CCR1988150COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #150-88 RESOLUTION AMENDING OFFER TO PURCHASE GROVEWAY LOT BY RALPH F. AND ANN E. STERZINGEK Amendment to Offer to does hereby authorize Sterzinger BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Common Council of the City of Muskego the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Purchase submitted by Ralph F. and Ann E. DATED THIS 2% DAY :. ATTEST : City Clerk 6/88 YP AMENDMENT TO OFFER TO PURCHASE The attached Offer to Purchase and Counter-Offer is hereby amended as follows: 1. The date on Line 8 of the Counter-Offer is amended to September 24, 1988. 2. The date on Line 83 of the Offer to Purchase is amended to October 15, 1988. 3. In all other respects, said documents remain unchanged. Dated this day of , 1988. SELLERS : CITY OF MUSKEG0 By: Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor By: Jean K. Marenda, Clerk Dated this day of , 1988. BUYERS : RALPH F. STERZINGER ANN E. STERZINGER 4 3 5 6 I 8 10 9 11 12 "he Mer to Purchase dad . Ju.ne 79. 1?!6 ~ ~. . and signed by Buyer. . Ralph . . . . . . . . . F . .t . . Sterzinger . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . and . , . , . . . kinn ~. , . ~. E' ~ . ! . . . ~ . . , . . . . for purchase of real estate at IeX, .K.eY. #?.?6!.< 8.84 .st.e.rzi.nijer, , tilii . . . .. .. ... .... CITY OF MUSKEG0 Dated !i 'j 25 1 26 Name of licensee who negotiated above Counter-Offer By.; . BY.! Wayne G. Salefil%, Mayor Jean K. Haren&ly)Clerk 21 28 to Purchase and not to include any of the terms on the above or any other Counter-Offer except the following: The above Counter-OKer is hereby (acceptedlcountered). Ucountered, all terms and conditions to remain the same as slated on the Offer 29 ~~ 30 31 32 33 35 34 36 . 31 38 . 39 40. .. .. .. .. delivery thereof to Buyer. addressed to Buyer at I 46 41 48 Name of licensee who negotiated above Counterdffer 9. or by pemnal Ralph F. Sterzir@Wr) Ann E. Sterzlngda"yer) 50 counter on a new Counter-Offer form. Buyer's above Counter-Offer is hereby accepted. If Seller is not accepting Buyer's Counter-Offer, Seller should not sign below. Seller may I 52 51 Daled: 53 . 54 Name of licensee who negotiated above Counter-Offer (Seller) (Seller) THIS COUNTER-OFFER SHOULD BE ATTACHED TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE WII-13 Vmt Land mer To Purchase ' hpproved by lht Wiwnrin Depamcnt d Regulation 8nd LiccnrinB Milwaukee. Wis. v5.1-a2 -. VACANT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE I ....................... Muskego. . , Wisconsin. 4 inthe ?!fY .. . . d. . , . Muskegs .. , county of .W4uk~.sba , Wisconsin, 6 5 more particularly dcrcribcd u: .vace!'~.~.4nd..c.~nt.~!".ipg ,(I~Pr.sxir?a,t.elr.three, .WF.GF. .ln. .pMF. .of. .the 7 8 9 3 ..lune. 1 .... . , 19 8.8 me undersigned Buyer, Ralph. .F:. .steF.Z!!'g?ge?:.g.!ld. An!! .E... bter3ingex. hfx. hereby offers to purchase lhe pmpeny known 85 Tax. .Key. ,No: .?26.!? 994. .. northea~t o.ne:.qu.!rter, .sf..~e.c~f.o~,,t\r~r)Fr:~.ilc.,..~n~n~~r,..~Iv.~ nQrLh. ..range 2.0 east. ..... .... ............................................................................... ..... ..................................................... Tventy-Two Thousand One Hundred and np/,lOO,---,--,--r-r----:-------------------- ..... .................. ...... .... , 10 at the price of I I Dollars(S, ?.?,.l!?o:oo. ) and on the terms and conditions as follows: 12 Earnestmoneyof$, .......... 500.00 ,renderedherewith.AdditionalearnestmoneyofS, 5oo,.oo. inthefornof P.CTP.QPa1, 13 . check . .. to be paid within . f.!.V.e. days of acceptance of offer &cum 14 1 I5 Ilthis offer is the resultofa co-brokerage. then all money paid herewith shall bc hcld in thc selling broker's trdsi account until the acceptance of 16 this oller and shall be transmitted lo he listing broker upon such acccplance. 17 Additional earner1 money payments shell be made IO IluwkSbIg%~*WhU~hm-0rontX. .the 18 .... .................................................... Seller. .and. held. in..trust. .until .closiog.. 