CCR1989026a1 0 .- I D AMENDED RESOLUTION 126-89 PIBAL RESOLIRIOB LEVYIBG SPECIAL ASSESSIIEFTS AGAIBST BELJZPITTED PROPERR, WAIVER OF SPECIAL ASSESSXQT BQPICES MID HEARINGS UBDER S66.60(18) AXED AS TO COEVEYMICE OF SXBITARY SEWER JlASm YO TEJS CITY ABD OTHER EJSLA?ZD HATTEAS WHEREAS, the CITY OF HUSKEGO, hereinafter referred to as 'CITY", wishes to acquire a permanent sanitary sewer easement and temporary construction easement as to certain property for sanitary sewer purposes and said land is described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof: and WHEREAS, FIAROLD R. DeSACK h CAROL J. DeBACK, his wife, hereinafter referred to as "OWNERS", are the owners of all interest in said property; and WEEXAS, the CITY azticipates proceeding with installation of sanitary sewer abutting property owned by OWNEX: and WHE.IEXS, said property is being specially assessed for said improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED for valuable consideration acknowledged by the CITY and every OWNER as follows: 1. That each OWNEX will execute any and all documents necessary to convey t3e persanent and temporary easements to the property in question to the CITY on or before the acceptance of this resolution including, but not limited to, the attached Offer to Purchase, Easement, Affidavit as to Construction Liens, Admission of Service, Notice of Right to Appeal the Amount of Compensation, Nominal Payment or NO Payment Parcel Waiver of Appraisal, Recommendation h Approval and Waiver of Appeal Rights. 2. That by executing the acceptance of this Resolution as stated below, the OWNERS of said property also hereby waive special assessments and notices and hearings under S66.60(18) and consent to the levying of special assessments against their . property described on Exhibit 2 for the costs of said improvement under Wiscansin Statute 566.60, this Resolution to act as the Final Assessment Resolution, and further agree and admit that the ', ~ .. benefit to the property in question from the construction of said improvement is just and reasonable and that the assessment is hereby levied as further detailed in Exhibit 2 attached hereto and nade a part hereof upon acceptance of this Resolution by the OWNERS: that the parties hereto further agree that pursuant to Resolution tl12-86 concerning deferred assessment policies, the parties agree that if the land is developed in phases, the apecial assessment should be in sone manner prorated and include payment of 125% of that portion of the assessment as it relates to the portion of the land being developed. The details of said percentage and prorations are to be worked out at the time of actual land division. 3. If the sewer line is built, the CITY will do the following: A. Topsoil will all be removed and replaced over sewer at a deTth for agricultural purposes. B. Gravel backfill will be used where a road is 0.- anticipated by the CITY. C. The amount of excess fill from sewer will be placed where property owner designates by contractor. Topsoil on area filled will be removed before filled and placed over fill after project completed. D. The property owner will get all fill from sewer project outside of his land and it will be placed in full area provided by the property owner. E. The CITY will be res2onsible for rehooking all tile lines cut by sewer project. F. The sewer project will attempt to be completed by March 1, 1989 and any crop damage will be the responsibility of the City, if work on sewers is done later. G. The owner consents to the CITY, at its expense, capping and closing the waterwell in the easement. 4. ?he footage starting at the Industrial Park property and extending westerly on the intended road right-of-way will be assessed for 1.000 feet as shown on Exhibit 3 which is attached e. .. -/ -2- hereto, made a part hereof and marked in yellow. That the sewer main shown on Exhibit 3 in blue will not be assessed unless private laterals are connected and then a front foot assessment equivalent would have to be determined pursuant to Resolution #89-86. 