine Avcnue Huskeeo. WI 53150 Telephone number9 ,414) 679-4100 -day of September I 19 E and ending the a dny of fhla permlt shnll be In effect fot B one year geriod commencing the September , 19s. ThIn permlt in mthject to the FoliawInR condltlons! I. Thln permlt la non-trnnalerohle. 2. A11 stumpn, nlnah. waste anterials and other dehrls renultlnu from the permltted lnnd um w1l.l be dlaposed of hy the Frrmtttee. 3. No cuttlng or trimmlnp of trees aha11 be done unleao 6bprnv.d hy the Ovner. 4. A11 slgns. poatlngs nnd other necensary mnrkers #hail he 1nRtn)led nnd malntnlned hy Permlttce. 5. Ovner nhnll Incur no erpensee assminted vlth the Permlttee's construction and naintennnce ot nnid publle nnovmoblie trnll. 6. Thla ap.rccnent el~ntl automntlcnlly he renewed From yenr tn yrnr tmlran elrlwr pncty droll. nt lenst th!ity days prlor to the end of the inltlrl tern. or my sttheequent nnnunl t@rm, give #kitten nntlce to the other of termlnatlnn, 1. 7111~ OKreement ncknovleJgeo thnt the Ovner d!mI) lncwr nn Ilnhlllty naanclnted vlth injury or property damnge to users and thclr equlpmpnt on .old pahllc snovmohlle trsll end that the Permlttec shall defend and hold hsrmlesn for nll actions ant! blsimn ngnlnnt the Owner. unlesw publlc anownohlle trnll. the Ovner sets. places or mnntructe d denaeroun condition on the anld Uaukeuha County Park and PlanninB DeDartnCnt Termlttee Clty of Muskeg" Wnync C. Salentine. !Inynr met Witness ::