CCR1989069COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #69-89 FINAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INSTALLATION OF WATER IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY (Valley/Ann Drive Water Main Assessment Area - Assmt. District WF, Project MW-7-89) WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, held a public hearin at the City Hall at 7:OO p.m. on the 14th day of March, 1989, for the purpose of hearing all interested persons concerning the preliminary resolution and report of the City Engineer on the proposed water improvements within the area persons who desired to speak at the hearing: described below and shown on the attached map and heard all All that part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9, Town 5 Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, All those properties that abut the following described centerline; commencing at the intersection of centerline of Janesville Road and Valley Drive; thence southerly along the centerline of Valley Drive 600.45 feet more or less to the point of termination, together with all those properties that abut the following described centerline; commencing at the intersection of centerlines of Valley Drive and Ann Drive; thence westerly along the centerline of Ann Drive 370.00 feet more or less to the point of termination, together with the parcel of land known as Tax Key No. 2195.951 and described as W181 57718 Ann Drive. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. That the report of the City Engineer and any amendments or modifications thereto pertaining to the above-described public improvements, including plans and specifications therefor is adopted and approved. That the City of Muskego has or shall advertise for bids and shall carry out the improvements in accordance with the report and any amendments or modifications thereto of the City Engineer. That payment for the improvements be made by assessing the and any amendments or modifications thereto. cost to the property benefited as indicated in the report That assessments shown on the report and any amendments or modifications thereto, representing an exercise of the police power, have been determined on a reasonable basis and are hereby confirmed. a Resolution #69-89 Page 2 5. That Resolution #175-86, as amended, and Resolution #266-86 mains for the City of Muskego, which is hereby made a part established an assessment policy for construction of water of this resolution. Pursuant to Section 5.5 of said policy, deferred assessments and installment payments shall be as follows: A. The properties which are subject to this assessment shall be eligible for a deferred assessment on the following terms and conditions: (1) Payment of the entire cost of the lateral on or before the first November 1st after the final assessment resolution or in two annual installments with interest at 8% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on the first November 1st after the final assessment resolution and said first installment being due on the first date when real those properties under Subsection (3)(c) of this estate taxes are due and annually thereafter except resolution dealing with deferrals, which shall pay the entire assessment as stated in (3)(c). (2) The assessment (other than lateral charge or the entire assessment for [3l[c] property) shall be deferred until the occurrence of the first of the following events: (a) Election by an owner of the property affected must be made in writing on or before the first to commence payment of the assessment which November 1st after water is available or is deemed waived. (b) Sale of any interest in the property. (c) Upon issuance of a building permit for major expansion of commercial or industrial property which is an expansion costing a total of $25,000.00 or more. (d) As to unimproved property, upon issuance of a building permit as to that portion of the property being improved. (e) On connection of the property to the water system on or before the first November 1st after water is available to the property. - 0 Resolution 1/69-89 Page 3 (f) On connection of the property to the water water is available to the property, but only system after the first November 1st after if connection is voluntarily made, made for a reason now requiring connection under the present City ordinance or connection made because of a future governmental requirement other than a requirement imposed solely at the discretion of the City of Muskego. (3) Upon the occurrance of the first of the above assessments shall be paid as follows: events referred to in Susection (2) above, the (a) As to occurrence (d), prior to issuance of building permit. (b) As to occurrence (b), upon sale. (c) As to occurrence (a) or (e), on the first November 1st after said occurrence or in ten (10) annual installments with interest at 8% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on assessment resolution and said first the first November 1st after the final installment being due on the first date when real estate taxes are due and annually thereafter. (d) As to occurrence (c) or (f) , on the first November 1st after the occurrence or in ten (10) annual installments with interest at 8% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on