5. If this Resolution is not accepted by all the OWNERS of this property in question within 30 days of the date of this Resolution, it is null and void and of no effect: furthermore, if this Resolution is accepted by all of the OWNERS within 30 days, but the CITY is unable to work out a contract with Waste Management of Wisconsin, Inc. or any related company, which is agreeable, to the CITY'S sole satisfaction concerning construction of this sewer line in which the easement is necessary, which is fully executed on or before the 15th day of September, 1989, and/ or if a bid to install said sewer is not acceptable to the CITY, at its sole satisfaction, on or before the 15th day of October, 1989, then this Resolution, Acceptance and Agreement is null and void and the CITY will return the easement and the assessment is null and void. Dated this 14th day of February , 1989. CITY OF HUSKEGO By: Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor By: Jean K. Marenda, Clerk Accepted By: i HAROLD R. DeBACK, Owner -3- EXi-iIGIT / Legal Description For: City of nuskego Sanitary Sever Easements ~11 that part of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 2C fast, described as follows: City @f HurkegG. Waukesha County, Kisccnsin msre fully A forty (40) foot wide permanent sanitary sewer easement, the centerline of which is described as fc1lo.c.s: XEE'15'54"E. 21~52 the fes: 1,'4 1ir~~ cf saiZ scctlon, cccrencinc at thc cez:er cl saiZ Cecticr, 17,; thencc 1,351.15 ft. tz the Xec: 1:s~. of :he r.~;s):esc ~r,?;:trial par>. i.,J?:tic-. 1; t>;e-:e S?:C5t'3CE, S~PF,: said k'c~: line, 5.GE.O; ft. tc thc cer.te:lir:f cf Er,r~.:p[:s~ Dxiv~ and the ~ci~t cf becir.nin5: thenc~ SiEE1P'5;"X, ?,ocQ ft. tc pint temporary construction easement thirty (30) ft. in width "A" also the pcint cf termlnation. Together with a lying parallel North of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement and a temporary construction easement 10 feet in width lying parallel south of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement. AIS0 a forty (40) foot vide permanent sanitary sever case- ment, the centerline of which is described as follovs: Commencing at point "A" described abcve; thence N27O 16'18°K. 634.85 feet; thence S89'41'4€"U, 119.96 feet; thence K14c0C'1C"W, C6E.16 feet to a pcint on the South line of the W.E.P.Co. right-of-vay. Tcce:!ser with tw;E-!y (2Cl f?ct w:de ter.;.crtry ccrs::uc:icr. L t :I' :.e<: c.: e;!F7<?:! !':i::C ri:i.?F., 2!!t;C(.-.. 1, ?-2 __ tht a'r.:c cLs::1LE: 4: !r:r r.<:r.2;,,<:: €2IC:.1-:. Tax Key NO. 2227.999.001 0 Legal Description roc: City of Ruskego Sanitary Sewer Easements ~13 that part of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 fast, described as follows: City of Huskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin more fully A forty (40) foot wide permanent sanitary sever easement, the centerline of which is described as follows: ~88~19'54"E. along the East 1/4 line of said section, commencing at the center of said Section 17,; thence park Addition 1; thence S0D05@'30E, alor.? said West line, 1,351.15 ft. to the West line of the Euskegc Industrial point of beginning; thence .588'19'54"K, 1,000 ft. to point 908.00 ft. to the centerline of Enterprise Drive and the 'A" also the point of termination. temporary construction easement thirty (30) ft. in width Together with a lying parallel North of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement and a temporary construction easement 10 feet in width lying parallel south of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement. Also a forty (40) foot vide permanent sanitary sewer ease- ment, the centerline of vhich is described as follows: commencing at point "A" described above; thence N27n 16'18"W. 604.86 feet; thence 589O41'46"W. l19.96 .feet; thence N14*04'14"W, 468.16 feet to a point on the South line of the W.E.P.Co. right-of-,way. Together with twenty (20) foot vide temporary construction easements lying parallel, adjacent and on both sides of the above described 40 foot permanent easement. Tax Key NO. 2227.999.001 c EXHIBIT 2 (Legal Description) All that part of the Northeast 1/4 and the Northwest 1/4 and the Southwest 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of Sec:ion 17, Town S North. Range 20 .East. in the City of Muskego. County of Waukesha, State of Uisconrin. described as follwr: Comrnencfng at the North ll8th corner of the raid Southeast I/4 distant West 1351.72 feet from the East 114 corner of said .Section 17: thence West along the East-West 1/4 line of said Section 17. 1105.82 feet: thence North 22O 37' Uest along an ancient fence line. 302.12 feet to a point on the Southerly line of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company right-of-way: theoce South 71' 00' West along said Southerly line 134.10 feet to a poizt on the Nor:h-South 114 line of said Section 17: thence South 0' 43' Vest along said North-South 114 line 14.95 feet to a point on the Southerly line of the aforementioned right-oE-way: thence South 72O 50' West along said Southerly line, 457.02 Eeet; thence South 7O 40' East 518.18 feet: thence Nor:h 88' 40' West 586.98 feet to a point distant East 401.20 feet from :he 1/8c!1 line of the Southvest 114 of said Section 17: thence South 0' 34' Uest and parallel to the 1/Bth line of the said Southwest 114, 537.75 feet: thexe North 89O 59' East and parallel to the Souzh line of the said Sac:-,best 1/4* 697.04 Eeet; thence South lo 01' East 864.34 feet: thence Norch 89" 59' Fast and parallel to the South line of the said Southwest lj4. 236.37 feet :o a point on the aiorementioned North-South 111 line distant Ncrrh 0' 43' East 833.58 feet from the South 0 114 comer of said Section 17: thence South 89' 19' 30' East and parallel the l/8th line of the Southeast 114 of said Section 17. distant North Oo 43' East to the South line of the said Southeast 114 1351.72 feet to a point on 833.58 feet from the South l/2ci cor-er of the said Sou:?east 114: thence North 0' 43' cornencement. EXCE?TIX TH3.EA3CF! chat ?art conveyed in Varranty Deed, dated January 3 East along the East line of tk.2 saiA Southeast 1/4. 1820.55 feet to the point Of 1984 and recorded January 12. 1984, lee1 537. Lmge 477. as Document No. 1243105. Tar Key No. 2227.999.001 0 EXHIBIT 2 The DeBack front foot assessment levied is against the following property: See Attached Legal Description The front foot costs of this assessment shall be based on 1,OQO feet and it shall be at a cost of the same amount per front foot that is charged to other properties involved in this project. This assessment is deferred pursuant to the Deferred Assessment and as amended by Resolution 25-89 and said Resolution 25-89 shall Policy of the City as adopted by the City as Resolution #112-86 apply to this assessment. Legal Description ?or: City of Huskego Sanitary Sewer Easements All that part Of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, described as follows: City of Huskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin more fully A forty (40) foot wide permanent sanitary sewer easement, the centerline of which is described as follows: ~88'19'54"E. along the East 1/4 line of said section, Commencina at the center of said Section 17,; thence Park Addition 1; thence SOOnSe'30E, along said h'est line, 1,351.15 ft. to the Kest line of the Kus)..egc ~ndustrial point of beginning; thence S88°19'54"k;, 1,000 ft. tcj point 908.00 ft. to the centerline of Enterprise Drive and the "A" also the point of termination. Together with a temporary construction easement thirty (30) ft. in width lying parallel North of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement and a temporary construction easement 10 feet in width lying parallel south of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement. Also a forty (40) foot wide permanent sanitary sewer ease- ment, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at point "A" described above; thence N27' thence N14°0C'1C"W, 468.16 feet to a point on the South 16'18"U, 604.86 feet; thence S89°41'46"U, 119.96 feet; line of the W.E.P.Co. right-of-way. Tcgether with twenty (20) foot wide terpcrary cocstru-:~c:; eaCez.FT;!: Iyir:? Fz:a!!e:, a?ja.rc-: ?-,e c::: t>::? s:?!.: :f the at.c:.r des:rited 45 f:;t pc:r.z:,cr,t ez:cn.cr;t. Tax Key No. 2221.999.001 31 32 -.. ~m 13 12 14 !m i 16 1'1 .... tSrll. 152 Seller's Social Serurily No on 19 "I ." THIS INDENTURPI, made this day of 198 by and between BAROLD R. DeBACK & CAROL J. DeBACK, his wife, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part, and CITY OF MUSKEGO, located in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part. - WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the party of the first part, HAROLD R. DeBACK 6 CAROL J. DeBACK, owns a parcel of real estate located in the City of Muskego and described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "1" WHEREAS, party of the second part has requested from the party of the first part a permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes including construction, repair., maintenance and reconstruction of the sanitary sewer and a temporary construction easement; 0 NOW. THEREFORE, party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ONE WLLAR and other gocd and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do