CCR1988251COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION # 251 -88 CONSENT TO THE WSIGlWENT OF CABLE TELEVISIOPT FRANCHISE PROU IBGERSOU IHDUSTRIES, INC. TO STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTBERSHIP WHEREAS, pursuant to C3apter 12.19 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Ingersoll Industries, Inc. wishes to assign to Star Mid America Limited Partnership the franchise granted under Ordinance #388: and WHEREAS, the consent of the City of Muskego is necessary to such an assignment: and WHEXEAS. a public hearing has been held pursuant to said Ordinance: and WHEREAS, the Public Welfare Committee has reviewed this request and has recommended approval. TYEZEFORE, BE IT RESOLED that the Common Council of the City of XGskeqo, upon the rec3smecdation of the Public Welfare Committee, eoes herejy consent :3 the assiqzsent of said franchise u?on the teras an? conditions stated in the attached acreenent ap.2 other responsibilities by Star Mid America Limitsd Partnership. acceptacce of the CATV ordinance including all amendnents and 0 BE IT NXTHER RESOLVE3 that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the appropriate docaments as to said consent, but if the accepted in writing and receivee by the City in the attached form entire anended ordinance and other responsibilities is not St:eet Restoration Bond and Franchise Bond recuirsd by the City within 30 days of the date of the Xesolution tocether with the and the attached Agreenent properly executed to the City's satisfaction and payment in full of all expenses incurre2 by the City due to the transfer including attorney fees, acceptance of other obligations of Ingersoll Industries, Inc. to the City in the form attached hereto, by Star Mid America Limited Partnership, the without future action by the Common Council. City shall not be deemed to have consented to this assignment DATED this 22nd day of November , 1988. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE Patrick Patterson David Taube Mitchel Penovich ". .. WHEREAS, the CITY OF MUSKEGO has granted a non-exclusive Franchise to INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. and that pursuant to said Franchise, INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. has commenced construction of said cablevision system in accordance with said Franchise with the CITY OF MUSKEGO; and WHEREAS, INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. wishes to transfer said Franchise to STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, who has expressed an interest in completing and operating a cablevision system for the CITY OF MUSKEGO and STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP has entered into an agreement with INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. on the day of , 1988 (the "Agreement") for the purchase of any and all right, title and interest in and to the Franchise presently held by INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. with the CITY OF .?lUSKEGO for the duration of the Franchise term. IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: That under the terms and provisions of said Agreement by and between INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. and STAR MID AWRICA LIMITED PARTXERSHIP, upon the transferring of all right, title and interest in the Franchise for a cablevision system from INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. to STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTSERSHIP, said STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTXERSHIP will be responsible for the completion of the construction of said cablevision system and the operation thereof under the terms and conditions of the Franchise heretofore granted to INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. by the CITY OF MUSKEGO and as in any manner amended by the consent to this assignment and acceptance of the same. This Agreement does not release in any manner any responsibilities of INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. to the CITY OF MLSKEGO. Dated this day of , 1988. INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: By: Title: Title: General Partner " .r .. .. ORDINANCES AND OTBER RESPONSIBILITIES AFFIDAVIT OF ACCEPTAECE OF CABLE W This is to certify that Star Mid America Limited Partnership does hereby accept the terms, conditions and provisions specified in Chapter 12.19 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego as