CCR1989004COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #4-89 APPROVAL OF 1989 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, hereby approve the attached Sewer Utility Budget for 1989. upon the recommendation of the Public Sewer Committee, does DATED THIS 10th DAY OF January , 1989. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE Ald. Harold Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 1/89 jz CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY BUDGET 1989 STATEMENT OF INCOE AND EXPENSE UETAILEU SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES CONTENTS Schedule STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES - ACTUAL, PROJECTED ACTUAL AND BUDGET SCHEDULE OF ACTUAL AND PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL AVAILABLE FOR SEWER UTILITY FUTURE DEBT SERVICE 1987 and 1988 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET - WORKING CAPITAL BASIS SEWER UTILITY SPECIAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 3 Actual 1987 Revenues Regulatioo and compliance revellucs - init.ia: Public improvement revenues construe t ion fee Special assessments RCA fees Colmnercial revenues - interest earned Total revenues Expenditures Excess of revznues ovcs expenditures Other financing sources (uses) I Inl~erfund t~ransfer frdm T1F Spcc ial Revenue Fund Transfer from General Fund Transfer to Utility - City service revenues Total other financing :;uurces (uses) Excess of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other USES Fund balances (under), beginning ot year Fund balances, end of year - $ 60,500 205,nh; 83,438 668,602 $ 605,164 I I I@ I I I I I I Schedule I CITY OF MUSKEG0 SEWER UTILITY STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 1989 BUDGET Comptroller 1988 1989 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget 1,701.800 1.829.365 1989 Adopted Budget 1,829,365 6,120 1,835,485 1988 Pro jcc t ed 1.738.031 Aug.31,1988 Actual 1,695.971 - 3;630 6,120 I, 705,430 1,835,485 " 3,491 1,699,462 5,342 1,743,373 - 938,695 165,198 35,093 27,267 I, 191 7 10 20,309 10,527 276 1,199.266 - - -__ - 938,695 350,000 46,900 48,000 2,400 830 20,000 38,700 2, OOG 1,447,495 5,500 - 15,'100 5,500 - 16,700 60,000 977,258 350,OOC 40,000 50,000 5,500 500 30,000 42,000 2,000 - 1,497,258 7,000 - 20,000 2,000 13,500 75,000 117,500 1,621,758 7,000 - I, 002,000 360,000 48,000 83,500 5,500 1 ,000 1,OGO 30,000 42,000 3,000 1,596,000 7,000 "- 7,000 23,000 2,900 22,000 7 1,000 125,000 1,728,000 I, 00: , 000 380,000 48,000 83,500 5,500 4,000 1, uclo 30,000 42,000 3, COO 1,599,000 7,000 - " 7,000 23,000 22,000 2, 0clo I I I 1 I I 1 f 5,321 9,042 3,921 28,484 46,768 1,246,034 - - 82,000 136,000 - 98,100 1,551,095 1,742,000 "" 250,000 1,992,OCO "- 250,003 1,801 ,095 - (57,722) 600,000 39 ,COD 639,000 881,278 95,336 1,603 250,000 1,671,758 - - " 250,000 1,978,000 1,266,034 453,428 - (156,515) 600,000 40,000 640,000 - 483,485 191,000 1,600 76.800 600,000 600,090 30,000 40,000 23,795 23,795 " 630,000 640,000 463,672 497,485 477,223 21,959 - - 74,430 191,000 1.500 I .600 76, ROO " 76.830 152, i3@ 26Q ,400 - - 21,959 - Operating revenues Hiscellaneous revecues Sewer service charges Total operating revenues Oper.