20 DATE OF CLOSING. (Slrike those not a licable.) 22 FOLLOWING: 23 (If this offer is subject to financing, percolation test. specific zoning or use, approval of recorded building and use restrictions and covenants. 01 any 24 other contingency. il must be stated here. U none, so stale.) 25 ... ................ . ~. ,and the balance in cash at closing or as hereafter set forth. 19 TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AS TO ADDITIONAL EARNEST MONEY PAYMENT, LEGAL POSSESSION, OCCUPANCY. AND 21 THEBUYER'SOBLIGATTIONTOCON~~UDETHISTRANSACTIONISCOND~T~ONEDUPONTHECONSUMMATIONOFTHE NONE - THIS IS A CASH OFFER. .. 26 27 ............... ............ .. .... .. 31' .. 32 33 ?4 ?3 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 51 . ''1.' b., ','"' , . ' 35 36 37 38 . 39 40 . hl 42 .. .. ....... .. ...... .. .. .... .. ... .. ......... ..... ........ ..... I 52 0:; 56 57 58 59 60 61 62. 63 64 65 66 70 71 72 73 I4 7s 77 76 .. ..... .. .. .. ...... .. ... ... ,. .. ..... .. .. ...... .. .. ., . . .. .. .. ... ...... .. .* .. ....... .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .... ........ ... ... ... ... Buyer agrees that unless otherwise specified, Buyer will pay all costs of securing any financing to the extent pormitted by law. and 10 perfom all acts necessary to expedite such financing. ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED,IN SALE: NONE ., ............. 4 ', . . I. I .. ,. .,.. .... ~ .... .. ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN SALE: NONE .... .. ... .. ....... ..... Seller shall. upon payment of lhe purchase price, convey &e property by warranty deed, or other conveyance provided herein, free andciearof all liens and encumbrances, excepting: municipal and zoning ordinances. recorded easemenls for publlc utilities located ldjacenl to side and rear lot lines, recorded building and use restrictions and covenants. general taxerlevied in-the year of closing and r'?st.?~?.~i.'?n6. .Qf .. .. .... " . ~ ~~,. Legal pnseislon of property shall bc delivered to Buyer on date of closing. It is understood the propeny is now occupied by .!??!E. - !&A!? LAN!?.. .record,, .it..e!w: . '<, .. .. ~ ~#kral~cku~iE~X~~~-~~XX~X. ... ... . ..~ .t .. iB . _. If this offer is accepteb. it shall :IN bkcnme binding upon byer until 3 copy 01 accepted offer is deposited. postage prepaid. in the United Stales 79 mails, addressed to Buyer at M143. .S73.45. .Glaria, C.ouxt. ..Uuskago., .W1.5.3150... ............................ 80 ....... ..... 81 This transaction is to be closed a1 Ihe oflice of Buyer's mortgagee or 81 lhe ollice of .City. .of .Muskegs or by personal delivery thered. 82 .. ,.... . .. ...... ........ on or before .July. ,15. , 19 88. ,or at such other time and place as may be agreed in writing by Buyer and Sellcr. B ~ Seller represents lo Buyer that the property is zoned ,Residential. Single ,Family. ....... 85 . 86 Seller varranls and represents tu Buyer that the propeny is not located in a flood plain, as per ....... .. .. .... '1, 87 .. 89 Seller warrants and represents IO Buyer that Seller has no nolice or knowledge of any: 90 91 (a)planned or commenced public improvement which may result in special assessmenls or otherwise materially affect the propeny (b)government agency or cnun order requiring repair. alteration or correction of any existing condilion. 88 (caution: Refer to wetlarids rcgiaions.) .. i E EXCEPTlONS TO WARRANTIES AND REPIIESENTATIONS STATED 1N LINES 86T0 91: NONE 94 95 96 ... 97 1nle;est. rents. water and sewcr use charges and~homeowners association assessmenls shall be prorated as ofthe date of closing. Accrued 98 income and expenses. includillg taxes for lhs day of closing, shall accrue to Seller. 99 100 laxes lor the preceding year. General laxes shall bc prorated a1 the lime of closing based on lhe net gencral taxes lor the current year. if knom,olhenvise on lhe net general 10 I CAUTION: If prnpeny has mil hccn fully asscrncd fglr tax ~UIIXISCS. or reassessmcm is completcd or pcnding.tax proration shall be on the basis of ...... .. 