grant and convey unto the party of the second party, forever, a permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the sanitary sewer and a temporary construction easement in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on, over and in the following described real estate: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "2" USE OF LAND Party of the first part consents to the entry of the employees, worknen, agents or independent contractors of party of the second part for an incidental to the construction, repair and maintenance and reconstruction of said sanitary sewer, but reserve t3 themselves the right to make stich use of lag3 included in said easel;ient, subject to the ordinances of the City of Huskego, the regulations of the party of the second part, and the .- statutes of the State of Wisconsin as will not disturb-or interfere with such aanitary sewer or prevent ingress 'orregress, thereto for the purpose of construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction thereof. The parties expressly acknowledge that the party of -the second part my allow others not parties to this easementloeuse the easement for the purposes indicated above. -THIS INDENTURE, upon its acceptance by the party Df -the first part, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, party of the first part has executed this indenture the day and year first above written. HAROLD R. DeBACK CAROL J. DeBACK STATE OF WISCONSIN )ss. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA Personally came before me this day of 198 , the above named HAROLD R. DeBACK b CAROL J. DeBACK, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI uy commission expires: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DPAFTED BY: Actorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. AREXZ, MOLTER, MA- 6 RIFFLE, S.C. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 '@ P. 0. Box 1348 -2- All chat part of the Northeast 114 and the Northvest l/o and the Southvest 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17. tom 5 North. Range 20 East. in the City of Huskego. County of Waukesha. State of Wisconsin. described am follows: Commencing at the North l/8th corner of the said Southeast 1/4 distant West 1351.72 feet from the East l/O corner of said Section 178 thence West along the East-Vest 114 line of said Section 17. 1105.82 feet: thence North 7.2- 37' West along an ancient fence line. Pover Company right-of-way: thence South 71° 00' Wesr along said Southerly 302.12 feet to a point on the Southerly line of the Wisconsin Electric line 134.10 feet to a point on the North-South 114 line of said Section 17: thence South Oo 43' West along said North-South 1/6 line 14.95 feet to a point on the Southerly line of the aforementioned right-of-my: thence South 72' 50' West along said Southerly line, 057.02 feet; thence South 7O distant East 401.20 feet from the 118th line of the Southwest 114 of said 40' East 518.18 feet: thence North 88' 40' West 586.98 feet to a point Section 17: thence South 0' 34' West and parallel to the 118th line of the the South line of the said Southvest 114. 697.04 feet: thence South 1" 01' said Southvest 114. 537.75 feet: thence North 89" 59' East and parallel tO of the said Southwest 114. 236.87 feet to a point on the aforementioned East 864.34 feet; thence North 89O 59' East and parallel to the South line North-South 114 line distant North 0' 43' East 833.58 feet from the South 1/4 corner of said Section 17: thence South 89O 49' 30' Easr and parallel 833 58 feet from the South 1le:h corner of the said Sout>.east l/'+; tie-ce Nor:h 0' 43~ the l/ach line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 17. distant North 0' 43' East commencement. EYCEPTINC THEREFROM that part conveyed in 5iarranty Deed. daCed January :: East along the East line of the said Southeast lj4. 1820.55 feet to :5e point of 1984 and recorded January 12. 