created by Ordinance 1388 and as amended and hereby agrees to abide by, to observe and perform same, and declare that statement and recitals contained in Chapter 12.19 As Amended are correct and that it has made and does make this agreement, statement and admissions in this Chapter recited to have been or to be made. Star Mid America Limited Partnership accepts the following conditions, terms and responsibilities: 1. That the term of the franchise shall end on the 2Cth day Of \JnVpmhpr , 193: and 2. " That Star Mid America Limited Partnership shall immediately pay any and all fees and expenses incurred by the City because of this transfer including, but not limited to, attorney fees, and submit any bonds required by the franchise ordinance: and 3. That by this acceptance, Star Mid America Limited Partnership accepts all of the responsibilities as to said franchise previously agreed to by Ingersoll Industries, Inc. and/ or its predecessors including, but not limited to, the following: A. The Community Access Rules dated November 13, 1984, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. The Agreement between Ingersoll Cable Corporation (Ingersoll Industries, Inc.) and the City of Muskego dated March 12, 1985, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, by which the City of Muskego granted to Ingersoll Industries, Inc. the right to locate a building and earth station dish on City property. 4. As part of the franchise, Star Mid America Limited Partnership agrees to the following: A. Cable installation shall be completed and cable service shall be made available to all residents in the City of Muskego by February 28, 1989. B. All cable installations ("drops") shall be buried to a depth acceptable to the City within 30 days of the original installation, weather permitting, including all "drops" that are unburied at this time. C. An authorized representative of Star Mid America Limited Partnership shall appear before the City of Muskego Welfare Committee at least 30 days prior to any rate and/or service changes. D. When any new subdivision has any occupancy permits issued prior to May 1st in any calendar year, then cable service shall be available to the homes in said subdivision on or before September 1st of that year. Dated this day of , 1988. STAR MID AMERICA LIHITED PARTNERSHIP By : Title: General Partner STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) )ss. Personally came before me this day of , 1988, the above named to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DWTED BY: Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. ARESZ, MOLTER, MACY 6t RIFFLE, S.C. Post Off ice Box 1348 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 -2- .. .. .. '. . . RESOLUTION 11243-84 APPROVAL OF COMHUNITY ACCESS RULES (CABLE TV) WHEREAS, the Cable TV Citizens Committee has established the use of the Community channel and Community programming attached Community Access Rules governing the availability and equtpment of Ingersoll Cable Corporation serving the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, these Rules have been reviewed by the Public Velfare Committee and they have recommended approval. THEGFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Xuskego. upon the recommendatfon of the Public Welfare Committee, does hereby approve the Community Access Rules attached hereto and made a part hereof. DATED THIS /3 DAY OF a, 1984. - PUBLIC WELFARE COmITTEE Ald. Ralph Tomczyk Ald. Eugene Gaetzke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ATTEST : City Clerk 11 184 Im COMMJNITY ACCESS November 13, 1984 Community Access exists for the benefit of the Community. It is Ingersoll Cable Corporation's vish to create for the residents of Muskego an electronic medium of communications previously unavailable to the citizens of the community. Ingersoll Cable Corporation owns the equipment which will be for procedures must be established in order to insure and protect the the use of all members of the community. Certain rules and Community's privfleged use of the equipment while we protect the rights of Ingersoll Cable Corporation and the equipment. Vithout the rules and guidelines, neither the community nor Ingetsol1 Cable Corporation could control misuse or abuse or guarantee the use of our equipment on a non-discriminatory basis. It is vich this intent that the following rules have been established. INCEKSOLL CA3LE CORPOUTION COflCSITY ACCESS RULES The rules established govern the availability and use of the connunity chanxl and Comrxnity programming equipment of Ingersoll Cable Corporation, serving the City of Muskego. 