102 z ~~ cslimalcd arlou:ll I:Ix. Make spcial aercclncnl if area asscssmenl(s) islare conlemplated and/or homeowners 104 Special assessmenls. if my, fnr work on sile :~clunlly cwnnlenccd or lcvicd prior lo dale of his offer shall be paid by Seller. All other special 103 assmiatinn has assessed or nay asscss. 105 assessmcnls. including any conlemplated special asscssnlcnts. shall be paid by Buycr. 106 107 I, A complele abstract of title made hy an abslmcl cwnpnny. extended to within j0 days of the closing. said abstract lo show Seller's tille lobe Sclier shall furnish anad dcliwr to Buycr fur cxnnlination at least I5 days prior to the date set for closing. Seller's choice of either: I09 proc:eds of the sale. Ruycr shall notify Scllcr in writing of any valid objection lo thc title within IO days afler the receipt of said abstract and ;b2. An owner's policy of title insurance in the anlounl oithe full purchase$!ice naming Buyer as Ihe insured, as Bu er's inlerest may ap ar. provided) and in such cases I!IC time 01 closing shall hc accordingly extended: or written b: a responsible title insurancecompany licensed by the Stateof Isconsln. whlchpolicyshallguarantee Seier'stitle lobe incon r. ltlon 114 called for by this agreement. except for mortgages. judgments. or other liens which will be satisfied out of the proceeds of the sale. A 1 I6 deemed suficienl performance. 118 furnish written proof. al or before closivg. Ihal lhc total undtrlying indebtedness. if any. is not in excess ofthe proposed balance ofthe land contracl. 120 Iln and lhal he payments on Illis land contract are sullicicnt to lncel all of the ohligalions of Seller on the underlying indebtedness. Should Buyer fail tocarry nut this agreemcnt. all money paid hereunder. including any additional earnest money, shall, a1 the option of Seller. 12 I be paid to or retained by Seller as liquidalcd damages. If such money is held by Bruk:r. Broker shall disburse such money as follows: 122 I To Buyer. if Scllcr has no1 ~:c>~ilicd nuyerand Ilwkcr in writingof Seller's elcction loconsider all money paid hereunder as liquidateddamages 123 or pan payment lor spccilic pclformnncc within hO days td closing dale scl Inrlll in this agreement. or: 124 2. l~~Scller~sliqui~lntcd~l:~~~~:~~c~.~ul~jccl~~~dc~l~~c~i~~~~~~~1Il~~~kcr'sc~~r~~missi~~~~~~~~d~lishurscmcnls.ifany,ifneilherpar(yhascomn~cnccdalaw 125 126 sui1 (111 this nlatlcr v.illlin 121) thy\ of the closing dalc scl fonh ill this agrcemcnl. 127 paid hereunder shall he rc~urncd to Iluycr forthwith. and this contract shall be void. Should Scllcr he unahlc 10 carry out this aprccmcnt hy reason ofa valid legal defect 'in title which Ruycr is unwilling to waive. all m@ne). I2R SI'ECIAL PROVISIONS: 129 130 131 132 .. 133 134 108 marketable and in the conditiotl called for hy this agreemcnt. except for morigagcs.judgmenls or other liens which will be satisfied out oflhe I IO Sellcr shall then hnvc a rcasullahlc lime but ngtl cxccctling 60 days. uilhin which to rectify the title (or flrrnirh a title policy as hereinafter 115 commitmenl by such a tille company. agreeing IO issue such a title policy upon the recording ofthe properdocuments as agreed herein, shall be 117 If this olTer provides for a land contracl. lhe same esidence oIIitle shall be furnished prior to the executiun of the land contract. and Seller shall ... ,. .... ... ,. ... ...... .... 135 ~. Buyer has read, fully understands and acknowledges receipt ora copy oflhis der lo purchase. BUYERIS ADVISEDTHATBROKER 137 HAS AN AGENCY HELATIONSHIP WITH SELLER. I144 i 145 19 .~ ... 146 147 (If Seller is married. spouse should sign:) (Seller) 148 EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT I49 Earnest mollcy in the anminl of $ 500.00 in form of. ~e~.%n*!. .C~.CC!! . . , . I50 rcccivcd from ,!"Ye.!?. .~~ naariumdmin. or transltlir 1hc smnc in accoldancc uith the lernls of the ebove olTcr. The undcrsigncd hercby agrees to hold same inrnnmt4n~zd~~clrmlhENrl 153 154 I55 IY BY