CCR1991060AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #60-91 APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT, SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT AND LETTER OF CREDIT (Meadow Green West Subdivision Addition No. 2) WHEREAS, a Final Plat has been submitted for the 39-lot Meadow Green West Addition No. 2 of the Gregory Boehm property in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat was approved in Resolution #188-90, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval, subject agencies along with all the concerns of the City Engineer, and to complying with the concerns of all approving and objecting WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Agreement has been recommended for approval by the Finance Committee subject to review by City Attorney and Planning & Development Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Final Plat for the 39-lot Meadow Green West Addition No. 2 of the Gregory Boehm property in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, subject to approval of the City Engineer and all objecting and approving agencies, and receipt of all fees as provided in Section 10 of the Land Division Ordinance, and subject to the adoption of Ordinance #711 and subject to Section XI1 A. being amended to add "water"; to amend word "an" to "and" at the top of Page 2 of the Letter of Credit. Section XIV to insert the amount $303,551; and to correct the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit, as attached, upon the recommendation of the City Attorney and Planning & Development Department. Finance Committee, is hereby approved subject to approval of the DATED THIS 26TH DAY MARCH , 1991. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST: Ald. Harold L. Sanders City Clerk 3/91cac SUBDIVIDERS AGREEMENT This agreement, made this day of between Gregory J. Boehm, Gloria J. Boehm, Gary B. Boehm, and Pamela A. Boehm, the "developer", and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, a Waukesha County, hereinafter called the "City". municipal corporation of the State of Wisconsin, located in , 1990 by and WITNESSETH I WHEREAS, Developer has submitted for approval by the City a proposed final plat for MEADOW GREEN WEST ADDITION #1, a resi- dential subdivision, a copy of which is attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" (the Subdivision); 'and WHEREAS, Section 236.13 of the Wisconsin Statues provides that a,s a condition of plat approval, the governing body of the City may require that the developer make and install certain public ther, may require dedication of public streets, alleys or other improvements reasonable necessary for the Subdivision and fur- ways within the Subdivision, to be conditioned upon the construc- tion of said improvements according to municipal specifications witout cost to said municipality; and WHEREAS, THE City's Engineers have duly approved the Developer's plans and specifications for Subdivision improvement and the Common Council has duly approved and authorized the terms and MEADOW GREEN WEST ADDITION #;t provisions of this agreement and approved the final plat of NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION I. IMPROVEMENTS: The Developer, entirely at its expense, shall: and streets in accordance with the plat of said Subdivision and the plans and specifications attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "B", all in accordance with the City's street specifications. A. Roads and Streets: Grade and improve al1,roads and provide adequate facilities as approved by the City enqineer B. Surface Water Drainage: Construct, install, furnish and Public Works Committe for storm and surface water drainage and specifications attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked throughout the entire subdivision, in accordance with the plans Exhibit "C" . 2. The City shall furnish to the Developer such permits or easements as may be required in any public street 01 water drainage system. property to enter upon and install the above described surface complete syst- water supply and distribution, throughout the entire subdivision, as approved by the City Engineer and in accordance with the plans and specifications attached hereto as Exhibit "Dl'. The cost of the preparation of as-built plans shall be paid by the Developer. C. WATER: Construct, install, furnish, and provide a D. SANITARY SEWER: Construct, install, furnish, and provide a complete sanitary sewage collection system throughout ' the entire subdivision, all in accordance with the plans, specifications and drawings attached hereto as Exhibit "E". The cost of the preparation of as-built plans shall be payed by the Developer. E. LANDSCAPING : 1. Preserve existing trees, whereever possible, in 2. Remove and lawfully dispose of all old barns, the construction of Subdivisions improvements. outbuildings, destroyed trees, brush tree trunks, shrubs and other similar natural growth, and all rubbish. accordance with section 8.13 of the Muskego Land Division Ordinance and Resolution 1IP.C. 72-76. 