CCR1989314AMENDED RESOLUTION #314-89 APPROVAL OF 1990 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached amended Sewer Utility Budget for 1990. DATED THIS 12th DAY OF December , 1989. a ATTEST : City Clerk 12/89 jz Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #314-89 APPROVAL OF 1990 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET of the City of Muskego, upon the Committee, does hereby approve the Budget for 1990. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1989. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke / Ald. Daniel J. Hilt / Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : '_ . Y m/? YOR PRELINIINARY EMT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY me /d L2-h $7 , TP 19 90 CONTENTS Schedule STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPEHSE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES SCEEDULE OF ACTUAL AND PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL AVAIMLE FOR SEWER UTILI'X FUTURE DEBT SERVICE 1988, 1989 and 1990 SEWER UTILITX BUDGET - WORKING CAPITAL BASIS ! SEWER UTILLTY S?ECIAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 0 .- 3 4 5 ". . Operatinz revenues Sever service charges Miscellaneous revenues Total operating revenues Operating expenses Operation and maintenance: * :4iluaukee kletropolitan Sewerage District Capital charge User charge Town oi Norway charges Supervision and labor Naincenance: * Supplies and expense Building and structures General plant equipment (safety equipment) Sewage collection system Electricity Transportation expenses Customers' account expenses - accounting and collection General eu?enses: Office salaries Employees' pensions and benefits Unemployment compensation Off ice supplies ana experlses Outside services * * Depreciacion Total operation and maintenance Total operating expenses Nec operating income (loss) Add non-operating income City subsidies Interest from investments Tocal noa-operacing income Income before non-operating expenses Seduct con-operating expenses interest charges on long-term debt hmrcizacion of debt discount Amorcizacion of extraordinary property losses Xmortizacion of contracc costs Total ma-operacing expenses 938,695 335,926 46,669 1,521 1,163 10,105 35,342 1,079 64,488 - 5,689 17,753 11,656 35,566 70,654 1,511,341 257.937 - 1,763.27a (20,799) 622,550 86,922 709,422 688.623 461,481 3,214 91 .805 Net income (loss) * Setails on Schedule 2 D 0 !- t I ! I Aug.31,1989 Actual 1,735,959 2.615 1,738,574 1,005,190 150,378 18,211 882 29,451 3,483 191 12,432 19,610 531 1,240,359 - 5,219 11,051 - 2.598 51,733 70,651 1,311,010 - 1,311,010 427,564 - 38,950 88,950 516.514 20.397 - - - 20,397 496.117 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEUER UTILITY STATEKEhT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 1989 1.7a7,ooo 1.787.100 Projected LOO 1.005,ZOO 380,000 70,000 4,600 4,8UO 21,000 25,000 40,000 3,000 1,600,300 6,000 6,000 23,000 2,000 16, GdO 87,000 134,000 48,000 I, 740,800 2,010,8UO 270,000 (223,700) 650,600 100.000 750,600 526,900 509,500 91,300 3,200 $2,000 ti46,SOO (119.600) 1990 BUDGET 1989 Adopted Budget 1,829,365 6,120 1,835,485 1,002,000 380.000 83,500 5,500 4,000 30,000 42,000 3,000 1,599,000 7,000 7,000 23,000 22,000 2,000 62,300 136,000 1,742.000 250,000 1,992.000 48, ooo 1,000 (156,515) boo, 000 40,000 640,000 483,485 191 ,000 76,800 1,600 269,400 214.085 - Comptroller. / 1990 Proposed Budge c 1,816,000 100 1,816,~o 1,163,600 420,000 50,400 0,ouo 4,500 4,000 42,000 30,000 5,000 1,805,500 6,300 6,300 20,000 26, 800 2,000 87.7ilU 80. ooo 142,801) 1,954,600 2,234,600 zao , ooo (418,500) 830,100 4d,000 870, LOO 451,600 485,000 3,200 91,800 42,000 622,000 (170,400) DRAFT COPY Schedule 1 1990 Adop e ed Budget I Operacion and maintenance: Supplies ana expense: Operacing supplies Chemicals I ~ General expense: Supplies Other general expense Telephone and comunications Compuc.er expense Insurance Office supplies and expenses: Outside services hccouncing Legal Engineering Other outside services FLOU contribution mSD Capital charge (escimated 2 $387,853,000 cd $3.00) 1988 Actual $ 201 1.320 $ 1.521 .