CCR1988041COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 1/41-88 (As Amended) AND LIABILITIES OF GUERNSEY MEADOWS WATER UTILITY, INC. APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO ASSUME CERTAIN ASSETS AND TO INCORPORATE SAID WATER SYSTEM INTO A MUNICIPAL SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Water Committee, does hereby approve in principle the "Agreement to Assume Certain Assets and Liabilities of Guernsey Meadows Water Utility, Inc. and to Incorporate Said Water System into a Municipal System. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to approval of the City Attorney, securing the necessary easements and obtaining PSC approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon satisfaction of the above conditions, the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute the Agreement in the name of the Citv. II I DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF February - , 1988. I ATTEST : City Clerk 2/88 jm I .. _._..~ . . . . . . " .. . .. . .. ." .. .. , -- """_ 3 lI3XT448S 02/20/00 c c "" . . .. .. . " " . ".. - "16429 - Y 0 GUERNSEY MEADOWS WATER UTILITY, INC. AND TO INCORPORATE AGREEMENT TO ASSUME CERTAIN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF SAID WATER SYSTEM INTO A MUNICIPAL SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT is entered into th 1987, by and between GUERNSEY MEADOWS WATER Wisconsin nonprofit, nonstock corporation, is - day of December, UTILITY, INC., a (the "CORPORATION") and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, (the "CITY"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the CORPORATION presently operates a private water system serving the domestic water needs of those subdivisions known as Guernsey Meadows and Guernsey Meadows Addition No. 1, legally described in the Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (collectively, the "SUBDIVISION"); and WHEREAS, the CORPORATION is desirous of conveying and dedicating to the CITY certain of its water service assets and facilities more particularly described in the attached Exhibit B (the "ASSETS") ; and WHEREAS, the members of the CORPORATION at its annual meeting on May 7, 1986 by majority vote authorized its Board of Directors to enter into this Agreement providing for the transfer Of the ASSETS to the CITY upon the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Corporation represents that it has the right and authority, pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws to enter into this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the CITY has determined it to be in the best interest of their citizens and specifically to be in the best interest of the members of the CORPORATION that the ownership and operation of the ASSETS be transferred to the CITY to be operated as a part of the existing water utility presently operated by the CITY: NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree and covenant as follows: 1. TRANSFER OF TITLE. The CORPORATION will transfer the ASSETS to the CITY at a closing to take place at the CITY HALL on or before February 29, 1988 (the "CLOSING"). At the CLOSING the CORPORATION will execute instruments of conveyance in the form of ) 0 those attached hereto as Exhibit C to transfer ownership of the ASSETS. 2. WARRANTY OF TITLE. The CORPORATION warrants and represents that as of the date of execution of this Agreement, the CORPORATION has good right and title to the ASSETS free from all liens and encumbrances, except as may be indicated in said instru- ments of conveyance, and full right and authority to convey the same to the CITY, and such warranties and representations shall remain true at the time of CLOSING. The CORPORATION also warrants that it will take no action to encumber the ASSETS after the CLOSING. The CORPORATION makes no warranties or representations regarding the condition of the ASSETS or their fitness or utility for any purpose, ,e and the CITY agrees to accept the same in AS IS condition and assume 2 full responsibility for all repairs and maintenance relating to the ASSETS even though some such repairs may have been necessary or appropriate prior to the CLOSING. The CITY acknowledges and agrees that it has inspected the ASSETS and is fully satisfied with the condition thereof. 3. RECOGNITION OF BENEFITS: CONSIDERATION. The CITY acknowledges and agrees that the ASSETS have a value at least equal to the charges ("RCA CHARGES") that otherwise would be imposed on such members for becoming conected to the CITY'S water system and for reserve capacity through the municipal water service of the CITY. The CITY further acknowledges and agrees that the CITY and areas outside the SUBDIVISION will benefit from the transfer to the CITY of the ASSETS at least to the extent of such value. Therefore, in consideration of the transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY, the CITY shall credit each lot within the SUBDIVISION against the RCA CHARGES an amount equal to 100% of such charges attributable to each and every lot within the SUBDIVISION, except that with respect to any such lot upon which no dwelling unit has been constructed as of the date hereof, the foregoing credit shall be limited to Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450.00). At the CLOSING, the CITY shall deliver to the CORPORATION, a CERTIFICATE and WAIVER in the form of that attached as Exhibit D for each lot within the SUBDIVISION. 