CCR1991215COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #215-91 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT TO WEPCO AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City is requesting to maintain WEPCO and Wisconsin Bell utility rights to lands South of Enterprise Drive and East utilities release a certain easement known as a document of Mercury Drive in the Muskego Industrial Park if said recorded with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds as Document No. 1396691 in Reel 845 on Page 970, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee recommends approval of the agreements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute utility rights to lands South of Enterprise Drive and East of the attached agreements to maintain WEPCO and Wisconsin Bell Mercury Drive in the Muskego Industrial Park if the utilities Waukesha County Register of Deeds as Document No. 1396691 in release a certain easement known as a document recorded with the Engineer, City Attorney, and John Henderson. Reel 845 on Page 970 and upon approval of the same by the City DATED THIS 27TH DAY OF AUGUST , 1991. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate Copy Of Resolution #215-91 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8/91cac Omer., and grantor. ,.__, do.%5.. hereby convey unto WIKONSIN ELECTRIC K)WER COMPANY ..~.~.~~~~~~N.-~~~h.,.-.~~~., grnnms, their succewn and onigns. the right.gcrmisrion ond authority to construct. insloli. -rote, reppalr, mdntain and replace conduit and cables un erground. topether with m~W&thcr appurtenant qulpmcnt; also the right to constrat. install. operate. maintain and replace krmt electric pod-mounted tmnsformerls), W electric pad-mounted switch-fuse unit Is), tqether with b9 concrete slab(sl, pedes. tolls). sjmm~;sa&mmin&&and ather necerrnv ond UIUOI appurtenant equipment oh gmund,ail tor the purpe oi transmitting electric energy for light, heat, mer and rignols. or for such other pu- as electric cu~rent is now or my hereafter be used, ond for telephone service upon. ocrou. within and bnmth a strip of land 12 feet in width being a part of its premises in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 5 North. Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisonsin. The right. permission and authority is also granted to each of said grantees, their successors and assigns. to construct, install, operate, maintain and replace electric and telephone underground service laterals in and under the grantor's premises for the purpose of extending electric and telephone service to said premises. Said underground service laterals to be installed at such time and in such locations as grantees. their d"nlWl8eXMek OVER grt to ttn pmmlna of the grantor Is as *horn on the drawing attached hereto, rmrked Erhiblt "A" The Iadlon of the easement kklpl (orso) kmtdkel of the wrement herelnbtore granted wlth re. d mode o mri hereof. ~~a~~WblSXMdu~airr~91arakd~t~~~AQPP~~~an~~~u~~-~u~Ijtx "dcnr5Wdmm~mrnmxz d/or cvl down certoln trees ond/ar brush where wid trees andlor brush interfere with the instollation The rlght, prminlon and aulhority Is olso granted wold grontees, their successors ond assigns, to trim or mintenonce of underground facilities or represent a hazard to such faclllties. The grantor ,.its. bebs. s~cceslors and ossigns. coMnonl ... s.. and agree ... s.. that no building or struchm wlll be erected wer ondlor under or placed in such clae pmximi to soid under round ondlor or any amendments thereto. ab ground electric md telephone focilities os to creote o violation of the &consin Stole Bectrical Code The gmntor.. ~., ._..its. Wpa, successors md ossigns, further covenm..s. and agree ... s. that the elevotlwl of the existing ground surface wlthin the eosement areos will not be altered by more thm four (41 inches without the written consent of grontees. - of exercisin the rlghtsfterein acqulred, but me gronteer ogree to restore or cause to have restored. The grantees and thelr D ents shall have the right to enter the premises of the undersigned for the pur. me premlrcr of tfe undersigned, os nearly os is reomnobly possible, to the condition exirtlng prior to such entry by the grantees or their ogentr. This restorotion. however, does not opply to the initio1 instollotion of =Id under round ondlor obove ground electric focilities or telephone focilities or to any brush or trees hich mayge rcmovedat my timepurruont to the rights hereingronted. It Is understood and agreed thot the entire ogreement of the porties is contoined in this instrument ond that In the event the undersigned seeks to secure electric ondlor ielephonc service from soid lines, such service will be rendered upon the completion and energizing of soid lines. ond then only under the condi- nm of the gmnteer' rules and rcgulotionr ond at the gmntees' outhorired des. SI,^ of 08 parties hereto. This mnt of easement sholl be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successom ond as- successors and assigns, may deem necessary The easement of the City of Muskego recorded in the office Of.the Waukesha County Register of Deeds on December 3, 1987 in Reel 960. Image 1041, as Document No. 1459121 and the interest of the City of Muskego granted pursuant to said easement is hereby subordinated to the interest of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and Wisconsin Bell, Inc. in the above described land only. The City of Muskego may continue to use said portion of the easement, but only to the extent that it does not interfere with the use granted to the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and Wisconsin Bell, Inc. pursuant to this easement -~ "~~ - ~~ ". ~ a 0 I , 1991. Notory Public, --- .