1. e Advertising material designed to 'promote the sale of on behalf of legally qualifled candidates fs prohibited. commercial products or services including advertising by or 0 2. 3. L. 5. No prograz, production or presentatfon shall be cablecast on a community channel which involves directly or in-directly any lottery. Yo progran or presentation shall be cablecast or perzitted to be cablecast on the connunity channel which contains any ~5scrn2 or indecent raterfal. All cablecast must be in acc3rdance vith ciirren: FCC rules and regulation. All dfsputes arising over the allocation of programing time shall be resolved by the Ingersoll Cable Corporation within the following guidelines: a) First time users have priority over regular users. b) A previous user wh3 has not been scheduled in prime time (6pm-l0pm) shall have priority for prime time. The Community channel and Ingersoll Cable Corporation broadcasting equipment shall be available for non-comercia1 use on a non-charge. non-dfscrfmfnatory, first come basis. Video tapes can be purchased from Ingersoll Cable Corporation at actual purchase price, if requested. .. .. . : r .. COMMUNITY ACCESS RULES - Page 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Community access users shall successfully complete all video and equipment trafning prior to using Ingersoll equipment. TraLnlng rules for use of the equipment shall be established by Ingersoll Cable Corporation in accordance with the general practices of use of equipment of this type. Individual's under the age of 18 shall have a parent or Corporatfon indicatfng the adult takes full responsibility guardian's signature on file with Ingersoll Cable for the progran and actions of the minor, as well as for the equipeent used. Equipzent cay be reserved no more than one lonth in advance and no less than tws business days in advance. Equipment 118 hours on *.eekends. If there have been no other requests can be checked out for a maxinun oE 24 hours on weekdays and these time Feri9ds can be extended at the discretion of Ingers311 Cable Corporation. City of Yuskego residents vauld have fir;t priority on one caxera for 72 hours prior to use of that equi7nent. In order to assure equipment availability t3 as many users as possible, and to protect the rights of all, violations of coxunity access 7rivCleges: the followLng nay result in the violator's suspension of a) Leaving the facility without properly c?ecking out the b) :Jot returning equip3ent at the agreed upan time. c) 2eturning the equipment in a condition that indicates d) Allowing a non-certified individual to use the equipcent. negligence, dizage, or abuse. equipnent. The individcal signing out the equipnent will be responsible through abuse or negligence. for the repair/and or replacenent of any eq*Jipment damaged At the option of cSe LndividTJal checking out the camera, for a non-refundab12 fee of $5.00 per day, per caxera, the individual may prchase a $100.00 deductfble insurance policy covering daaage not attributed to normal wear and use. Said policy will be maintained in force by the Ingersoll Cable Corporation. All equipment shall be operated in accordance with the procedures that will be detailed in Ingersoll Cable Cor- poration workshops and any other guidelfnes set by Ingersoll Cable Corporation. The Conaunicy Access User shall bear sole responsibility for the content of all program, Live or taped. 0 COUMUNITY ACCESS RULES - Page 3 14. Any access program funded, sponsored or underwritten by any indlvidual, business, or organization shall credit that support by acknowledghg the following: "THIS PRW WAS WE POSSIBLE THROUGH NSDING PROVIDED RY 1'. " No addresses, slogans, phone numbers or other descriptive phrases may be used. 15. All prograas produced with Ingersoll Cable equfpment must credit Ingersoll Cable as follows: "PROGUCED THROUGH THE COMMLTITY ACCESS ASSISTAVCE OF INGERSOLL CABLE CORPORATION OF MUSKEGO, UISCOXSIN" 16. The "Consent Release CLain" signed by the access user allows Ingersoll Cable Corporation permission to xse any program produced by the access uszr on the Ingerscll Cable system without any further clearances. Ingersoll Cable Corporation vithout additional 2eraLssiJn granted fro= the producer. At will nat sell or connercial1;l distribute a 2roducer's work the ecd of a 30 day period, the video tape will be returned to the owner. 