CCR1988175COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 111 75-88 APPROVAL OF MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH BARBER COLMAN COMPANY FOR THE TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS AT WOODS ROAD PUMPING STATION WHEREAS, approval of Maintenance Agreement No. 61688Fl0 with Woods Road Pumping Station, s77 WT6031 Woods Road, for the period Barber Colman Company for the tem erature control systems at the has been recommended by the Public Utility Committee. of August 1, 1988 through July 31, 1989 for a total of $110.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Muskego. upon the recommendation of the Public Utility Committee, does hereby authorize the Clerk-Comptroller to execute an agreement between the City and Barber Colman Company for maintenance of the temperature control systems at Woods Road Pumping Station for the period of August 1, 1988 through July 31, 1989 for a total of $110.00. DATED THIS 21 0 DAY OF QkJL , 1988. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMITTEE * A d. Danizl.’J.’ Hilt Ald. Thomas E. Repischak ATTEST : City Clerk 7f 88 YP CUSTOMER ADDRESS S77 W16031 Weak Rd 50 THE CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY $ 11 0.00 PERYEAR FOR 1 SCHED- ULED INSPECTION. THIS PRICE ALSO INCLUDES ANY ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS AS SET FORTH ON FORM F-13543 IF ATTACHED TO THIS AGREEMENT. INVOICING"ANNUALLY/SEMI-ANNUALLY/QUARTEKLY EITHER PARTY MAY TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT BY GIVING NOTICE 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE NEXT ANNIVERSARY DATE. BARBER-COLMAN LIMITED SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT ENSURES YOU THAT QUALIFIED FACTORY TRAINED CONTROL TECHNICIANS WILL: 1. Perform regularly scheduled inspections according to the needs of your particulai building. 2. Check control system operation. 3. Make adjustmente wherever required. 4. Clean, lubricate, and calibrate all controle covered by thin agreement. 5. Report any defects in the heating or air conditioning system(s), suggest improvements which would increase operating efficiency, and review new techniques that are now being employed in the control industry to help keep the mntrol system updated to the most recent technological advances. All inspections are to be performed during regular working hours 8:OO A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday inclusive, except for legal holidays. Should additional work be required over and above that covered by thii agreement or during hours other than those specified above, such labor can be furnished at an added coat. The branch office servicing you will fumiah and erp& what thi cost will be. EXCLUSIONS: Unless additional proviaions have been included on form F-13543, and attached to thin Limited Service Agreement, thin agreement dm not cover- 1. "he coet of material or labor uaed to repair or replaw inoperative equipment. 2. Service cab requested by the customer to mice equipment other than that covered under the tenne of thin agreament. -?"=""~ " """- - "-s. " - ".r"" "" "_" ." __"" " - a:-. -."- - "" " - " " - -=a - 414/464-5900 3952 North 76th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53222