CCR1988127CQWN OUNCIL - CITY OF WSKEIX) RESOLUTION 11127-88 BED OF LIlTLE MUSKFIX LAKE AND PLACE2-EW OF PIER AT IDLE ISLE WING PIACEMF,W OF WATER SKI JUMP ON (Water Bugs) WiERFAS, the Water Bugs Ski Club has requested permission to place a water ski jump on the bed of Little Muskego Lake, and WEREAS, it is necessary for the club to receive DNR approval as well as city approval, and WHEW&, said water ski jump is to be located adjacent to Paul De Angelis's Island and in front of Idle Isle Beach during show dates, and WHEREAS, the Water Bugs have also requested permission to place a pier at Idle Isle, which has been approved by the Parks and Recreation Board, and WHEREAS, the Finance Comittee has recommended approval of the placement of the water ski jump and the pier. NOW, THEEFTIRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cmn Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recomndation of the Finance Comittee, does hereby grant permission to the Water Bugs Ski Club to place a water ski jump adjacent to Paul De Angelis's Island and in front of Idle Isle Beach during show dates, subject to approval by the DNR, and the condition that the ski jump be lighted at night. BE IT FUR?HER RESOLVED that approval is hereby given for the placement of a pier at Idle Isle subject to the pier being equipped with reflectors, and located across from JC Island as in previcus years. BE IT FURTHER RESOLED that the Water Bugs Ski Club, Inc. and the City of Muskego shall enter into agreements absolving the City of Muskego frm all liability as per the attached agreements relating to the pier and the ski jump. BE IT NRTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of a certificate of insurance for $1,000,000 coverage naming the City of bkego as co-insured . BE IT EURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the attached agreements, with the placement of the water ski jump subject to review by the Water Patrololan. DATED 'IHIS 24 DAY OF May 9 1988. a e