17. All capes sabmitted by access users will be reviewed for technical quality. Tapes piayed must be able to deliver a clear, unbroken signal t3 subscribers. 18. Failure to conply vith the xles set forth =ay subject the access user to forfeiture of the right to cse the Community Access channel and/or access equipment. S'r.xld an individual fsel their forEeiture was improper, they may appeal said decfsfon to the Public Welfare Committee. Should the Tublic Welfare Committee feel that the suspension of an individual's rights were based upon ?roperly Public L'elfare Comsittee feels the suspensl3n of rights were documented violation, the saspensfon will re3ain. If the by the Public Yelfare Coatzittee stands final. not properly documented, then any overturn of the suspension 19. The rules established are provfded as an ovsrview. Should either the City of Xuskego, ar Ingersoll Cajle Corporation feel that these rules should be changed, it shall be the responsibility of both the Public Welfare Cormittee and Ingersoll Cable Corporation, to mutually agrse upon any changes to the Commnfty Access Rules. If the Public Welfare Comaittee and Ingersoll Corporatfon cannot mutually agree, there would be no change in the rules. .. ACRP,EUE:JT BET'iEEY IXCERSOLL CABLE COR?3iLiTIOS A.YD CIiY OF IWSKEG~ (As Azended) Ingersa11 Cable Cor?oration, hereinaEcer referred to as building to house head-in electronic equipment on cer:ain P'cityl'. VItEREXS. pursuant t6"the Cable T.V. ordlnance accepted by Ingersoll". Kngersoll is to place an earth station dish end a ropercy owned by the City of Xuskego, herefnafter referred to as I, XCG, I:iE3ZFORE, it is agreed as Eollows: bescrl?tion of pra?er::r &.ere building and dish skall be located: See atcached Exhibit "A". Descrl?tion oE bullding ar.2 dLsh: See atzachec Exhibit "B". aCC'L?d?C:l Dace: '.'ar-i 1, 1'955 La-.t Xe-.c: S5(2'?:1? ?e: ;re._=, ?a:raiLe in st.zanc2 ;n :?e =c~.~?anc:r da:z ar.l c:le sdze day of ea:? E~lL.;.-.i:z year. - L. 7EX.f: The Cic:r kere3y grants to Ingprsall t".~ rL2:lc CQ ha*ze s-c\ building an2 ?:3?er:y located on tie Land c=?ed by the Cic:J zrzz tL.e dace of :!arch 1, 1985 until fiErsen (15: :rears from SngersoLl's Cable T.V. EranchLse, whichever c3-e~ firs:. That cke lace C; grancing OF cie franchise or che cerz~inz:l=n of Ln~erssl!'s right eo mlncain such building and ?rc~?er::~ shall aLva:Js be a: IngersJlL's exyense and subject ta all a??llcable g3ver3ce~ca1 laGs, ortlzances, r~les, ecc. Thaz said burlding Ingersal?. The City a?: Ingersai? agree that iE tSe Cable T.V. and pco?erc:l shall be Zaincained at c:te sole ex-,ense of franchise is terminated, or ac the end of the leasehcld period, whichever coces first, Ingezsall sSall leave the burlding on the sice lf requested to do so by the City at no cosc to t?,e City. 2. T-AYXXT OF RE:?: Checks for payment of rent sSa11 be 0 - - - made out t3 the City of Xuskego. 3. UTILITIES h TAES: Ingersoll sSall pay for vacer/sewer, gas (Lncluding gas heac) and eIeccrLcfcy and any ocher utility or the dish. and any taxes which are a result oE the'buiLdLng, its contents, necessary fncidencal re?aLrs to the premises, and maintain the 5. K4IXTENANCE h RZF'AIR: Ingersoll shall make a11 preaises fn good condiciQn. Ingersoll shall make all repairs. Ingersoll shall maintain ehe exterior of the buildfng and adjacent areas fn good condition. -2- 5. IYDE.WIFCCATr0~3:'' Lngersoll duri5g the cera hereof shall indennify the Cfty against all claiss an2 demands, vhecher for injuries to persons, loss of life, or da=aze co pro2et:y occurring within the premises and arising out of the ase and occ'Jpancy by Lngersoll, expectfng, however. such claims and de=ands. vhether €or injuries to persons, loss or' life, or dazage co praprrcy caused by aces or omissions of Ingezsall. Noching rig3.c~ co protrccion under che public I<a5iIicy insurance policy c3ccained in chis section skall, hovever, detrac: Erza che City's CJ be paid for by Ingersoll as specified keraof. 6. ISSt'RrtuCE: Ingersoll shall, at izs e-ense, at all ?olic:~ or policies of insurance, vric:en cne or c3rs t:.=es during the cera of cS<s agreelent =rlncaLn in fsrce a res?ocsl5Le insurance carriers desLgnaceZ 5.y c:te Ci-zIz, vhich vi11 izsc:+ the Ci:;r agaLns: LL~z;~;:;, f~r i-:..-- ?