* !j 50U 439 252 7,927 2,538 $ 11.b56 $ 8,750 4,248 598 970 21,ouo $ 35.566 - N/A i Aug.31,1989 Actual 357 525 882 ._. 19 211 1,989 379 2.598 - 3,700 5,746 337 42,000 51.783 - N/A CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY DETAILED SCEEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES 1990 BUDGET 1989 Projected 600 4,000 0.600 .. 500 500 10,000 3,000 2.000 16.000 a, ooo b ,300 7,000 3,000 63,000 87.000 YIA 1989 Adopted Budge t 500 5,000 5.500 500 500 14,000 4,000 3,000 22,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 7,300 53,000 82.000 NIA Comptroller 1990 1990 Proposed Ado;, c ed Budget audget 1,000 5,000 6.000 500 500 12,800 11,000 2,000 26.800 9.000 7,000 700 8, 000 03,000 87.700 ";6eer 1.163.600 kBzm?T- i Net income (loss) Add - Collection of’ special assessments Capital paid in by City Concributions-in-aid of construction Rescricted assecs Long-term debt .. )epreciation Funds generated (ucilized) from Special Revenue Fund .mrtization - Less Increase in rescricced assecs - debt Replacemenc Fund Reserve paymrnts Principal paymencs on debc Fixed assets purchased Decrease in deferred credits Special assessments receivable Other Projected working capital increase (decrease) P’, beginning of year I P-, end of year Sorking capical - Sever ‘Jtiliey Cash and investuents - City Special Revenue Fund for future Sewer Utility debc service Projected working capical available 1988 xccLla1 $ 90,186 - 24,200 808,042 (2) 1,289,300 (1) 2.57>,937 166,956 - 7,433 2,553,668 790,666 26,350 428,969 862,706 (3) 334,213 5,793 39,740 2,4a3,437 155,b17 b47,724 s 803.341 190,744 612,597 $ 803.341 1989 Projected (119,600) unnt I wry CITY UF MUSKEW SEWER llTILITY SCHEDULE OF ACTUAL AND PROJECTED WRKING CAPITAL AVAILABLE FOR SEWER UTILITY FUTURE DEBT SERVICE Schedule 3 Years ended December 31, 1988, 1989 and 1990 30,500 58,230 (4) 156,800 (6) 281,325 (5) 270,000 137,000 40,588 - 974,443 26,350 429,000 310,233 (7) 139,300 (6) - - 904,883 (50,040) 803,341 753.301 100,116 653.185 753.301 Comptroller Proposed Budger 1989 19 90 Xdopced Budget 214,085 (170,400) 200,000 (11) 800,000 (10) - 250,000 7&, 400 (140,000) 1,188.400 26,350 339,325 811,4(38 (12) 200,000 - - - 14,000 147,700 1,000,000 (9) 800,000 (8) 280,000 137,000 (100,000) - 2,278,700 - 26,350 480,500 1,600,000 200,000 - - 1,377,063 25 ,$02 942,050 2,306,850 (198,550) 753.301 967.452 5%. 751 ANALYSIS OF PROJECTED WORKISG CAPITAL 594,288 1,566 373.16L 553,185 967.452 554.751 199d Adopted Budge t urwr I LUpf Schedule 3 CITY OF HUSKECO SEWEa UTILITY SCHEDULE OF ACNAL AND PROJECTED bi3RKIiJG CAPITAL AVAILABLE FOR SEWER UTILITY FUTURE DEllT SERVICE (continued) Years ended December 31, 1988, 1989 and 1990 Sotes: (1) Represents borraring for: BellviewlBayLane Hillendale extensions Uaste Hanagemeat sever project Other (2) Represents the follwing: Developer contributions Special assessuents: Bellviev/Baylane $ 304,566 Hillendale 99,031 Other .> (3,647) (3) Represents the following: Bellviev/Eaylane project Billendale Developer inscalled projects Sewer Lift Station modificacions Other projects financed by debt Equipment TKUCK Less prior year construction in progress (4) Represents TIF payment of principal on debt (5) Represencs 1989 borrowing: Woods Road (i4ystic eo Durham) Capping Northeast Lift Coscs of borrowing (6) Represents special assessments on Woods Road (Hystic to Durham), and Krause Facilities Plan (7) Represencs projeccs noted in (5) above, and Krause Facilicies Plan of $17,500 computer equipment of $11,408 (8) Represents use of 1988 borrmed funds classified as restricted assets -* . .