CCR1991006i i h , Excerpts of Minutes of Meeting of Common Council Held January 8, 1991 City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsln, was held in open A duly-convened meeting of the Common Council of the session upon due notice on January 8, 1991 and called to order by the Mayor at 7:56 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. The following Aldermen were preaent: Duke, Hilt, Patterson, D. Sanders, H. Sanders, Simmons, Taube The following Aldermen were absent: None absent. open meeting of the Common Council. Notice of this meeting was given to the public at least 24 hours prior to the meeting by forwarding the complete agenda to the official City newspaper, the Muskevo Sun, and to all new8 media who have requested the available for inspection at the City Clerk's office. Anyone same as well a6 posting. Copiee of the complete agenda were desiring information as to forthcoming meetings should contact the City Clerk's office. (Here occurred bueinese not pertinent to the bond issue.) It was moved by Alderman It and seconded by The Mayor opened the meeting by announcing that this wa~ an Alderman Dumke to adopt the following initial resolution: INITIAL RESOLUTION authorizing not to exceed $5,000,000 bond@ of the City of Muskego; RESOLVED that the City oi Muekego, Waukeeha County, Wisconsin, borrow an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 by issuing ita general obligation bonds projects by paying part of the City'e share of the for the public purpose of financing eowerage cost of capital projects undertaken by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, pursuant between the City and the District. to an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Upon roll call vote, the following Aldermen voted aye: Dumke, Hilt, Patterson, D. Sanders, H. Sanders, Simmons, Taube. and the following Aldermen voted no: None Clerk recorded the same, Whereupon, the Mayor declared the resolution adopted and the It was moved by Alderman Dumke and seconded by Re6OlUtiOn NO. 64.- 9 1 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE Alderman H. Sanders , to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS an initial reeolution has been adopted by the Common Council of the City and it is now necessary that said initial resolution be published to afford notice to the ref3idelltE of the City of its adoption; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall, within 15 days, publish a notice to the electors in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A in the official City Wie. State. newspaper, the Muskeqo Sun, as a class 1 notice under ch. 985, On roll call vote, the following Aldermen voted aye: Dumke, Hilt, Patterson, D. Sanders, H. Sanders, Simmons, Taube. and the following voted no: Nwne. Whereupon, the Mayor declared the reeolution adopted. (Here occurred business not pertinent to the bond issue,) It wan moved by Alderman Hilt and seconded by 1 Alderman H. Sanders to adjourn. Motion carried, Attest 1 Approved : Mayor -2- STATE OF WISCONSIN Milwaukee Collnly CITY OF MUSKEG0 Ofti&& Notice 1 ) ss. ) OF MUSKEGO. WSCONSIN NOTICE TO ELECTORS OF THE CITY following initial resolution has been adopted NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN that the at the meeting of the Common Council of the City of Muskego, held January 8, 1991; Resolution X 6-91 NOT TO EXCEED $5,000,000 BONDS OF JNITIAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 Waukesha County, Wimonsin. borrow an RESOLVED that the City of Muskego, amount not to ex4 $5.OOO,OOO by issuing its general obligation bonds for the public purpose of financing sewerage projecta by paying part of the City’s share of the cost of capital projecta undertaken by the Milwau- kee Metmpolitm Sewerage District, pur- suant to an Intergovernmental Cmperation trict. Agreement between the City and the Dis- The Wiaconain Statutes (8. 67.05(7Xh)) provide that the initial resolution need not be submitted to the electors unless within 30 days after adoption of the initial resolution a petition is filed in the City Clerk‘s ofice besigned byelectors numberingat least 10% requesting a referendum. This petition must of the votes cast for governor in the City at the last general election. By Order of the Common Council Dated this 8th day of January, 1991. Jean K Marenda, City Clerk ludith Ziolkowski being duly sworn, dolh depose and say lhal he is an authorized represenlalive of The . E!.:Lskr!Eu Sun . . .............. a newspaper puhlished al ... thakctio. ............. Wisconsin and lhal an advertisemenl of which lhe anfiexed is a QIIC copy, laken horn said paper. was published lhelein on , ......................... .......................... .. :. . .,>fib : .? .:w ........ ........................... ......................... My Commission expires: ..... .APRIL. 13. . 19.93