+rscns or 135s or da-ase cs pra?ercy occ;rr;:g in cz a5ouc the da=Lszr! ?rs=Lses. - &..e i l<a3iliz.z coder see? insaranca s?a?l not 5e less c3an SjO0,OGO Ear ar.y oke perso: >::le? or injG:ee, SjCI0,OOO fzr any one accident, and S3GO ,gCl: prs?er::~ dazage. .. . . . -. L_ i t3 or cas:> of C3NSZN-r the Xuskeqo Historical Sociecv hereby consents to the above agreezent, ic being che position of the pareies to said agreement that no such consent is necessary. By: Presidenc By : Secretary COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION d 251 -88 CONSENT TO TEE ASSIGNMENT OF CABLE TELEVISION FmCHISE PROM IAGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, IBC. TO STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTHERSHIP WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 12.19 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Ingersoll Industries, Inc. wishes to assign to Star Mid America Limited Partnership the franchise granted under Ordinance #388: and ssary to such WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held pur Ordinance: and WHEREAS, the Public Welfare Committee reviewed this request and has recommended approval. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that th attached agreement and ncluding all amendments and he Mayor and Clerk are authorized to accepted in writing a eceived by the City in the attached form Street Restoratio and the attached City due to the form attach ereto, by Star Mid America Limited Partnership, the nd other responsibilities is not be deemed to have consented to this assignment , 1988. ~ ATTEST: PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE Patrick Patterson David Taube Mitchel Penovich Jean K. Marenda, Clerk AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the CITY OF MUSKEGO has granted a non-exclusive Franchise to INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. and that pursuant to said Franchise, INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. has commenced construction of said cablevision system in accordance with said Franchise with the CITY OF MUSKEGO: and WHEREAS, INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. wishes to transfer said Franchise to STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, who has expressed an interest in completing and operating a cablevision system for the CITY OF MUSKEGO and STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP has entered into an agreement with INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. on the day of , 1988 (the “Agreement”) for the purchase of any and all right, title and interest in and to the Franchise presently held by INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. with the CITY OF MUSKEGO for the duration of the . Franchise term. IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: That under the terms and provisions of said Agreement by and between INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. and STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (a copy of which will be provided to the CITY OF MUSKEGO), upon the transferring of all right, title and interest in the Franchise for a cablevision system from INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. to STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. said STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP will be responsible for the completion of the construction of said cablevision system and the operation thereof under the terms and conditions of the Franchise heretofore granted to INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. by the CITY OF MUSKEGO and as in any manner amended by the consent to this assignment and acceptance of the same. This Agreement does not release in any manner any responsibilities of INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. to the CITY OF HUSKEGO. Dated this day of , 1988. INGERSOLL INDUSTRIES, INC. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STAR MID AMERICA By: Title: By: Title: ORDINANCES AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES AFFIDAVIT OF ACCEPTANCE OP CABLE TV This is to certify that Star Mid America Limited Partnership does hereby accept the terms, conditions and provisions specified in Chapter 12.19 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego as created by Ordinance #388 and as amended and hereby agrees to abide by, to observe and perform same, and declare that statement and recitals contained in Chapter 12.19 As Amended are correct and that it has made and does make this agreement, statement and admissions in this Chapter recited to have been or to be made. Star Mid America Limited