CCR19882820 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 AMENDED RESOLUTION #282-88 MODIFYING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT ON RESERVE DUPLEX UNITS CAPACITY ASSESSMENTS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION1169-84 - WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report adopted and approved by Resolution #169-84 included a list of Residential Equivalency Connections and a Residential Equivalency Chart; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to change certain assignments of Residential Equivalency Units as to duplex units to be connected after the date of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That the Residential Equivalency Chart that is part of the Engineer's Report attached to Resolution #169-84 is amended to delete "Duplex - 2.0 REC", and to add "Duplex - 3 bedroom 1.0 REC, Duplex 2 bedroom .75 REC, Duplex 1 bedroom or less .5 REC." 2. That the Residential Equivalency Chart in all other respects remains unchanged. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF December , 1988. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 12/88 jz , T EXHIBIT A RESIDENTIAL EQUIVALENCY CHARGE CHART FOR RESERVE CAPACITY ASSESSMENT (AS AiiENDED - 4/12/88 h 1211 3/88) RESIDENTIAL REC Condominium 1.0 Duplex (3 Bedroom) 1 .o Duplex (2 Bedroom) .75 Duplex (1 Bedroom or Less) .50 Multiple Family (2 Bedroom) .75 Multiple Family (1 Bedroom or Less) .50 Single Family 1 .o Vacant Land 0.0 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL (Based on Employee Count) (Miscellaneous R EC 10 or less Employees %TO 11 to 15 Employees 1.25 16 to 20 Employees 1 .50 Each additional 5 Employees .25 Advertising Agencies Auto h Supply Stores Banks Building Materials Dealer City Hall Commercial Printing Drug Stores Dry Cleaners Employment Services Factory/Industry (Non-Metered) Garage General Contracting Offices GreenhouseJGarden Center Hardware-Uholesale/Retail Insurance Companies Library Liquor Stores Office Buildings Offices of Attorneys Police Department Photographic Studios Real Estate Offices Retail Stores Savings & Loan Service Station Telephone Exchange Toys & Hobby Stores Variety Stores U.S. Postal Service NOTE: a) 1 REC MINIMUM (Including Commercial and Industrial). Any category of user not listed shall he assigned a REC by the City Engineer. If said applicant appeal the decision to the Public disputes such assignment, he may of said determination. Utilities Committee within 60 days b) - All fractions of RECs shall be established to the next highest 0.25 REC. MCC: M-RECChart Amus emen t Parks Barber Shops Beauty Parlors Car Wash Bowling Alleys Churches Club House Dance Hall Factory/Industry: (Metered) Fire Station Funeral Homes Home/Bus.Comb. Mall (Public Laundromat Nursing Homes Facility) Off ices : Dentists Physicians Osteopaths Chiropractors Photo Lab Parks Res taurant: Normal Operation 24 Hour Schools: High Elementary Personnel Swimming Pools Theater Tavern manned station .75 full-time manned station .75 pair alleys Upon Application 1.25 (under 500 2.00 (over 500 Upon Application Upon Application members) members) 1.00/192 gal. /day 1 .oo Upon Application l.OO/home, plus if applicable .25/ea.5 empl. or REC Chart .333 per machine 2.50 .75 per bed 1 .OO full-time practitioner 9, I, 1 .oo .4 per employee .04 per seat .06 per seat .04 per student .05 per student Upon Application .05 per student 2.50 per screen .04 per seat COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #282-88 CAPACITY ASSESSMENTS ADOPTED BY KESOLUTION#169-84 - MODIFYING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT ON RESERVE DUPLEX UNITS WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report adopte #169-84 included a list of Residentia and a Residential Equivalency Chart; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to change ce Residential Equivalency Units as to d after the date of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That the Residential Equival the Engineer's Report attach amended to delete "Duplex - 2. That the Residential Equival respects remains unchanged. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1988. UBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE / Aid. Harold L. Sanders / / Aid. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ATTEST : / City Clerk 12/88 ,/ jz / _. .- - -. , .~ - EXXISIT X RZSIDEYTIAL EQUIVALEXCY CHARGE CUT FOR RESERVE CAF'ACIT'I ASSESSMENT (As Amended - 4/12/88) -c. RES1DEZITX.U REC Condominium l" +qJ Dup lex 2.0 Mcltiple Family (2 Bedroom) .75 -twlL. 35 Yulti?le Family (1 Bedroom or less) -50 -7'17.50 SLns1-e Family 1.0 p- <= Vacsnt Land 0 ~ 8, KSCS iz ZL \*&<A? - /o = . rL 10 or less enployees 1.00 11 =5 15 eaployees 1.2s 16 ;o 20 enployees 1.50 Each adliclonal 5 employees .25', dlvercising Agencies Aut3 h Su?ply Stores aanks 3uFlaing Haterials Dealer Ci:y 3all Comzercial ?rinting 3r:~ Clsaners 3r.2~ Stares :=?:oy=enc Ser-~Lces :=c:3r:I!In&astr:~ (>Ton-?!eteroi) uar2ze Zszeral Csncracting Offices :<zr+M.aze- :holesale/RstaI1 ZroentouseiCarden Centar ;:3rar:I Insurznce Companies -:?EC: St.3res ~2f~lces~.oE AtcJrne:rs v_____ 3uiLcings ??~ot~~ra?hic Studios ?,Y lice De?artnent 3.221 Zs:ats Offices lecai: Stores Service Station Savinzs & Loan Telephone Exchange Toys & Hobby Stores U. S. ?ostal Service Variety Stores " . ,- - - - - .. _. NOTZ: a) 1 REC MINIMUM (Including Commercial and Industrial). Any be assigned a REC by the City category of user not listed shall Engineer. If said applicant appeal the decision to the Public dis?utes such assignment, he may Committee within 60 days of )k - ALL fractions of RECs shall said detersination. be established to the next highest 0.25 REC COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRI.AL (Miscellaneous) Amusement Parks Barber Shops aeauty Parlors Bowling Alleys Car Wash Churches C lub House ?actory/Induscry: 3ance Xall -. (Yetered) Funeral Homes :;re Station I"ome/Bus. Com3. Laundramat :.'a 11 (2ub lic F'aciliry) Offices: :Iurs ing Xomes Dentists Physicians Ost~opaths Chiropractors ?arks Photo Lab Restaurant: Normal Operation 24 Hour Schools: Elementary High Personnel Tavern Swimming Pools T'neater REC Upon apwcation .75/full-time .75/full-tine manned station .75/pair alleys sanned station ;?on application 1.25 (under 500 2.00 (over 500 menbers) :?on application 1.90 /home, p Ius .25/ea. 5 empl., LZ applicable, or REC Char:. .33? ?er machine .- 2.50 .75 per bed 1.00/full-tize practitioner It I, It 1 .oo .S per employee .04 per seat .06 per seat .04 per student .OS per student Upon application .OS per person 2.50 per screen .04 per seat