>ting expenses - Operation and maintenance: * Hilwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Capital charge User charge Town cf Norway charges Supervision and labor Maintcnance: * Supplies and expense Huildi~ng and structures General plant equipmer;t (safety equipment) Sewage collection system Electricity Transportation expenses Customers' account expenses - accounting and collection General expenses: Office salaries Employees' pensions and benefits :Jnemployment compens2tion Office supplies and expenses Outside se.rvices -* * Depreciation Total operation and maintenance Tota! operaLing expenses Net operating income (loss) Add non-operat ing ivomc City subsidics for >ElSD capital charge " InteresL from investmc~~ts Tota?~ non-operat isg iccome Income before non-opcrating expenses Deduct non-operating expenses - Interest c!ierges or long-term debt Amortization af debt discount Amortization of extraordinary property losses Total aon-operating expenses Net income * Details on Schedule 2 Actual 1987 $ 1,681,465 3,216 1,665,581 - 1,012,170 336,242 43,595 35,915 -3 1 956 s 3 €,4RU 3b,.l37 5:4 1,)+74,35? - >,510 # 11,835 5,910 14,561 64,670 97,176 - " 1,577,439 244,306 1,821,747 (137,066) 6 LO, 000 45,837 - 655,837 " 516,771 82,459 76,805 1,584 - 160,868 $ 357.923 Operat ion and maintenance Supplies and expense: Operating supplies Chemicals General expense: Supplies Telephone Other general expense Insurance Computer expense OfEice supplies and expenses Outside services Accounting Legal Engineering Other outside services FLOW contribution MMSD Capital charge (estimated @ $33k,000.000 @ $3.00) 1987 Actual $ 233 1,723 $ 1256 " $ 500 386 462 12,263 950 $ !4.561 (I "" Operating revenues " Charges for services and sales . Sever rehabi-litation revenues Other operating revenues Total operating revenues Operating expenses - Operation and maintenan:e CusLomers' account expense General exper.sc Depreciation Capital cost charges Total opera~i!~g expenses !let nperat ing incorce (loss) Non-operating income "~ City subsidies for: Abandonment and restoration expense MMSD capital charre Interest on investmeilts Total non-operating income Non-operatinz e:<penscs Flant abandonnlent and restorat ion expense Interest charges on long-term debt Amortization of debt discount Amcrtization of extraordinary prsperty losses Tot.31 non-operating expenses Net income Actual 1984 $ 656,886 5,441 49,395 711,722 - 236,496 4,501 55,465 137,2?4 - 433,696 278,026 - 53,211 53,211 - - 54,081 1,859 - 55,OhC $ 275,29i "~ Actual 1985 1,590,875 2,543 - I, 593,418 - - 402,264 173,686 41,067 1,078,238 1,700,589 5,339 (107,171) 461,227 184,267 50,376 695,870 184,267 51,530 46,400 1,770 293 ~ 067 "A- 304 732 Actual 1986 1,631,334 1,304 1,632,638 - " 470,661 117,319 6,209 236,337 1,079,058 I, 909,564 410,746 49,169 459,915 - 41,000 44,125 I, 682 46,400 141,20i 41,762 - "_ Aug.31,1988 Actual 82 1,109 1.191 215 270 155 1,150 2,131 3,721 3,500 2,789 255 940 21,000 ___ N/A Schedule 2 CITY OF MUSKEG0 SEWER UTILITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF OPEFATING EXPENSES 1989 BUDGET 1988 Projected boo 2,000 2,400 _" 400 500 300 13,000 2,500 16,700 "_ 8,000 3,500 500 6,000 42,000 60,000 ~. . 