the first November 1st after connection and said first installment being due on the first annually thereafter. date when real estate taxes are due and (4) That there shall he interest charged on all deferred assessments at the rate of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance from the first November 1st after the final assessment resolution. This shall be the initial rate for the first five (5) years and shall continue to be the interest rate until paid except that the City shall review the interest said rate at any time after the initial five years. rate after five years and may make adjustments in .0 Page 4 Resolution #69-89 (5) In any event, all assessments or installments which are not paid by the date specified above shall be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property and all proceeds in relation to the connection, return and sale of property for delinquent real estate taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. 6. That the City Clerk shall publish this resolution as a Class 1 Notice in the assessment district and mail a copy of this resolution and a statement of the final assessment against the benefited property to every property owner whose name appears on the assessment roll whose post office address is known or can with reasonable diligence be ascertained. DATED THIS 28th DAY OF March , 1989. CITY OF MUSKEG0 WAYNE G. SALENTINE, Mayor I ATTEST : City Clerk 3/89 jz PUBLISHED: April 13, 1989 .. :g '50. .Y . :u . 4" VI ? "._.-I- " ." with the parcel'bf land' known as T&- Key No. 2195.951 and desciibed as W181 S7718 Ann Drive. NOW, TI$EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cbmmon Council of the City of, Muskego.as follows: 1. That the report ofthe City Engineer and any. amendments or .modifications thereto pertaining tb thi.' abbv&de&ribed public improvements, includi,@,plans.and.specifi- -._ . eations therefor^ is adopted and approved. - ddvkrtiie for bids and:~shall carry out the 2...That the.jty of,Munkego has or shall. i&ov&ent6 iG-iccordanee iiith the rewrt: - ClTY OF niVSkEC0 ., i- .~C - c. .COMMON COUNCIL. RESOLUTION # 69-89 ,. . CITY OF MUSKEG0 FINAL. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZJNG INSTALLATION OF WATER IMPROVE- MENTS AND LEVYING SPECIAL AsSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEPTPED PROPERTY (ValleyIAnn Drive Water Main Assessment Area" ksamt. Disiriet WF. pioject MW-7-89) City of Muskego. Wiseonsin, held' a public WHEREAS, the Common Council bf the hearing at.the City Hall at 7:OO P.m. an the hearing all interested .persons. concerning 14th day of March. 1989, for the purpose of the preliminary fesolution.and report of the City Engineer, on.,the ,proposed water impravemen* within the area aescribed below and shown on the-attached map and the hearing: heard dl persons who desired to speak at S&on 9, Town 5 North, ,Range 20 Emt, All that part of the Southwest 114 of City of Muskego, Waukesha'Co'knty, Wis. .consin. bounded.and described m.follows: ingdescribed'centerline;.c?mmencingat the 'All those properties that abut the follow- mid Valley Drive;,then&.aoutherlyalong the intersection of centerline 6f.Janesville Road centerline of Valley Drive 600.45 feet more or lesa to the point of termination, hiether with all those propertikg that. abut -the atj the.iniersection of centerlines of Valley following describid centerline; .iomi&ncing Drhe and Ann Drive; thence wbaterly&ng +harPntnr~inn nf nnve 9711 on f-~, moTe - __. :shall pay.the entim akeeynent as stated in (3XC). " - ' '~ -. . ;INSERT-& HERE (2),.The assessment ;(other 'than lateral ! char&or',the:,entiri. aisesmnent for [31[c] prop+y).:ahaIl be 'defhrrkd until the ~CUF rence of-the.fiiist-~the~lt~~~~ve~t~-, . (a) Election'.by ari bwner of'thk bio&y affected to 'cornmehe payment bf, the. assessment which.must be made in writing on or. before the fist November 1st &r i (b).Sale of any interest in the property. (e) Upon inauance.of e',building permit for major:expansion of cimemrcial or industrial, total of $25,000.00 or mbre. pfoperty wliich is an expansion meting ti (dl An Lo .wimproved property..mpon issuance. of a, building-perrqit-as to. that portion of'the property being'improved. (e) On conneciion 'of the property to the ,water system on.~qr before the Kist Noyeni- 'ber 1st after. water is available to ~thd (0 'On connection of jh~. p~pcrty,,~to the {pater syntem~..after the&gt.NovSmber 1st .aRer waterJis available'to the proper&yi.but only, if,mnnection is'voluntarily made, made ifor a reason now requiring connection undei .