1984. Reel 587. Image 477. as Document No. 1243105. Tax Key No. 2227.999.001 0 to the South line of the said Southeast 1/4 1351.72 feet to a point on r .Due Service of a Copy oft CERTIFICATE OF COMF’ENSATION L NUI’ICE OF RIGEIT TO APPEAL TRE AMOUNT OF COW~ATION PURSUANT TO WISCONSIN STATUTE 32.05(2a) Admitted this day of , 1988. HAROLD R. DeBACK CAROL J. DeBACK APKXlNT OF COMPENSATION KIRSUANT NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL"lgE TO WISCONSIN STATUTE S32.05(2a) Any person nawd in the Certificate of Cornpenmation. a copy of which 1s-attached hereto, pay within six (6) -sonths after the date of the recording of maid Certificate, appeal .from the amount of compensation therein stated in the Panner met forth in Wisconsin Statute 32.05(9) to (13) for appeals from an award under Wisconsin Statute 32.05(7). For purposes of any such appeal, the amount of compensation stated in the Certificate shall be treated as the award and the date the conveyance is recorded shall be treated as the date of taking and the-date of evaluation. Dated this day of , 1988. CITY OF MUSKEG0 Wayne G. Salentine, Uayor ATTEST : Jean K. Marenda, Clerk CERTIFICATE OF COMPENSATION Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute S32.05(2a), this document shall be recorded with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds, Waukesha, Wisconsin. That the City of Muskego has m acquired an easement in the property described below pursuant to S32.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 1. The identify of all persons having an interest of record in the property immediately prior to its conveyance is as follows: Harold R. DeBack h Carol J. DeBack, his wife 2. The legal description of the property in which a permanent easement was acquired is as follows: SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENT MARKED EXHIBIT "2" t 3. The matter of the interest acquired and the compensation for such acquisition is as follows: The matter of the interest acquired is permanent sanitary sewer easement and temporary construction easement. The amount of compensation is per Muskego Resolution # 26 -89. - Dated this day of , 1989. CITY OF MUSKEGO Wayne G. Salentine. Mayor ATTEST : Jean K. Marenda, Clerk This Instrument Was Drafted By: Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. ARENZ, MOLTER, U4CY 6 RIFFLE, S.C. P. 0. Box 1348 0 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 e Legal Description ?or: City of nuskcgo Sanitary Sever Easements All that part of Section 17. Town 5 North, Range 20 East, described as follows: City of Huskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin more fully A forty (40) foot wide permanent sanitary sewer easement, the centerline of which is described as follows: NBB019'54"E. alona the East 1/4 line of said section, Commencing at the center of said Section 17,; thence Park Addition 1; thence S0OC5e'30E, algn? said Ciest line, 1,351.15 ft. to the Kest line of the lsuskegc Industrial 908.00 ft. to the centerline of Enterprise Drive and the point of beginning; thence S8eo19'54"bi, 1,OGO ft. to point "A" also the point of ter6ination. Together with a temporary construction easement thirty (30) ft. in width described permanent easement and a temporary construction lying parallel North of and adjacent to the above easement 10 feet in width lying parallel south of and adjacent to the above described permanent easement. Also a forty (40) foot wide permanent sanitary sewer ease- ment, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at point "A" described above; thence N27" 16'18"W, 604.86 feet; thence 589O41'46"W. 119.96 feet; thence N14°04'14"K, 460.16 feet to a point on the South line of the W.E.P.Co. right-of-way. Together with twenty (20) foot wide temporary construction easements lying parallel, adjacent an.' on both sides of the above described 40 foot permanent easement. Tax Key NO. 2227.999.001 WAIVER OF APPRAISAL, RECOHMENDATION L APPROVAL NOMINAL PAYUENT OR 80 PAYENT PARCEL Owners: Harold R. DeBack L Carol J. DeBack, his wife Acquisition of: See Attached Legal Description Interest Acquired: Permanent Easement for Sanitary Sewer and Temporary Construction Easement The undersigned owners of land designed as in the attached legal description, containing approximately acres, agree to accept settlement in the amount of / see Rea$l?u&f"pd'@&-!! for the permanent easement stated. subject to the approval of the City of Muskego. The undersigned owners having been fully informed of the right to have the property appraised, and to receive just compensation based upon an appraisal, have decided to waive the right to an appraisal. The undersigned owners further state that the decision to waive such right to an appraisal was made without undue influences or coercive action of any nature. It is intended that the instrument of conveyance will be executed upon presentation by the City of Muskego agents or representatives. Dated this day of , 1989. HAROLD R. DeBACK ~~ CAROL J. DeBACK