1988 Adopted 6ud ge t " 500 5,000 " 5 500 " 500 500 50 0 11,000 1,000 "" 13 500 6,000 8,000 7,000 12,000 42,000 75,003 "_ Nlh Comptroller 1?89 Proposed h0 ge t - 500 - 5,000 5,SOQ - 500 500 4,000 14,000 - 3,000 22.000 __" 6,000 8, COO 7,000 42,000 8,000 71,002 - "" 1989 Adopted Budget 500 5,000 5.500 - 500 500 14,000 3,000 h,ooo "" 22 000 -3" 8,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 53 ~ 00G "- -_ at3 J~002.0CO I- Schedule 3 CITY OF MUSKEG0 SEWER UTILITY ACTUAL, PROJECTED ACTUAL AND BUDGET STATEEENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES - Years ended December 31, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989 I Actual 1987 - I 1,681,465 I 3,216 1,684,681 - I 462,183 97,176 5,910 1,012,17O 1,821,747 244,308 (137,066) 610,000 - 45,837 655,837 82,459 76,805 1,584 160,848 - " - 3- 1988 Projected 1,738,031 - " 5,342 1,743,373 508,800 5,500 98,100 250,000 938,695 1,801,095 (57,722) - " 600.000 - 39,000 639,000 95,336 76,830 1,600 - 173,726 1988 Arioptcd Budget 1,701,800 - 3,630 1,705,430 520,000 7,000 117,500 250,000 077,258 1,871,758 " (166,328) - 600.000 - 30,000 630,000 74,430 1,500 76,800 152,730 - " - 310,942 Conlptrol ler 1989 Proposed BudgcL 1,829,365 6,110 1,835,485 - 594,000 7,000 1'25,000 250,000 1,002,OCO 1,978,000 (14'2,515) - 600,000 43, COO - 640,000 - - 191,000 1,600 iG ,800 "_ 269,400 - 228,055 1989 Adoptfd budget 1,829,365 600, @OO 40, @OO 640,000 - " - 19 1,000 1,606 76,800 26'1,400 214 0135 "" "=-==A= I I "- Net income Add - Contributions-in-aid of construction Long-term debt Amortizztion Depreciation Funds generated (u~ilized) from Special R evenue Fund Less - Keplacemnt Fund Rcserve payments Transfer to City - contributed capital Principal payments on debt Fixed assets purchased Unamot-tizcd property lgsses Other S?ecial a~sessments receivable Projected working capit.al increase (decrease) "- Projxted working capital available, beginning of year Yrojec:ed working capital avsilahle, end of year - " Workipg capital - Sewer Utility Cash and investmcnts - City Special Revenue Fund for future Sewer ULility debt service Projected working capital available $ 41,762 - 395,264 236,337 156,042 48,082 835,715 10,350 386,509 80,405 395,264 7,360 - (2,629) 877,259 228 867,236 S 867,464 s 178,862 688,602 S 867.46% .___ 1986 Actual 1987 357,923 I 269,962 I 302,176 (1) - i 5 3,491 (L7,SIL) 1,118.319 50,981 867,464 918 445 I I_=.= 313,281 60S,lh4 "1"- 918 445 (1) Reprcsenrs borrowing far Ventland Drive and Oakhill sewer projects. (2) Kcpresents capitalized cos: €or Wentland Drive, Oakhill and lift station (3) Represents borrowing fcr !!illandale and EeIlview/Bay Lane sewer pcoject.~. (4) Represents capitalized ;ost~ for projects in (3) above and final costs (5) Rzpreseints assessmcnl~ nn tt.~ IliIIandale and Bellvicw/Ray Laac swcr projects (7) Kcpresents assessahle ?ortion of :he project referzed to in (6) above. (6) lleprcsents borl-owing for sewer project to Waste Managcmsnt. (8) Reprcsc,nts capitalized cost for project in (6) above modification sewer project. on lift station modificaticn. and computer equipment of $11,408. ,. J I I I I I I I I Schedule 4 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SCHEDULE OF ACTUAL AND PHOJECTED WORKING CAPITAL AVAILABLE Projected 1988 407,542 ” 410,000 (3) 403,600 (5) 250,000 (92,000) 78,400 1,050,000 488,582 26,350 430,000 (4) 85,405 433,600 - - 1,433,937 23,605 918,445 - - 942, OSC - - 428,686 513,164 942.050 - - FOR SEWER UTILITY FUTURE DEBT SERVICE Years ended December 31, 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989 Comptroller Proposed Eudgr t 1968 1989 Adopted Budget 310,942 ”- ” 