~ .. -. . "" - "" ~ "" .".... . - - ~. - $ 329,745 112,938 816,000 30,617 $ 1.289.300 $ 408,072 ., 399,970 $ 808.042 $ 329,745 112.938 $08,072 78,552 $ 8b2.706 $ 230,OOd 1,325 $ 291.325 50, 000 $ 139,300 17,500 $ 156.800 Schedule 3 SCtIEDULL OF ACTUAL AND PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL AVAILABLE FOR SEWER UTILITY FUTURE DEBT SERVICE (concluded) Years ended December 31, 1988, 1989 and 1990 Notes: (continued) (9) Represents contribution from Waste Management and assessmnts: Cash $ 650,000 RCA Other Special Assessments Amount payable from Waste Nanagement 800,000 200,000 150,OocI $ 1.000.000 (10) Represents borrowing for sever project to Waste Xanagement. (11) Represents assessable portion of :he project referred to in (10) aDove. 2 (12) Represents capitalized cost for project in (10) above and computer equipenc of $11,408. A) Operacion, maintenance, capital ouclay and replacmenc budgec * 1988 1988 audget Accual Revenues - net user charges and miscellaneous revenues $ 658,850 586,996 I Expenditures Local replacement and outlay purchases Local operacion and mincenance kWMSD/Nomay operarion and cminteaance Total expendi cures Projecced working capital balance increase (decrease) .A Projected €unds available, beginning of year Projected funds available, end of year 254,500 190.051 26.350 26.350 378,000 370,595 65a,a50 586,996 8) Debt service budget I ! Revenues TLF payments Unit assessmnts Inicial construccion fee RCA fee General taxes Special assessment colleccion Incerest income User fees Total revenues Expe3dicures Transfer to Cicy Revenue bonds and advances - P 5 L NMSD capital payment Debc paymnc to Nomay Other Tocal expenditures Projected working capital balance increase (decrease) Projecced funds available, beginning of year Projected funds available, end of year $ 140,000 145,000 50,000 10,000 100,000 50,000 L ,046.580 1,541,580 - 164,835 488,582 977,258 12,000 - 1,642.675 (101,095) 754,897 $ 653.802 186,700 245,933 83, ooo LOU ,000 - 125,422 70,039 1,155,887 1,966,981 890,450 938,695 (29,731) 12,000 - 1,811,364 155,617 647,724 803.341 i Schedule 4 CITY OF HUSKECO SElJEK UT1LI.n 1988, 1989 AND 1990 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET - WORKING CAPITAL BASIS 1989 Adopted Budget 764,758 312,000 37,758 415.000 764.758 - - - 140,000 140,000 50,000 10,000 100,000 60,000 1.070.727 1,570,727 - 330,325 200, ti00 1,002,000 13.000 - 1,545,325 25,402 S42.050 967.452- 1989 Projected 760,3 58 307,600 37,758 415.000 760,358 .I Comptroller 1990 Proposed Budge t 803,350 320,600 26,350 456.400 803,350 378,830 32, a22 100,000 140,000 30,500 1,026,742 1,906,660 154, 206 43,550 938,550 1,005.200 13,000 - - 1,956.700 (50,940) 803,341 753.301 577,800 125, 000 40,000 Y5.000 10,000 70,000 14,000 1,012,750 1.944.55a 9bj,500 1,163,600 14,000 - - 2,143.100 (198,554) 753.301 554.751 1990 Adopced Budget Revenues Regulation and compliance revenues - initial Public improvement revenues: construction fee Special assessments .. RCA fees Commercial revenues - interest earned Total revenues Zxpenditures Excess of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Incerfunt transfer frm TU Special Revenue Fund Transfer from General Fund Transfer co Utility - City service revenues Total ocher financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other financing sources over (under) axpenditures and ocher uses Fund balances, beginning of year Fund balances, end of year $ 83,000 245,933 - 38.500 367,433 - 367,433 100,000 (6i)O,OOO) (360,000) 7,433 005,164 $ 611.597 1989 Adopted Budget 50,000 140,000 10,000 20,000 220,000 Aug.31,1989 Actual 43,500 154,266 32,822 30,000 260,588 .- - 220.000 140,000 (600,000) (360.000) 100,000 (140,000) 513,164 373.164 260,588 - LOO, 000 (330,000) (230,000) 30,513a 612,597 643.185 1989 Projected 43,500 154,266 32,822 40,000 270,5811 - 270,588 - (330,000) (230.000) 100,000 49,588 612,597 633.185 Comptroller 1990 Proposed Budget 40,000 125,000.. 30,000 10,000 205,000 - 205,000 - (400,000) 95,000 (305,000) (100,000) 653.185 553.185 1990 kdop t ed Budget