CCR1988215COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 1/21 5-88 APPROVAL OF REVISED WATER UTILITY RATES & RULES WHEREAS, Resolution 8232-87, Approval of Standard Water Utility Operating Rules and Regulations, was approved by the Common Council on December 8, 1987, and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Committee has since requested that the Public Service Commission review the rates established at that time, and WHEREAS, the Public Service Commision has now established new rates based on projected customer data. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby adopt the revised rates and rules proposal hereto, subject to review of the City Engineers. as submitted by the Public Service Commission, and attached BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Muskego requests that the Public Service Commission waive the ten day waiting period, and approval by the Public Service Commission. that the effective date of the new rates be upon receipt of our DATED THIS 27th DAY OF Seatember , 1988. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Harold Sanders ALd. Daniel Hilt Ald. Thomas Repischak ATTEST : City Clerk 9/88 jz Schedule 13 Page I of 4 xuskeq3 Water Utility ProDoseZ-.Revisee Rates and Rules Public Fire-Protection Service - - - F- 1 For public fire-protection service to the city of Muskego, the hyfrants up to and including the terminal hydrant and connection annual charge shall be 377,325 to cover the use of mains and on each main existing for the 1987 test year. For all extensions of fire-protection service, a charge of 68C per lineal foot of main shall be charged per annum on the basis of the len5th of main put into use between hydrants placef, plus a charqe of 566.00 per net hydrant a2fe2 to the system after the base zerid. 3k. ; service o~ly and such quantities of water as mey be deman2ed for only. For all other puz~oses, the metered or other rates set the ;sur?oses of extinguishinq fires within the municipal bcundary fort."., or as may be file2 wit? the Public Service Commission, shall apply. The above base annual charqe of 577.325 incluZes an estimated 128 hydrazts. 52,094 feet of distributior rain, 6-inch and larger, ant serr-ice shall inclzee ::le xse cf hytrants fcr fire-protection Public Fire-Protection - Suhrban - - - F-2 I1 2) 31 Water used for extinguishing fires outside the immediate service area of the utility may cocsist of three types of service: Water suppliee to tar.k trucks from utility hydrants: Water supplies directly from hydrants located within the corporate limits, or on its borders, by means of hose lines; or, Water supplied to tank truck from any other utility water source. A record of the measured or estimated volume of water used shall be submittee to the water utility after each use for fire protection outside the utility's immediate service area. If measuring or estimating is impossible, the water utility superintendent shall be furnished such data as size of orifice used, pressure and time water was permitted to flow, in order to 1) Zetermine volume used. " Schedule 13 Page 2 of 4 Public Fire-Protection - SuburSar. - - - F-2 IContinued) A charqe for the volume of'water use?, for each fire either through a tank supply or from hydrants, will be billed to the townshi? or fire department using water at $1.50 per 1,000 gallons. A service charqe, in addition to the water charge, shall be 815.00 per hydrant used. Private Fire-Protection Service - Umetered - - - Upf-1 No change. General Service - Meterec! - - - ?.!:-I Quarter::: service charqe: .13-inc?1 rete= - C:C.50 3-inch meter - $ 39.00 !4-inch meter - -C:O.SP 1-inch meter - 512.00 6-inch meter - $ 72.00 4-inch meter - S 54.00 l$-inch meter - S16.50 8-inch meter - $ 96.00 1%-inch meter - S19.50 10-inch meter - 5123.00 2-inch meter - $28.50 12-inch meter - $150.00 Plus volume charge: First 30,000 gallons usee each quarter - $1.50 per 1,000 gallons Next 90,CCO ga1lor.s use2 each quarter - $1.25 per 1,000 gallons Over :2@,000 gallons use? each quarter - $ .90 per 1,000 gallons become-Cue and payable on the first of the month following the Billinc: Bills for water service are rendered quarterly