CCR1988165L. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #165-88 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO OFFER TO PURCHASE (HAM-INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDN. NO. 1) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Amendment to Contract of Sale (Lloyd Hamm-Industrial Park Addn. #l). DATED THIS \ ?,& DAY OF h 4.4 , 1988. AldJ Mie'chel Penovich ATTEST : City Clerk 7/88 YP . ., 4 wB43 .+mendmen[ To Conrracr Of Sale Appmvcd by the Wisconsin Depanment or Regulation and Licensing 5-1-62 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE Wisconsin Legal Blank Ca.. lnc. Milwaukee. Wir. 1 Ir is hereby murually agreed thar the offer dated ...... June 2.0. , 19 8.6 , 2 and accepted 3 purchase ofthe real estate at. .in. .Ph'aS.e !.IT. .of. .fh.e ?!uskeg'? I,?d!,?t.?i?~, Park? Mus.keg0,. .Wi.sCons.in. .. ,!!CAY .8. , 19 86 between the undersigned for the sale and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 17 18 19 21 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 is hereby amended as follow;: < j :,,,,, ........................................... :; ........................................... .. - " Pz-L I= ChangnffrullA a ..................... u11 .,. ..................................... LV ....................................... C ............................. " ................................ x -"- - X--'-.--'he ................................. e _. ............................................... ." -S ................................................................................................ i~ .. ( !???5 ......................... :Gz .......................... -:.",,, ............ .% >" ............ .%. ,'Udm&Q... ............. ,I ;u. ............ >.,.A ... ,narrthtypsJmnrrFmm ..................... 5. 10 3. I anu ~~ ~~~ ~~ L. ( , x=- "hL LdL .. ............................................................ ",-. .............................................................. ...................................................................... "::d.at.es. .SPeCifie.d. .in. .the. .Offer t.? PuFc.hase..and ................................................. Counter-Offer and in the Amendments t,o C.ont.ra.ct..of..Sa.le,dat.ed..July.Z3.,,.~986.,. .q!%gUsc 1.3,. ,!?.s6.*. Oct9ber ,?.9,..~?86,..J?nuarY .??.*. .1.?~?..a.~d.SeP.tembe.? ?!,..!?.e! .be. ............ extended to S,ept.ember .?P.? A?M! 30 IS A LEGALLY BMDING AMENDMENT TO SAID CONTRACT, All other terms of raid contract shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect as though fully rer fonh at length in this amendment. THIS 31 Dared: June !4? 1.988 CITY OF MUSKEGO By : Wayne 'G. Salentine,(Seller) Mayor .... ........ ............... 3s 34 .. 3.~ > (Buyer) Jean'fiarenha (Seller) City Clerk Pursuant to Resolution !I passed by Common Council on THIS AMENDMENT SHOULD BE ATT.ICHED TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE.