CCR1988030COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #30-88 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE 1988 LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, a settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of Muskego and the negotiators for the Muskego Police Association, and WHEREAS, the members of the Muskego Police Association have ratified the agreement, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed the agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the settlement agreement (as attached) between the Muskego Police Association and the City of Muskego for the period of January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1988. 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the amended labor agreement for 1988. DATED THIS -DAY OF \:Qj,-,AAhnd,/ , 1988. d A ATTEST : 0 1988 SETTLENE?T - POLICE OFFICERS ARTICLE 0 Sectlon 1 - Bi-Veeklp Rate Patrol Officer: woma 12/31/88 start 933-26 After 1 Year 1000.02 See letter of understanding uter 2 Tears 1074.70 After 3 Years 1147.10 Detectioe/Jnv.Offlcer 1215-52 Patrol Serzeants Start 1198.30 After 6 Xobnths 1269.06 Detective Sergeant Start 1229.06 0 SECTION VI - SHIFT COXUNDEX PAY Officers vho act as shift commander, in the absence of a supervising officer acting as shift commander, shall be paid the starting sergeant's rate of pay for such vork after they have worked for a period of at least four (4) consecutive hours. The pay shall be for the entire time the officer acts in a shift commander capacity. I SECTION 1 (a) - HOURS OF WORK On December 1 of the preceeding year, employees may select their preferred shift assignment vithin their respective rank, according to their seniority within that rank. Each employee vi11 be alloved three (3) days from the last plck to make their choice of shift selection. A List will be posted shoving the available shift assignments, along with a seniority listing. Employees will be checked off as and then Patrolmen. It will be each employee$ responsibility to check the list for they complete their pick, with the Sergeants picking first, followed by Detectives, their time to pick. The newly selected shifts shall take effect January 2 of each year. In the event that the shift selection process results in an employee working in excess of four (4) consecutive days, the employee will not be able to claim addi- tional compensation. In the event that the shift selection process results in an employee working two (2) consecutive shifts, the employee will be required to take a vacation day, personal holiday, trade day, or compensatory time in lieu of working the second consecutive shift, if manpower allows. Any employee not making his shift selection at the proper time shall lose his seniority rights for the selection process. I. Section 5. Vacation choices shall be granted according to department seniority within each shift or team. Split shift employees shall be cm- aidered a member of his assigned team or shift. Vacation picks vi11 commence on February 1 of each year and each employee will be allowed three (3) days from the last pick to make their choice of vacation or forfeit their senior- ity. A seniority list will be posted and employees will be checked off as they complete their pick. It will be each employee's responsibility to check the list for their .time to pick. During the annual seniority vacation picks, the maximum vacation period which may be requested shall be tvo (2) weeks, or fourteen (14) days, includ- ing regular days. Additional periods may be requested off after the seniority pick referred to above is completed. Vacation selection after the seniority ! pick outlined above, including single day vacations, shall be on a first-come, first-sene basis subject to the approval of the Chief or his designee and in keeping vith the necessary staffing requirements. A request for a single day off may not be made more than thirty (30) days prior the requested day off. Officers may request single vacation days or two (2) consecutive vacation days. Section 6. The number of employees vho are granted vacation on each shift shall be at the sole descretion of the Chief in maintaining necessary staffing requirements. These staffing requirements are not necessarily synon- ymous with the minimum manpover requirements of each shift. ARTICLE IX - SECTION 10 Employees. upon termination from City employment, shall be entitled to pay, at their last base rate, for any accumulated unused sick leave days up to a total of one hundred twenty (120) days. Those employees hired after January 1. 1988 shall be enticled to pay, at their last base race, for any accumulated unused sick leave days up to a total of ninety (90) days. This Settlement Agreement is hereby entered into between the City of Muskego and the Muskego Police Association. CITY OF MUSKEGO MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION e I - i > LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING By and Between THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND THE MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION Effective 12/31/88, the above bi-paeklp rate shall be fnere-ed by .a amount equal to the difference bet-een the mean 1988 bi-eekly rate (top parr31 officer) of the below llsted Departsents, and the above Usted salarf for tke top paid patrol offfcer. IlrLs amount shall be added to d.l Par categories. Those Departments shodxg a monthly rate shall have their bi- weekly rate determined through the folloving formula (monthly Salary X 12) - 26. ?hose Departments lfsted for comparison vhich do not have a settled 1988 contracz by December 1, 1988, shall be excluded from the comparison. Clendale Greenfield Wauvatoaa Oak Creek West Allis Waukesha (City) Brookfield Whitefish Bay Franklin Cermantotm Greendale Shorevood Henornonee Falls Pox Point Bayside South nilvaukee West Hilvoukee Rales brners Hequon Brown Deer Elm Grove St. Francis .Nev Berlin CITY OF MUSKEGO MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION