CCR1991106COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #106-91 AUTHORIZING CITY AUDITOR TO PREPARE NECESSARY INFORMATION TO SUBMIT TO PSC AS TO WATER RATES WHEREAS, the City of Muskego owns and operates a water utility subject to rates and charges established by the PSC, and WHEREAS, the last rate review by the PSC occurred in 1988, and WHEREAS, the process of obtaining a rate order encompasses in excess of nine months, and WHEREAS, financial reports prepared by Conley, McDonald, Sprague h Co. indicate the operating revenues of the water utility maintenance, depreciation, and tax equivalent requirements, and historically have been insufficient to cover all operation, WHEREAS, Conley, McDonald, Sprague & Co. needs at least three months preparation time prior to submittal and application to the PSC. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby authorize Conley, McDonald, Sprague & Co. to prepare a report for submittal to the PSC as to water rates. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Conley, McDonald, Sprague & Co. report shall be reviewed by City staff prior to its submission to the PSC. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the attached engagement letter with Conley, McDonald, Sprague h Co. DATED THIS 14TH DAY OF MAY , 1991. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. William T. Simmons Ald. David J. Sanders ATTEST: City Clerk 5/91cac CONLEY McDONALD, SPRAGUE & CO. Certified Public Accountants & Consulranrs Nicholas D Quarraro.C.PA Frederxk L. Llcau. C.PA V~mr N. Weiler, C PA. William B. Volkmann.C.PA. Roberr L. Gundrum. C.PA. Dawd L Donlhue, C PA. Donald N. Vdione. C.PA. Paul A Nownrkt C.PA April 8, 1991 19601 W Bluemound Road PO. Box 0975 Braoklleld. Wisconsm 53008-0975 (414) 796-0701 FAX(414) 796-0422 Kenosha. Wixonm 53140 2106 6lrd Srrect (414) 552-7909 (414)657-6156 FAX(414)657-1314 Mr. Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor City of Muskego W180 S7732 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 Dear Mr. Salentine: We are pleased to submit this letter of arrangement for the assistance we will provide the City with its application to the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) for a water rate increase. This letter is to confirm our understanding of the terms and objective of our engagement and the nature and limitations of the services we will provide. We will coordinate, under the direction of the City Clerk, the preparation of the necessary information to be submitted to the PSC with the application for a rate increase. Our responsibilities will include: 0 Assisting City personnel in the assembly and preparation of various statistical and non-statistical information. 0 Determination of revenue requirements including a rate of return sufficient to 0 Compiling from information you provide, the following projected statements for meet cash flow and debt service requirements. 1991 and 1992 as required by the PSC: 1. Statements of estimated revenues and expenses, 2. Statements of estimated operation and maintenance expenses, 3. Statements of estimated plant asset additions and retirements, 4. Statements of estimated utility plat in service and accumulated depre- 5. Statements of estimated financing sources of utility plant additions. ciation, A compilation of projected financial statements involves assembling financial statements based on management's assumptions and performing certain other procedures with respect to the statements without undertaking to express a conclusion or any other form of assurance on the assumptions underlying such statements. Page 2 City of Muskego April 8, 1991 We direct your attention to the fact that management is responsible for the projected financial statements and the underlying assumptions, and such statements are those of management. Our field work for this engagement will begin in late May or early June of 1991. Completion of this engagement will approximate six weeks form the time the engagement commences. Our fees for this service will be based on the time required by the individuals assigned to the engagement plus direct expenses. Individual hourly rates vary according to the degree of responsibility involved and the skill required. This engagement does not include any services not specifically identified in this letter. Additional services which you may request will be subject to arrangements made at the time of such request. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. We appreciate the omortunitv to serve the City of Muskeao. If this letter correctly expresses your it to us. uiherstanding of the engagement, please sign the enclosed copy where indicated and return Very truly yours, CONLEY. McDONALD. SPRAGUE & CO. W/Y" Donald N. Vilione. CPA Partner DNV/klp:me Enclosures Approved: Name: A/ J Date: '0 May 15, 1991