228,085 - 200,000 (7) - 250,000 800,000 (6) 250,000 78,300 (135,000) (140,OOC) 78,400 193,300 - 1,188,400 488,582 26,350 200,000 26,359 90,405 139,325 - 800,000 - 200,@0@ - - - - 605,337 - 1,365,675 (101,095) 50,810 754,807 942,050 653.80? - ” -__ - ” 992,860 ANALYSIS OF PROJECTED WORKING CN’ITAL 236,700 619,696 417,102 373,164 “2” 653 602 992,860 ____ 1989 Adopted Budget 2i4,085 ” 200,000 8OO,@GO 250,000 78,LOO (14o,ooo) ” 1,186,409 1,377,083 25,402 942,050 067,452 - - 594,288 37 3, l6f4 ”- 967,452~ - A) Operation, maintenance, capitzl outlay and replacement budget 1987 Budget 7 39 , 109 Revenues - net user charges ad miscellaneous revenues $ -___ Expenditures ” Local ooeration and maintenance Local replacement and out-lay purchases MrlSDjNorway operat ion and mainLenaace Total expenditures Projected working capital balance increase (decreese) 323,900 26,350 366,659 739,109 Projected funds availahle, beginning of year - - - Prcjected funds .mailable, - end of year $ - H) Debt service budget Revenues ” TIF payments Unit assessm,Ents hitie? construction fee RCA fee General taxes Speciai assessment collection Interest income User fees Total revenlles Expcnditurcs -. Revecue IJ~?K!S and 34v.:nccs - P & I Transfer Lo City C:II.SD capital payment. Debt payment to Norway $ 140,000 145,000 30,000 10,000 80,000 5F,000 875 717 1,330,217 - ’ “ 550,Oi)O 98,223 1,017,126 11,141 ToLal expenditures 1,670,&90 Projected warking capital balalice increase (decrease) (>46,273) Projected funds ~v~ilable, beginring of year Projcctcd funds avzilable, end of year “I__ 640,474 - ”“ $ -49L201 1987 Actual - 663,057 193,112 108,168 361,157 663,057 - - I I I I I I 140,000 206,362 60,500 eo, 000 e3,537 116,460 1,021,624 1,710,503 - 4b5,906 167,85(1 1,012,170 (17,510) 1 1,000 - 1,659,522 53,981 I I I I I I 1 CITY OF MUSKEG0 SEWER UTILlTY 1987 AND 1988 SEWER UTILITY 3UDGEr - WORKING CAPITAL BASIS Schedule 5 Comptroller 1980 Proposed Budget 739,350 " 1989 AdopLed Bud ze t 1988 Adopted Budget 658,850 Projccted 1988 646,750 - 764,758 - 312,000 415,000 766,758 37,758 - 215,500 46,350 384,900 646,750 298,000 26,350 415,000 739,350 - 254,500 378,000 26,350 658,650 " 140,000 140,OCC 50,000 10,000 100,000 60,000 1,096,135 1,596,135 - 140,000 145,000 50,000 10,000 iO0,OOO 50,000 1,046,580 1,541,580 - 140,000 140,000 62,000 37,000 100,000 68,000 1,096,623 1,643,623 - 1,070,727 1,570,727 " 200,000 330,325 1,i)02,000 13,000 330,325 200,000 1,002,oco 13,000 I - 1,545,325 164,835 488,582 977,258 12,000 - 1,642,675 180,74 1 468,582 938,095 12,000 1,620,018 - - 1,565,325 23,605 910,445 94'2 C50 "- -L" 50,810 (101,095) 754,897 ~- 653,802 25,402 942,050 "- 967 452 "- 942,050 992,860 .____ I 1988 I Adopted Budget I I 50,000 145,000 10,000 20,000 225,000 I I. 140,000 100.000 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY 1989 BUDGET SEWER UTII.ITY SPSCIAL DEBT SERVICE FUND Aug.31,1988 Actual 62,000 137,124 36,242 18,500 253,866 "_ 253,86G 140,000 (600,000) 100,000 (360,000) - (106,134) ~~ 19S8 Projected 62,000 140,000 37,000 29,000 268,000 268,000 140,000 (600,000) 100,003 (360,000) " (32,000) 605,164 513,164 -___ Comptroller 1989 Proposed Budget 50,000 140,000 10,000 20,000 220,000 220,000 " I00,000 140,000 (600,000) (360,000) Schedule 6 I$RO AdopteJ Budget 50,000 140,000 10,000 20,OKl 220,000 " "_ 220,000 140,COO IO3,GOO (600,000) (360,000)