Partnership accepts the following conditions, terms and responsibilities: 1. That the term of the franchise shall end on the 2cth day Of Novpmbpr , 19 98 : and 2. That Star Mid America Limited Partnership shall immediately pay any and all fees and expenses incurred by the City because of this transfer including, but not limited to, attorney fees, and submit any bonds required by the franchise ordinance; and 3. That by this acceptance, Star Mid America Limited Partnership accepts all of the responsibilities as to said franchise previously agreed to by Ingersoll Industries, Inc. and/ or its predecessors including, but not limited to, the following: A. The Community Access Rules dated November 13, 1984, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. The Agreement between Ingersoll Cable Corporation (Ingersoll Industries, Inc.) and the City of Muskego dated March 12, 1985, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, by which the City of Muskego granted to Ingersoll Industries, Inc. the right to locate a building and earth station dish on City property. 4. As part of the franchise, Star Mid America Limited Partnership agrees to the following: A. Cable installation shall be completed and cable service shall be made available to all residents in the City of Muskego by February 28, 1989. B. All cable installations ("drops") shall be buried to a depth acceptable to the City within 14 working days of the original installation, weather permitting, including all "drops" that are unburied at this time. C. An authorized representative of Star Mid America Limited Partnership shall appear before the City of Muskego Welfare Committee at least 30 days prior to any rate and/or service changes. D. When any new subdivision has any occupancy permits issued prior to May 1st in any calendar year, then cable service shall be available to the homes in said subdivision on or before September 1st of that year. Dated this day of , 1988. STAR MID AMERICA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 0 0 By: Title: General Partner STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) )ss. Personally came before me this day of 1988, the above named to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY ti RIFFLE, S.C. Post Office Box 1348 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 -2- RESOLUTION 11243-84 APPROVAL OF COMMUNITY ACCESS RULES (CABLE TV) WHEREAS, the Cable TV Citizens Committee has established the use of the Community channel and Community programming attached Community Access Rules governing the availability and equfpment of Ingersoll Cable Corporation serving the City of Huskego, and WHEREAS, these Rules have been reviewed by the Public Welfare Committee and they have recommended approval. THEREFORE BE IT RESCLVED that the Common Council of the City of Yuskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Welfare Committee, does hereby approve the Community Access Rules attached hereto and made a part hereof. DATED THIS /? DAY OF lJQc!EfnI',ER , 1984. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE Ald. Ralph Tomczyk Ald. Eugene Gaetzke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt AT'TEST : City Clerk 11 164 Im COMMUNITY ACCESS Community Access exists for the benefit of the Community. It is Ingersoll Cable Corporation's wish to create for the residents of Muskego an electronic medium of communications previously unavailable to the citizens of the community. November 13, 1984 Ingersoll Cable Corporation owns the equipment wh the use of all members of the community. Certain procedures must be established in order to insure Community's privileged use of the equipment while rights of Ingersoll Cable Corporation and the equ ich will be for rules and and protect the we protect the ipment. 'dithout the rules and guidelines, neither the community nor Ingersoll Cable Corporation could control misuse or abuse or guarantee the use of our equipment on a non-discriminatory basis. It is with this intent that the following rules have been ~. ~~ established. - INGEKSOLL CABLE CORPORATION COMMUYITY ACCESS RULES The rules established govern the availability and use of the Community channel and Comngnity programming equipment of 1. Ingersoll Cable Corporation, serving the City of Muskego. a 2. 3. $. 