CCR1988078COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO AMENDED RESOLUTION #78-88 APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT AND SUBDIVIDERS AGREEMENT (SQUIRE GLENN) WHEREAS, a final plat has been submitted for the 19 lot Squire Glenn Estates Subdivision on Bay Lane in Section 10, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval, subject to compliance with the reports of the city engineers and the objecting agencies, and WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Agreement has been submitted and the Finance Committee has recommended approval subject to inclusion of the following: Section I11 - Add G. Stormwater Drainage Facilities If a stormwater drainage study which is to be performed on the balance of the subdivision shows that drainage from this developer contributes to the required stormwater drainage improvement, the developer shall, on demand of the City, pay a fee based on his pro-rata share as determined under Land Division Ordinance Section 8.8. 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Final Plat for the 19 lot Squire Glenn Subdivision on Bay Lane in Section 10, subject to the approval of the City Engineer and all objecting and approving agencies; and, administrative, etc. fees. receipt of payment of any and all attorney, engineer, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Subdivider's Agreement is hereby approved subject to approval of the City Attorney and inclusion of the above conditions required by the Finance Committee. DATED THIS 26th DAY OF April 1988. ATTEST: Cip Clerk /' /' COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUS.kEGO RESOLUTION 1/78-88 APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT AND SUBDTVIDERS AGREEMENT (SQUIRE GLENN) / WHEREAS, a final plat has been submitted for the 19 lot Squire Glenn Estates Subdivision on Bay Lane in Section 10, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval, subject to compliance with the reports of the city engineers and the objecting agencies, and I WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Agreement has been submitted and the Finance Committee has- recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE;,IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Final Plat for the 19 lot Squire Glenn Subdivision on Bay Lane in Section 10, subject to the approval of the City Engineer and all objecting and approving agencies; and, receipt of payment of any and all attorney, engineer, administrative, etc. fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Subdivider's Agreement is hereby approved subject to approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS . DAY OF - 1988. / I ov1 c ATTEST : i / Ci5.y Clerk 4h8 jm SUUDIVIDER'S AGRF'Zt.Et!T somw GLKIY ESTATES This agreement, made this day of , 1988 by and between Robert Klenz, the "DEVELOPER", and the CITY OF 14USREG0, a municipal corporation of the State of I.lisconsin, located in vaukesha County, hereinafter called the "City". WITNESSETH ~~IEREAS, neveloper has submitted for approval by the City a proposed final plat for S@UIFE GLENN ESTATES, a residential subdivision, a copy of which is attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" (The "Subdivision") : and WHRWS, 5236.13 of the \*!isconsin Statutes provides that as a condition of plat approval, the governing body of the City may require that the Developers make and install certain public improvements reasonably necessary for the Subdivision and further, may require dedication of public streets, alleys or other ways within the subdivision, to municipal specifications without cost to said municipal specifications without cost to said munici- pality; and WIEWAS, the City's Engineers have duly approved the Developer's plans and specifications for Subdivision improvements and the Common Council has duly approved and authorized the terms and provisions of this agreement and approved the final plat of SQUIlu: GIEPI ESTATES. t!ON, TIiEP€FOW, in consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION I. 11.IPROVEW.tITS: The developers, entirely at his expense, shall: A. Tandscapinq: 1. Preserve existing trces whereevcr possible, in the construction ,of subdivision inprovements. \.. 2. comply with the City of Muskego soil Erosion Control Ordinance and \ \ \ \ \ \ , as per Soil Erosion Control Plan as filed with City Building Insp. for ,. /' SQUIRE GLENN ESTATES. a SITTION 11, 1l.lSPECTIOElS AllD ADNIPIIST~TIOI; FEES: The Developer shall pay and reimburse the City all fees as required and at the tine specified in Chapter 10 of its Lancl nivision Ordinance. SECTION III, FIIscErumous REOUIRIMNTS: The Developer shall: A. Easernents: Provide any easements on Revelopers land deemed necess- ary by the City Engineers before the final plat is signed, provided such easencnts are so located as not to render any lot unhuildable OK unsaleahle. G. Street Signs 6 Liqhts: Rcimburse the City, the cost of a11 street lights and the cost of their installation. C. Survey Plonuments: Properly place and install any survey or other monuments required by statute or ordinance. 0 n. necrl Restrictions: Execute and record deed restrictions in the form attached hereto, made a part hereof and nlarked Exhibit "C". E. Grades: Furnish to the Building Inspector of the City a copy of Exhibit "B" showing the strcet gradc in front of each lot, the yard grade and the grade of all four corners of each lot. F. Strect Trces: ltcquirc by Oced Restriction strcct tree plantings in accordance with Res. PC. 72-115. SECTIOI.1 IV. ACREIYIETT FOR I3EI.!ITIT OF PUT,CHASl?RS: The DeVClopeKS agree that in addition to the City's rights herein, the provisions of this agreement shall be for the bencfit of the purchaser of any lot or any interest in any lot or parcel of land in the Subdivision. SFX!TIOM V. DUILDIIIG A:!D OCCUPAiICY PEIUIITS: I b The Developer (or the Developer on behalf of purchasers of lots from Developer) shall, after the execution of this agreellmnt, bc allowed to apply for, and upon proper application thc City shall grant, building permits for construction of Nineteen (19) single fanily hmcs to be con- structed upon such lots in the Subdivision as may be selccted by the Developer, his nominee's or assigns. \ \ It is expressly understood and agreed, however, that no occupancy \permits shall be issued for the said homes, until the City's engineers have detefpined that the sewer and surface watcr drainage facilities required to serve.such homes are connccted with an operating system as required herein. '\, ./ c City shall also pernit Peveloper to place Two 4 Ft by 8 Ft signs advertising said lots for sale, on subject property. Sign shall he valid for a period of one year and may be renewer1 upon mutual agreement of City and Developer for additional 6 month intervals. There shall be no cost to the Developer €or permits relation to said signs. SFCTIOI: VI. GrHEIUL C0:'DITIOIIS A!Ul IIEGULATIOFI: All the provisions of the City's ordinanccs arc incorporated herein by dference, and all such provisions shall bind the parties hereto and be a part of this agreement as'fully as if set forth at length herein. This agreement and all work and improvements required hereunder shall be performed and carried out in strict accordance with and subject to the provisions of said ordinances, SECTION VII. PARTIES BOUND: Developer or his assignecs shall be bound by the tezrss of this agreement or any part herein an it applies to any phase of the development of the subdivision. IN WITNESS h'lIEPXOF, Developer and City have Caused this agreement to be signed by their appropriate officers and their seals to be hereunto affixed in duplicate original countcrparts on the day and year first written above. DEVELOPER: Robert W. Klenz, Developer tlayne G. Salentine, !layor ny : Charlotte I.. Stewart, Clerk This instruncnt was drafted by: Robert PI. Klenz '\ \ \ \