4. ASSUMPTION OF RESPONSIBILITY. After the CLOSING has occurred the CITY shall, assume full title ownership of the ASSETS J and all responsibility for the water service needs of the subdi- visions known as Guernsey Meadows and Guernsey Meadows Additional No. 1. The CITY hereby agrees that the quality and quantity of water being supplied and water service being furnished will be as required by the Wisconsin Administrative Code and as may be regulated by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. 5. RESPONSIBILITY FOR WATER USAGE. The CORPORATION agrees that special assessments may be levied against all properties benefited by any future projects performed by the CITY (including, but not limited to those properties now owned by members of the CORPORATION) and the credit against the RCA CHARGES described above shall not constitute a waiver of the CITY'S right to levy and 1 collect any future special assessments (including reserve capacity assessments) not representing any portion of the RCA CHARGES described above. The CORPORATION further acknowledges that on the execution of this Agreement and thereafter, all water users within this system will become customers and users under the municipal water system of the CITY and subject to all rules, charges, and regulations thereof as uniformly applied. 6. EMINENT DOMAIN RIGHTS WAIVED. The CORPORATION acknowledges that it is aware of all rights it and its members may have under Chapter 32 of the Wisconsin Statutes, but agrees that the benefits resulting from this transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY, including, but not limted to the credit against the RCA CHARGES, 4 shall be deemed equal in value to the Assets being dedicated and, therefore, other than the consideration described in this Agreement, is requesting no further compensation. 7. SURVIVAL AND ENFORCEMENT OF TERMS. The terms of this Agreement which are not completely performed upon the transfer of title of the ASSETS of the CORPORATION to the CITY shall survive the transfer of said ASSETS and shall continue to be enforceable. All rights and benefits granted to the CORPORATION under this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the individual members of the CORPORATION, their heirs, successors and assigns. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and promises BO herein, we have set our hands and seals on the date first above written. GUERNSEY MEADOWS WATER UTILITY, INC. CITY OF MUSKEG0 By : By: erson, President Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor and Director Attest: Toni Gunderson. Charlotte L. Stewart. Clerk Secretary and Director THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 916 Clinton Street, P.O. Box 1348 EXHIBIT A GUERNSEY MEADOWS AND GUERNSEY MEADOWS ADD'N NO. 1 being a subdivision of a part of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 10, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. EXHIBIT B GUERNSEY MEADOWS EQUIPMENT LIST WELL NO. 1 16" x lo" x 330' Deep 5000 gal. tank 270 ft. 1" x 4" column Byron Jackson 7" MQ-15 with discharge head 25 HP, VHS motor 25 HP, Size 2 starter, H-0-A, Bull. 709 4" water meter 1/2 HP compressor Master Level Control WELL NO. 2 16" x 10" x 1500' Deep 5000 gal. tank 550 ft. 4" pipe and #4 electric cable 6 two bronze check valves stage pump 40 HP Byron Jackson Submersible 6" MQL-10 stage, with Franklin motor 460V, 40 HP Size starter, 460V, 4" water meter 1/2 HP compressor Master Level Control H-0-A, Bull. 1232 The Assets also shall be deemed to include all mains and transmission piping which are a part of the water system serving the subdivision located in the City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin, B known as Guernsey Meadows and Guernsey Meadows Addition No. 1. That certain Real Estate described as follows: Outlots 1 and 2 in Guernsey Meadows, being a subdivision of a part of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 10, Township 5 North, Range 20 Together with all rights and easements, if any, relating to the East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. mains and transmission piping used in connection with the wells located upon the above-described Outlots. GUERNSEY MEADOWS EQUIPMENT LIST WELL NO. 1 WELL NO. 2 16" x 10" x 330' Deep 16" x 10" x 1500' Deep 5000 gal. tank 5000 gal. tank 270 ft. 1" x 4" column 550 ft. 4" pipe and #4 electric cable h two bronze check valves Byron Jackson 7" MQ-15 stage pump 40 HP Byron Jackson Submersible 25 HP, VHS motor with discharge head 6" MQL-10 stage, with Franklin motor 25 HP, Size 2 starter, 460V, - H-O-A, Bull. 709 , 4" water meter 1/2 HP compressor Master Level Control Misc. Piping 40 HP Size starter, 460V, H-0-A, Bull. 1232 4" water meter 1/2 HP cornpressor Master Level Control Misc. Piping The Equipment also shall be deemed to include all mains and trans- division located in the City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State mission piping which are a part of the water system serving the sub- of Wisconsin, known as Guernsey Meadows and Guernsey Meadows Addition NO. 1. .. . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 1/41-88 MUNICIPAL SYSTEM obtaining PSC approval. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1988. \ ATTEST : .... EXHIBIT D "18366 CERTIFICATE AND WAIVER FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (the "City") does hereby acknowledge, confirm and certify, A, shall be and hereby are forever discharged from any obligation to that the persons and real property described on the attached Exhibit pay the City any charge, fee, tax, duty or other imposition, of any kind or nature whatsoever, for or attributable to the right to connect said real property to the City's municipal water service, known as Reserve Capacity Assessments ("RCA") or Water Capacity including, but not limited to, those particular special assessments Assessments ("WCA"), and the City does hereby forever waive any and all such impositions relating to said real property. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the foregoing certificate and waiver (i) shall apply only to the extent of Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450.00) with respect to any buildable lot described on said Exhibit A which is connected to said municipal water system after January 1, 1988, and (ii) shall not prevent the City from imposing upon said persons and real property certain assessments relating to the future improvement and operation of said municipal the State of Wisconsin, including but not limited to water user charges, special assessments and reserve capacity assessments. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, pursuant to the B water system, fairly and uniformly applied according to the laws of authority vested in me by duly-adopted Resolution of the Common Council, has executed this Certificate and Waiver as the official act of the City this nd day of December, 1988. Wayne Salentine, Mayor of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin EXHIBIT C DOCUMEPIT NO. WARRANTY DEED THlS SPICE RESERYED FOR I1ECORDI"T DIT. ,. STATE BAR OF WISCONSIN FORM z-~enz .i AND BILL OF SKE ~- ... ". ...... ...................... conve?s and rvzrrants to ..The .. C.liy .. of .. Mus~keg~, .. ~l.scvnSln. ..a.m~!.Fl.p.a! ..... .(!!Grantee!!) .,.. a.LI..of..I.ts.rl.ght .,.. t.lt.le.and .. In~e.erest~.Ln.fbe.pacsaoal ... property.das~.lbed..In.the Guernsey..Meadors.EquIpm~t..LIst..a~ached. .herefa.aad..Lncorpocated.hereln.b~..thls.reference..(the.."Personal~ ... Proper~y~'~~,--al~-of.-wh~~..Is..lo~Sed..upon.or-used--ln-coaJunctl~.~uI~h RETURN TO ~the.pr.IvaSe.uafor..~~~tem-loc~ted..upoa. ... ........................... Donald 5. Molter, Jr., Esq. .corporafIon.orgsnl~ed.uoder..the.~Lars.of..fhe.State.of..Kl~wns.ln ....... ~__ __- .............................................. P.0. BOX 1348 ................. the iollowing described real estate in ..... Waukesh? .......................... County, - State or Wisconsin: whlch real estate Grantor also conveys and ~u~.Hl 53187 - " warrants to Grantee: Tax Parcel No: Outlots I and 2 In Guernsey Meadows, belng a subdlvlslon of a part of the N.E. f of Sectlon IO, Townshlp 5 North, Range 20 East, In the Clt of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wlsconsln; Together wlth all rlghts and easements, If any, relatlng to the malns and transmlsslon plplng used In connectlon wlth the wells located upon the above-described Outlots. ........ ........_.... ......... Grantor makes no warrantles or representatlons regarding the condltlon of the Personal Property or Its fltneSS or utlllty for any purpose, and hereby conveys the same In "as is" condltlon wlth the Grantee ). assumlng all responslbillty forthe malntenance and repalr thereof from and after the date hereof. This .ls..Mf ........... homestead property, !&,) (is not) Exception to warranties: munlclpal and zonlng ordinances, recorded bulldlng and use restrlctlons to said rlghts and easements relatlng to malns and transmlsslon plplng, and hereby only qult-claims to and covenants, general taxes levled In 1987 and subsequent years. Grantor makes no uarrantles ulth respect Grantee any such rlghts and easements whlch It may have. Dated this ........... ....... dav of ...... Pesember .. 19.87 (SEAL) B' '\ b, AUTHENTICATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT Signature(s) ............................................................ STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 95. ................................................................................ ...................................... County. authenticated this ........ day of ..................... ....., 19 ...... Personally came before me this ................ day of ........................................ .., 19 ........ the above named ................................................................................ , ................................................................................ \' .............................................................................. TITLE: MEMBER STATE BAR OF WISCONSIN '.,(If not. ............................................................ authorized by P 706.06, Wis. Stah.) \ THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY Ronald A. Aithur Godfrey h Kahn .... S C 780 N. Water St.., Mllraukee, WI 53202-3590 .............................. I ........................ t f .. l............... , (signatures may be authenticated or acknowledged. Both are not necessary.) \ to me known to be the person ............ who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same. Notary Public .......................................... County, Win. My Commission is permanent.(If not, state expiration date: .. ....................................................... 19 _.____._.)