5. Advertising material designed to 'promote the sale of commerclal products or services including advertising by or on behalf of legally qualified candidates is prohibited. No program, production or presentation shall be cablecast on a community channel which involves directly or in-directly any lottery. No program or presentation shall be cablecast or peraitted to be cablecast on the community channel which contains any obscene or indecent raterial. A11 cablecast must be in accordance '~ith czrren; FCC rules and reguiation. All disputes arising over the allocation of programming time shall be resolved by the Ingersoll Cable Corporation Githin the following guidelines: a) First time users have priorfty over regular users. b) A previous user who has not been scheduled in prime tine (6pm-l0pm) shall have priority for prime time. The Community channel and Ingersoll Cable Corporation broadcasting equipment shall be available for non-comercia1 Video tapes can be purchased from Ingersoll Cable use on a nsn-charge, non-discrlmfnatory, first come basis. Corporation at actual purchase price, if requested. COMMUNITY ACCESS RULES - Page 2 6. Community access users shall successfully complete all video Training rules for use of the equipment shall be established and equipment trafning prior to using Ingersoll equipment. by Ingersoll Cable Corporation in eccordance with the general practices of use of equipment of this type. 7. a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Individual's under the age of 18 shall have a parent or Corporation indicating the adult takes full responsibility guardian's signature on file with Ingersoll Cable for the program and actions of the minor, as well as for the equipment used. Equipoent nay be reserved no more than one nonth in advance and no less than tw3 business days in advance. Equipnent can be checked out for a maximum of 24 hours on weekdays and AB hours on s;eekends. If there have been no other requests Ingersoll Cable Corporation. City of Muskego residents these time periods can be extended at the discretion of would have first priority on one caaera for 72 hours prior to use of that equipnent. In order to assure equipment availability to as many users as possible, and to protect the rights of all, violations of the following nay result in the violator's suspension of comunity access privileges: a) Leaving the facility without properly checking out the b) Not returning equipment at the agreed upon time. c) Xeturning the equipment ln a condition that indicates d) Allowing a non-certified individual to use the equipment. negligence, damage, or abuse. equipment. The individual signing out the equipnent will be responsible through abuse or negligence. for the repair/and or replacement of any equipment damaged At the option of the individual checking out the camera, for a non-refundable fee of $5.00 per day, per ca~era, the individual may purchase a $100.00 deductible insurance policy covering damage not attributed to nornal wear and use. Said policy will be maintained in force by the Ingersoll Cable Corporation. All equlpment shall be operated in accordance with the procedures that will be detailed in Ingersoll Cable Cor- Cable Corporation. poration workshops and any other guldellnes set by Ingersoll The Community Access User shall bear sole responsibility for the content of all programs, live or taped. : . . i a, COMMUNITY ACCESS RULES - Page 3 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Any access program funded, sponsored or underwritten by any individual. business. or oreanization shall credit that support-by acknowledging the following: "THIS PROGRAM WAS HADE POSSIBLE THROUGH FUXDINC PROVIDED ~ ~~ ~ s ~~ BY II No addresses, slogans, phone numbers or other descriptive phrases may be used. All prograas produced with Ingersoll Cable equipment must credit Ingersoll Cable as follows: "PROljUCED THROUGH THE COMMLQITY ACCESS ASSISTANCE OF INGERSOLL CABLE CORPORATION OF MUSKEGO, WISCOXSIN" The "Consent Release Claim" signed by the access user allows Ingersoll Cable Corporation permission to use any program without any further clearances. Ingersoll Cable Corporation produced by the access user on the Ingersoll Cable system will not sell or commercially distribute a producer's work without additional permission granted fro2 the producer. At the end of a 30 day period, the video tape will be returned to the owner. All tapes sabmitted by access users will be reviewed for technical quality. Tapes played must be able to deliver a clear, unbroken signal to subscribers. Failure to comply with the rules set forth nay subject the Access channel and/or access equipment. Sl-..suld