{he ,present"City ordinance or connection made because. ,oE~ a future governmental, 'requirement other than a requirenient Muskeeo. imposed solely at the discretion of the City of : water:is available or is deemed waived. property. .. :determilled specfically,by Resolution X-69- '-%9.frovided by Sectio&66.5+ of the Wiricon- !;pin,Statutes, Gith interest,thereon at'eight percent'(8%) per year, that all-assessherits ;:eligible for installments,will be F?llected in rinstel!ments aa ab$ provied <xc?pt such assessments on property. wherethe.owner of - ,> written:,n&ic& thaC,c elects td 'pay the I t 'the. same shall filq,wjth the Cit);.Clerk a ' ijng the'sme, .E the City,'T<easurer on or befoerNovemiierl,,1989,.or,Novemberlatof a'later year m'deterpiheil by .Resolution propertyoy,Le< fails to hake the payment to X 69-89:df aRer,making.iuc6-6lection said .place the ,entire assessment on the next ,the City Tre,aeurer, .the 'City Clerk shall " +cialajaessment on his properly. describ- ,of building bermit. (b) Aa.tbaccurrence (b), upon sale. (c) As,@tqoCcurrance (a) 6r (e), an the first ~ NovemGFlst aFtei said occuTnce'br in ten : (10) annual installments with interest a 8% ; ing on the first November 1st aRer the final ' per annum on the unpaid balance commenc- , a~sessment resolution-and baid first install- ment, being due on the first date when real i ter. {state taxes are due and annually thereaf- td) As to occurrence (e) or (0. an the first November 1st~aRer the Currence ar-imten (10) annual installments with interest at 8% 1; 'per annum on the unpaid balance cornh?ne- ing on, the first November 1st.after bonnet-. ,.! tion ani said first installment being due 0" , , the fifnt date when real egtate taxes are die mid annually thereafter. (4) That there shall intereet'charged on , all deferred .assLasm&ts at the rate of 8% pr mnUm:on. theunpaid balance from the, .first.November 1st a&r the final.sssesa- in'ent regolutibh. This atiall:be th8 initial rate.. I CITY OF MUSKEGO ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS 1. 2. 3. The basis for water main assessments shall be the assessable linear footage of frontage of each benefitted property within an assessment district, computed as per the following requirements. Water main and appurtenances assessable and non-assessable costs. A. B. C. D. The A. The front foot assessment for residential, commercial and equivalent size water main required to serve the industrial zoned properties shall be based on the respective assessment district in accordance with Sections NR 111 and PSC 185 Wisconsin Administrative-Code district. The assessment rates shall be as determined to service all properties within the assessment accepted by the Common Council, unless actual cost per from time to time by the Public Utilities Committee and shall be the lessor amount. Water mains in public right- linear foot of frontage is less, then the assessment of-ways and within easements shall be assessed back to the respective assessment district as directed by the City. Assessable water main costs shall include the total costs stations for area-wide pressure improvements as required for water mains, valves, hydrants, pressure booster by state agencies, and related appurtenances. Costs costs such as pavement repair and landscaping and involving inspection, engineering, legal, restoration necessary administration costs to complete a project shall also be assessed back to the respective assessment district. Non-assessable costs with respect to frontage assessments reservoirs, system controls, pressure reducing valves, include main oversizing, pump stations, water towers, pressure reducing stations and wells. residences are to be paid for by the property which is Individual pressure booster systemfor individual served by the individual system. assessable linear footage shall be determined as follows: For corner lots: 1) If the water main is installed in both streets, add the two side dimensions and divide by two. Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains Page Two 2) If the water main is installed in one street only and the owner is not given his option for the lateral location, use the side dimension where the water main short side. is installed regardless of whether it is the long or 3) If the owner is given his option for the lateral certain design decisions for the project the water location and as a result of his decision along with main is not installed on one of the sides, the assessable frontage shall be figured as per Item 1 of this section for corner lots. B. On lots with frontage on three streets, use the longest and shortest side and compute as a corner lot. C. On lots with frontage on two streets, use frontage on one street only if the lot cannot be subdivided into an additional lot or lots complying with the present zoning ordinance. D. For lots on cul de sacs, use the chord dimension at the building setback line as measured tangent to the curve as its mid-point, if said setback line is formed by a curved line. E. For lots on curves with an exterior angle over 45' as measured between the side lot lines of each lot, use the chord dimension at the building setback line for the' inside lots on the curve. F. On large tracts of land which are on corners, assume a ordinance and apply the corner lot policy. The balance future corner lot that complies with the present zoning of the frontage shall be considered at full linear footage. Deferment of assessments for large tracts of land will be reviewed by the City on an individual basis upon a written request for deferment by the respective property owner. G. When a water main passes a large tract of land that would be eligible for deferment, the homesite will be assessed minimum width required by zoning. for the number of feet that would be required on the H. Lots which do not meet the above criteria will be handled on an individual basis; as each special situation is decided, it will become policy for future decisions of a similar nature. Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains Page Three 4. Water laterals will be assessed back to each respective 0 property for the entire expense on a unit or lump sum basis when installed within streets. A. In the event that watermains are extended to serve new development and that the length of the water laterals for the development creates a higher than normal cost for existing residence, the development shall be assessed for be based upon a unit or lump sum basis for each lot to be the additional costs of the laterals. These costs shall developed. This policy shall apply when the development cul-de-sacs or in areas where the cost of water lateral causes the installation of longer than normal laterals in per cent of the average cost of all water laterals for service to the parcels to be developed is greater than 10 the project. 2 5. Deferred Assessments -- Special assessments for water improvements levied upon agricultural lands which are actually devoted to agriculture or farming purposes and are not used for any other purposes shall be deferred on the following basis: A. If no use of the improvement abutting the agricultural land is made within five (5) years from the date of the final assessment resolution, said assessment shall not be due and payable until the expiration of five (5) years from the date of the final resolution making the levy, as finally amended or confirmed by the Common Council unless further extended by the Common Council. That said assessment shall bear interest at the rate established by the final assessment resolution from the first November 1st after the date of the final resolution. That said resolution for deferred assessments and if there is no interest rate will be that established in the final shall be the same as that established for installments separate rate established for deferred assessments, it and if there is none established for either deferred assessments or installments, it shall be at the rate of 8% per annum. B. If within five (5) years from the date of the final resolution said land is used for other than agricultural or farming purposes and any use of the improvement is made, the assessment will become due and payable in full upon the next installment payment date for said district in which said property lies as determined by the final made if there is no installment date in said district, resolution or the first November 1st after said use is and interest established by the final resolution shall be charged from the first November 1st after the date of the L Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains Page Four established in the final resolution for deferred final resolution. That said interest rate will be that assessments and if there is no separate rate established established for installments and if there is none for deferred assessments, it shall be the same as that established for either deferred assessments or installments, it shall be at the rate of 8% per annum. If within five (5) years from the date of the Final Resolution a parcel of said land is divided by certified survey or final subdivision plat, is used for other than agricultural or farming purposes and any use of the improvement is made, the City, at its sole option, may which less thaq the entire assessment might be paid when negotiate with such a property owner an agreement by only a portion of the property is used for other than agricultural or farming purposes and any use of the improvement is made. C. kny assessment deferred pursuant to this resolution may nevertheless be prepaid upon the same terms as installment assessments are allowed to be prepaid and as provided for in the final assessment resolution. 5.5 Additional Deferred Assessments -- In addition to Paragraph 5 above, the Common Council of the City of Muskego may make additional deferrals as to such special assessments when the Common Council determines additional deferrals would be just and equitable under the particular circumstances. 6. Controlled Access Water Mains -- There is established a controlled access water assessment policy as follows: A. Unless this policy is amended, no front foot water assessments will be made against properties under either of the following conditions: 1) Because of any hardship approved by the Public Water Committee no lateral connection can reasonably be made, or 2) Because an additional water main will be constructed which will be the direct source of water service to the property in question in that the laterals to the property will come from the water main to be constructed and that laterals will not be connected to the water main for which no front foot water assessment will be made, or . r. Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains Page Five B. If any event, if a direct connection is ever made by assessment has been made, a charge will be made based on lateral to the water main for which no front foot water of equivalent width. the equivalent cost of installing a water main for a lot MCC:M-WaterP jz Adopted 8/12/86 - Resolution #175-86 Reconsidered and Amended 9/9/86 - Resolution #175-86, as amended Amended 11/25/86 - Resolution 11266-86 Amended 5/23/89 - Resolution #68-89, as amended