an2 period for which service is rendered. A late payment charqe of 14% per month will be added to bills not paid within 20 days of issuance. This late payment charge will be applied to the total unpaid balance for utility service, including unpaid late payment charges. The late payment charge is applicable to all customers. The utility customer may be given a written notice that the bill Unless payment or satisfactory arrangement for payment is made is overdue no sooner than 20 days after the bill is issued. within the next 8 days, service may be disconnected pursuant to Chapter PSC 185, Wis. Adm. Code. Combined meterina: When a consumer's premises has several buildinqs, each ;upplied with service and metered separately, the full se;vice charTe-will be bille? for each meter separately and the readings will not be cumulate?. If these buildings are all use2 in the same business an2 are connected by the consumer, they can be metered in one place. If the utility, for its own convenience, installs more than one meter, the readings will be cumulated for billin?. e ! Schedule 13 Page 3 of 4 General Service - SuburSan - - - PC-2 Xo chznse. Public Service - - - MDa-1 Water service supplied to mur.icipa1 buildinqs, schools, etc., shall be metered and the resular metered service rates applied. Water used on an internittent basis for flushing sewers, street sprinklins, flooding skating rinks, drinking fountains, etc., Where it is impossible to measure the service, the superintendent shall be metered where meters can be set to measure the service. shall estimate the volume of water used based on the pressure, size 05 openin? and perio? of time water is allowed to be drawn. The estimated quar.tity use2 shall be billed at the rate of $1.25 ?ET i,OOO qallons. Gecerzl Water Service - Ccxetore2 - - - ug- 1 Where t5e utility cannot iinrrediately install its water meter, service may be supplied temscrarily on an unmetered basis. Such service shall be billed at the rate of $33.00 each quarter. This rate shall be applie2 ocly to sincle-family residential anc? small commercial customers and approximates the cost of 15,000 gallocs of water per quarter unser X5-1. If it is determined by the utility that usac- is in excess of 15,000 gallons per quarter, an additional charge per Schelule Xg-1 wili be made for the estimated additional usage. Eillino: Same as Schedule Vg-1. Seasonal or Temporary Service - - - Mgt-1 No change. Building and Construction h'ater Service - - - Mz-1 No change. . . .. Schedule 13 Pagre 4 of 4 Bulk Water - - - E-1 All bulk water suppliec' to.,fill tank trucks or swimming pools from metered. Utility perscnnel shall supervise the delivery of the the water system through hydrants or other connections shall be water. Service charge - $15.00 Plus volume charge - S 1.50 per 1,000 gallons Reconnecticn Charqes - - - R- 1 KO change. Kater Later-l Installaticn CharTe - - - Cz-1 Sc; c:-znge. Temporar:? No chance Hydrant C No chazge Rules a? No chanc Water M2 No chanc Water ME No chanq fiered Su3plv, Meter and Deposits - - - D-1 '7es - - - H-1 mlations - - - x-1 :<tension Rule - - - x-2 - Istallations in Platted Subdivisions - - - x-3 bjr09078: Schedule 14 Customer Water Bill Comparison at Present and Authorized Rates """""""~""" _. . Quarterly------------------------ Meter Volume Bill Bill Size 1000 at Old Customer Type (Inches) Gallons Rates at New Rates Percent Change """"""""" """" """" """"""- """"""- """_ Small Residential Avg. Residential Large Residential Industrial Industrial Commercial Commercial Commercial Public Authority Commercial Commercial Public Authority Public Authority Public Authority Public Fire Protection (annual charge) 3/4 3/ 4 3/4 3/ 4 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 5s 42.50 $ 18.00 ( 22.5 30 50 100 150 175 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 900 96.75 120.00 167.00 284.50 400.50 450.50 500.50 600.50 721.50 921.50 1,121.50 1,342.50 1,742.50 1,942.50 88,307.00 44.25 ( 55.50 ( 80.50 ( 143.00 ( 196.50 ( 219.00 ( 241.50 ( 286.50 ( 339.00 ( 429.00 ( 519.00 ( 618.00 ( 798.00 ( 888.00 ( 77,325.00 ( 58%) 54%) 54%) 52%) 50%) 51%) 51%) 52%) 52%) 53%) 53%) 54%) 54%) 54%) 54%) 12%)