an access user to forfeiture of the right to use the Community appeal said decision to the Public Welfare Committee. individual feel their forEeiture was improper, they may Should the Tublic Welfare committee feel that the suspension of an individual's rights were based upon ?roperly documented violation, the suspension will resain. If the Public Uelfare Committee feels the suspension of rights were not properly documented, then any overturn of the suspension by the Public Velfare Committee stands final. The rules established are provided as an overview. Should either the City of Huskego, or Ingersoll Cable Corporation feel that these rules should be changed, it shall be the responsibility of both the Public Welfare Cownittee and Ingersoll Cable Corporation, to mutually agrse upon any changes to the Community Access Rules. If the Public Welfare Comaittee and Ingersoll Corporation cannot mutually agree, there uould be no change in the rules. AGREE.UE':JT BETWEEY INGERSOLL CABLE CORPOhlTIOX AND CITY OF MUSKEG0 (As Anended) WHEREAS, pursuant t'b'the Cable T.V. ordinance accepted by Ingersoll Cable Corporation, hereinaEter referred to as building co house head-in electronic equipment on certain "Ingersoll", Ingersoll is to place an earth station dish and a 'city''. roperty owned by the City of Muskego, hereinafter referred to as NO&, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: Description oE property vhere building and dish shall be located; See actached ExhLbit "A". Description of bG:lding and dish: See at:achec Exnibit "B". C)ccu?ancy Date; :.!arch 1, 1985 Land 3ec.t: $jOr).C? per yezr, payable in a2.rance an :he occu?ancy da:e and the sane day of each fol:c.-.ing year. 1. TZ?.Y: The Cit;r hereby grants to Ingersoll tL.e right to have s-ch building an? property located on the land c,-.ned by rhe Cit.4 from tie date of ?!arch 1, 1985 until fifteen (15) years from the dace of granting of the franchise or t:he terainacljn of Ingersoll's Cable T.V. franchise, whichever cones first. That alz.a:rs be a: Ingersoll's ex?ense and subject to all a??licable Ingersoll's right to malntain such building and proper:;< shall goveranental laxs, ordlnances, rules, etc. That said building and property shall be Zaintained at the sole expense of Ingers311. The City azd Ingersoll agree chat if che CaSle T.V. whichever cones first, Ingersoll shall leave the building on the franchise is terminated, or at the end of the leasehold period, site if requested to do so by che City at no cost to the City. 2. PAYXENT OF RE!;?: Checks for payment of rent shall he made out to the City of Xuskego. 3. UTILITIES h TAXZS: Ingersoll shall pay for water/sewer, gas (including gas heat) and electricfty and any ocher utility and any taxes which are a result oE the'bulldlng. its contents, or the dish. 5. MAIYTEYANCE h REPAIR: Ingersoll shall make all premises in good condition. Ingersoll shall make all repairs. necessary incidental repairs to the premlses, and maintain the Ingersoll shall maintain the exterior oE the buildlng and adjacent areas in good condition. -2- .. 5. INDE~IFICATION':' Ingersoll during the tera hereof shall indennify the City against all claim and demands, vhether for occurring within the premises and arising out of the use and injuries to persons, loss of life, or dazaze CO proper:y occupancy by Ingersoll, expecting, however, such claims and dezands, whether for injuries to persons, loss of life, or daaage to property caused by acts or omissions of Ingersoll. Xoching contained in this seccion shall, hovever, detract frsz the City's righcs to protection under the public liability insurance policy to be paid for by Ingersoll as specified \,ereof. 6. ISSL'RXUCE: Ingersoll shall, ac izs eqense, at all policy or policies of insurance, vritten 5:~ one or core tLmes durins the tern of t5:s agreement =aLntain in force a resoonsible insurance carriers designatel by the Ci.t:~, %which vi11 persons or loss or damage ta 2raperty occ~rring in or about the i3sc:re the Ci:y against lCaj:lity for i2jGr:J t3 or ces:i of deaissd prezlses. The liability under szc? insurance shall floc be less than S500,OOO far any one person kllled or injured, ~j~o,ooo for any one accident, and S300,3C12 property danage. 0 DATED THIS 12th DAY OF ?I a r c "~ , 1985. CONSENT The Yuskego Historical Society hereby consents to the above agreement, it being the position of the par:ies to said agreement that no such consent is necessary. By : President By : Secretary