CCR1989215c COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO KESOLUTION #215-89 APPKOVAL OF CEKTIFIED SURVEY MAP (Strike - Town of Norway) WHEREAS, a certified survey map was submitted on July 20, 1989 for a four parcel division of the Kichard Strike property in the NW quarter of Section 18 in the Town of Norway, and WHEKEAS, this property is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval of the proposed division. THEKEYORE, BE IT KESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does herebv amrove the Certified Survey MaD submitted for a ~ ~~ four parcei dibision of the Richard Strike hroperty in the NW quarter of Section 18 in the Town of Norway. HE IT FUKTHEK KESOLVED that this aDoroval is subiect to receipt of the $50.00 submittal fee. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF August , 1989. ._ - Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ATTEST : City Clerk -. L 'U CERTIFIED BURVEY MAP NUHBER BURVEY MAPS, PAGES THROUGH OF CERTIFIED , DOCUWENT WUMB6R A DIVISION OF LANDS IN TIE NORTIIEAST ONR OUARTER OF TllE NORTHWEST ONE , BEING QUARTER OF SECTION 18, 'IOWNSIIIP 4 NORTII. RANGE 20 EAST OF THE FOURTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN THE'TOWN OF NORWAY, RACINE COUNTY, WISCONSIN. TllE REFBRENCE MERIDIAN IN TllE BAST LINE OF TllE NORTIIWEST ONE OUARTER OF SKCTION 18-4-20 EAST BBARING NORTII 0'-18"35'' WEST. STATE PLANE COORDIN&TE SYSTEM. SOUTH 1ONE. GRID BEARING. OWNERS: RICHARD L DOROTHY STRIKE SURVEYOR: ROB6RT N. RETZLAFP 1 voLunn \,\ \ LOT AREAS Road RIW Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Total Lot 4 0 I set I Inch by SOUARE FEET 12,706.4904 36,162.1852 36,450.6965 36.138.8070 37,027.2969 159.085.4760 I4 Inch Iron MILWAUKEU. Y1 5322 4842 NORTH BETH STREET 414-464-4638 ACR6S 0.2917 0.8302 0.8368 0.8434 0.0500 3.6521 \ at 1.13 pounds per foot SCALE I Inch - 80.00 feet PAGE 1 OF 3 PAGES d CBRTIFIED SURVEY MAP RESTRICTION: THESE LOTS WAY NOT BE FURTHER SUBDIVIDED INTO SMALLER PARCELS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE TOWN OF NORWAY BOARD.