-.. owner. .... ond grontoo’. do.’%% hereby convey unto WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY pmntess, their successom and assigns, the right, mission ond outhority to construct, instoll, operote, repalr, rnointoln and reploce cpnduit and cobles un r erground. together wllh mnnkmkrend other op urtenont equlpnent; olso the rlght to construt, instoll, operate, mointom ond reploce hf electric podlmounled tmnrtormerlsl, ~ao):rkrku~~~~Pe~rsitalw~e~e~~, together with id concrete sloblsl, pedes. tolIsI, d~xq~~rnmi$~~uwktxxand other necessary ond usuol appurtenant equipment above pmnd, 011 for the purpae of tronsmitting electrlc energy for light, heat, mer ond signals, or for such olher and bemoth a strip of land 12 feet in width being a part of Lot 1, pu- os electrlc current Is lx~l or moy hereafter be used, and for telephone service upcn, ocross, within Certified Survey Map No. 6411, as recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Waukesha County on April 19. 1991 in Volume 53 of Certified Survey Maps on Pages 98 thrduqh 100, inclusive, as Document No. 1644311, and being a part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. The easement of the City of Muskego recorded in the office of the Waukesha County Register of Deeds on December 3, 1987 in Reel 960, Image 1041, as Document NO. 1459121 and the interest of the City of (Wlraaray;smlkumms~~ddrlz OVER wf to the premlsm of the grantor Is os &own on the drowlng ottached hereto, morked Wlblt “A” The locatlon of the ament bRlpl loreal Isartnltmkof the eosement harelnbefare granted with re- ond mads o part hereof. to construct, Irutoll, opmte, mlntoln and reploca one I I I electrlc and one 11 telephone underground The rlght, prmlulon ond ouhrlly Is olso gmnted to coch of sold gronteq t elr successors and ossignr, sewice latemi in ond under the grontor. ..!.S premises for the purpose of extending electric ond teiephrme yrvice to sold premlses. bld undergmund service loterols to be instolled at such time and In such location as gmnteer, thelr successors and oulgns, moy deem necessary. andfor cul dm csrtaln trees andfor brush where soid trees ondlor brush Interfere wlth the inrtollotlon The right, pcrmlrrlon ond outhority is olso gmnfed aaM grontees, their successors ond nsslgns, to trim or malntemnce of undergmund focllities or reprerent o harord to such foclllties. The gmntor .its.-. .haln; successors and ossigns, covmnont.X. ond ograc-s., . that no bullding or structure will be erected wer ondfor under or ploced In such close pmximl to soid under round ondfor above ground electrlc ond telephone focllities os to creote 0 violation of the asconsin Stote flectricol Code or any ommdments thereto. The gmntor.. ~., .-a~.S...WUS$ successors ond asslgns, further covenant ... si. ond ogree .._ S.. that the elevotirm of the existlng ground rurfoce within the easement oreas will not be altered by more than four (41 inches wlthout the written consent of grantees. paw of exercidn the rightsserein acouired, but the grontees agree to restore or cause to hove restored, The grantees ond thelr o ents hall hove the right to enter the premises of the undersigned for the pur- enty by the gronlees or their ogents. This restoration, however, doer not opply to the initio1 instollation of the premises of tfe undcrslgned. os neorly 3s Is reosombly possible. to the condition existing prior to such sold under round andfor obove ground electric facilities or telephone focilities or to any brush or trees whlch moy%e removedot ony time purruont to the rights hereingronted. that in the event the undersigned seek to secure electric ondlor telephone service from said lines, such It Is understood and ogreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained in this instrument and yrvice will be rendered upon the completion ond energizing of sold lines, and then only under the condi- nons of the grantees‘ rules ond regulations ond ot the gmnteer‘ outhorized rote,. P’ dgns of of parties hereto. This mnt of easement sholl be blnding up~n and inure to the bcneflt of the heirs, succe~~ors ond os- Muskego granted pursuant to said easement is hereby subordinated to the interest of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and Wisconsin Bell, Inc. in the above described land only. The City of Muskego may continue to use said portion of the easement, but only to t.he extent that it does not interfere with the use granted to the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and Wisconsin Bell, Inc. pursuant to this easement. - ~-.__ - ... " . d 1 ~.. VI .... ....... "" .... " -I .... 7" -- " . ....... .. - . ~ .. .. ......... .- ~. .... ..... ." .. .... ... ~ .. " .. ... 8 8 (SEAL) STATE OF WISCONSIN I COUNTY) : 5s