3. The Developer shall plant street trees in F. ROADSIDE DITCHES: Must meet City of Muskego specifications. e SECTION 11. TIME OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS: comleted by the Developer in total within twelve (12) months of The improvements set forth in Section I above shall be whichever date comes first. the date of this agreement or recording of the final plat, SECTION 111. DEDICATION: Developer shall, wlthout charge to the City, upon compLetlOn Of Subject to all of the other provlslons oE this agreement. the above described improvements, uncondltlonally Rive, erant, convey and fully dedicate the roads and streets, !itom and surface water drainage facLlltLes to the City. lt:1 succ~sso~~ and asslens. forever, free and clear of all encumhrances whatever, together with and including, wlthout limitation because of enurneratlon, any and all land, bulldlngs, structu1:es;maLns. and hereditaments whlch may ln any way he a part of or pertain to condults, plpes llnes plant, machlnerv, equipment, appurtenances such lrnorovements and together wlth any and all necessary easements for access thereto. -2- .. e e a Divlsion OrdLnance. SECTION V. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS : The. Developer shall: A. Easements: Provide any easements on Developer's land deemed necessary by the City Enqlneers be€ore the final plat is stp;ned, provided such easements are so located as not to revder any lot unbulldable or unsaleable. all street signs and posts and the cost o.f their Lnstallation. 8. Street Signs: Reimburse the City for the cost of thls to include all traffic signs. called for by thls agreement to be carried out and performed in a C. Manner of Performance: Cause all construction Rood and workmanlike manner. D. Survey Xonuments: Properlv place and install any survey or other monuments required bv statute or ordinance- restrictions in the form attached hereto, nade a part hereof and E. Deed Restrictions: Execute and record deed ?larked Exhibit "F". City a copv o€ Exhibit "A" showine the street erarle in front Of each lot, the yard grade of the erade of all four corners of each lot. G. Street Lights: Install street 1LRhts in accordance with Section 8.11 H. Sieht Distances: Restricc'lots so that no fence, of the CLtv's Lanf: Division Ordinance. .Jail. hedee, or shrub planting which obstructs sight lines at shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within elevations between Two (2) and Six (6) t<et above the roadways che triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting them at points twency-€tve (25) feet from the property corner, from the intersection of the street PrOPertY intersection of the street lines. or in the case of a rounded llnes extended. F. Grades: Furnish to the Building Inspector of the , SECTION VI. GUARANTEES: The Developer shall guarantee all improvements described in Section I, against defects due to faulty materials or workmanship provided that such defects appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of dedication and acceptance. The Leveloper shall pay for any damages to City property resulting from such faulty materials or workmanship. This guarantee shall not be a bar to any action the City might have for negligent workmanship or materials. Wisconsin law on negligence shall govern such sitation. SECTION VII. 'GENERAL INDEMNITY: In addition to, and not to the exclusion or prejudice of, any provisions of this agreement or documents incorporated herein -3- by reference. Developer shall indemnify and save l~,lr.~Le<.: the City. its offlcers. agents and employees, and shall deFe.111 the same from and against any and all LLahillty, claims, lassu, damages, interest actions, suits, judcrnents, costs, expenses, attorney'.s Eees, and the like to whomsoever owed and by whomsoever and whenever brought or obtained, which may in any manner result from or arise ln the course of, out of, or as a result of the Developer's neRllgent construction or operation of improvements covered thereby, or its vlolatlnn of anv law or name or copywrlte, and lts use of road lmprovements prior to ordinance, the infringement by it of anv paterlt, trademark. trade their formal dedication and acceptance hy the City. hereln, the provlslons of thls aereement shall he for the heneflt of the purchaser oE any lot OK any Lnterest ln any lot or parcel of land in the Subdivision. The Developer agrees that ,in additton to the Cltv's rights SECTION IX. ACCEPTANCE OF WORK AND DEDICATION: As and when the Developer shall have completed the improvenents herein required, and shall dedicate the same to the City as set forth hereln. the same shall be accepted bv the City agreement and as requlred by applicable CLty ordlnances and other if said improvements have been completed.as required by thls applicable law and approved by the City EnEineers. SECTION X EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND PERMIT: land dlsturbine. permit and an erosion control plan tn accordance with the1 requirements of Section 29.06 of the CLt.y's Erosion Control Ordinance (Ord. 1560). The Developer shall submit to the City, an applicatton for a SECTlON XI. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, ETC..: adopt such resolutions, and execute such documents as may be necessarv to permlt Developer to construct the lmprovements ln accordance wlth plans'and speciElcatlons called for by this aereement, upon Developer's complfance wlth any deposit provlslons or other requirements oE the appllcahle ordinances or obtainine similar permits, resolutlons and documents as mav be regulatlons; and the City shall cooperate wlth Developer Ln necessarv fron other authorltles havlnR j~u~lsdictlon in the premlses. l..The City shall, within its authorltv, issu.e such permlts, 2. 'The Cicy shall, as a condition oE the Developer - f, - executing this agreement, make available to the Developer or its nominee successors or assigns, building permits for the , construction of single family residences subject to the pro- visions of Section XII. SECTION XII. BUILDING AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS: It is expressly understood and agreed that no occupancy permits . be issued either for the said model homes, or any other homes, until the City's Engineers have determined that: ' A. llle Sewer and surface water drainage facilities requlrefl to Sene such homes are connected with an operating system as required The Developer shall be allowed to construct model homes. as sufficient io service the traffic reasonably anticipated during the period,prior to the date when the roads must be completed and dedicated. SECTION XIII. CONDITIONS AND IEGULRTIONS: by reference, and all such provisions shall bind the parties hereto and be a part of this agrecment as fully as if set forth at lenpth herein. 'Illis agreement and all work and improvements required hereunder shall be performed and carried out in strict accordance with and subject to the provisions of said ordinances. All the provisions of the City's ordinances are incorporated herein - SECI'ICN XIV. FINANCIAL GUNWEE -5- be signed by their appropriate officers and their seals to be hereunto af- fixed in duplicate original counterparts on the day md year first written above. IN WITNESS WEREOF, Developer and City have caused this agreement to DEVELOPER CITY OF MUSKEG0 mRY J. B By : WAYNE G. ShLENI'JMi, Mayor By : GLORIA J. BOEIM JEAN EWNIIA, Clerk B. -6- TRI CITY NATIONAL BANK 0, MY. CO.*l" IRREVOCABLE STANDBY DOCUMENTARY CREDIT CREDIT NO. 342 DATE: March 27, 1991 AMOUNT: $303,551.00 APPLICANT: Gregory J. Boehm and Gloria J. Gary B. Boehm and Pamela A. Boehm, husband and wife, and Boehm, a partnership S81 W16964 Woods Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 BENEFICIARY: City of Muskego DATE: June 27, 1992 8200 S. Racine Ave. Dear Sirs: We hereby issue this irrevocable documentaty credit in your favor (the beneficiary's) which is available by beneficiary's draft(s) at sight drawn on Tri City National Bank. Each draft accompanying documents must state "Drawn under Tri City National Bank Documentary Credit No. 342." This Standby Credit is to provide security to the City of Muskego for the perdom- ance of Gregory J. Boehm and Gloria J. Boehm. husband and wife, and Gary B. Boehm and Pamela A. Boehm, a partnership, obligations under that certain Agreement dated between the City of Muskego and applicants. DRAFTS ARE TO BE ACCOMPttUIED BY: A statement signed by the Mayor of the City of Muskego stating that Gregory J. a partnership, have failed to complete the construction of all the improvements in Boehm and Gloria J. Boehm, husband and wife, and Gary B. Boehm and Pamela A. Boehm, Section I in accordance with said Agreement. Said statement shall set forth the estimated amount necessary for the City of Muskego to complete such improvements. CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO (2) WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS STANDBY CREDIT e 5353 Sooth 108th Slreer Hales Corners, Msconsin 53130 -114-125-3200 FAX 125-1328 -~ ~ E 2, AN INTEGRAL PART OF STANDBY CREDIT NO. 342 ATED March 27, 1991 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: The total amount of this Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit shall be reduced as per the City of Muskego's inspection an approval of payment as work is completed. This standby credit will terminate on the27th of June 1992 provided, however, Tri City National Bank shall give written notice to the beneficiary of I its intention to terminate this standby credit at least 90 days prior to said 27th d day of June 1992. 6 1? ? After said, date, this letter of credit can only terminate upon 90 days written notice to the beneficiary. It is hereby agreed by all parties hereto that the reference to "Agreement" is any manner to require Tri City National Bank to inquire into its terms and for identification purposes only and such reference shall not be construed in obligations. We encourage with you that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored if presented on or before the expiry date. This original Standby Credit must be submitted to us together with any drawings hereunder for our endorsement of any payments effected by us and/or for cancellation. The amounts drawn under this Letter of Credit shall not exceed $303,551.00. 0 This credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce, Publications 400. Very truly yours, TRI CITY NATIONAL BANK Gregory J. Jurasovich Loan Officer GJJ/bj