CCR1988003COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 1/3-88 (As Amended) ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CEKTAIN CITY OF MUSKEGO EMPLOYEES FOR 1988 BE IT RESOLVED, that the following salaries shall be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated in 1988: POSITION DEPUTY ASSESSOR (part- time) DEPUTY CLERK DEPUTY TREASURER LISRARY DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS SUPT. UTILITY SUPT. BUIL9ING INSPECTOR DEPLTY INSPECTOR ~MINIS~L4TIVE ASST., Bldg.Insp.Dept. XECXEATION SUPV. PARK XAINTENANCE SVPERVISOR PARK MAINTENANCE %‘I eff. 12/31/88 POLICE CHIEF LIEUTEXANTS (2) RECEP.-TYPIST I1 (part-time) RIGH SCHOOL STUDENT (Dart-time) START 6 MOS. 18 MOS xzal Salaries Listed Unless Noted) 10.76jht. 9.41/hr. 7.15jhr. 24,688.97 28,000 .oo 25,403.04 33,985.27 13.66/hr. 10.04/hr. 22,934 -42 22,934.42 7.45 fhr. 38 ,708.04 33,566.11 6.41/hr. 3.451hr.a 9.92/hr. 8.01/hr. 25,940.87 30,000.00 26,307.22 35,248.64 14.06/hr. 10.54/hr. 23,787.62 23,787.62 8.22/hr. 40,200.89 34,782.51 7.19/hr. 10.87/hr. 8.59/hr. 27,395.43 32,000.00 28,027.38 37,012.48 15.07/hr. 11.90jhr. 43,186.58 37,215.50 7.69/hr. i’Starting salary for new employee reverts to minimum wage. MAINTENANCE MAN 5.17/hr. 5.42Ihr. (part-time) LISMY PAGE 3.35/hr. 4.10/hr. 4.74jhr. .. *.. I I Resolution d3-36 As Axended PageTwo START 6 MOS. 18 MOS. ELECTION. 'INSPECTOR 3.35Lhr. - ELECTION CHAIRLMAN 3.35/hr. plus $5.00/day BOARD OF CANVASSERS 3.3S/hr. with $10.00/day minimum WAXR PATROLlW 8.9S/hr. CITY ATTORNEY 26,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for those employees eligible for the City's pension ilan, the contribution for each employee shall be based on the 19 8 settlement agreement with the AESCXE unit. BE IT FURTXER RESOLVED that non-represented employees shall be allowed to accumulate unused sick leave up to one hundred thirty (130) days, with a payout upon termination of up to one hundred tsrenty (120) days for those employees active on 12/31/87 and up to ninety (90) days for those employees hired on or after 1/1/88. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that non-represented employees shall receive $21,00D life insurance coverage effective 1/1/88. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Police Chief and the Lieutenants Police Officers. shall receive the sane uniform maintenance benefit as 2rovided to the 3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that enployees hired after 1/1/88 who work under 30 hours per week shall reach the 6 Month level after working 9 months, with no increase t3 be inplemented until satisfactory calendar months; and the 18 Nonth level after working 24 calendar completion of the probation period. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all present and future employees, on a prospective basis, shall have credit for all past part-time service hours worked towards benefit eligibility. in determining benefit eligibility by crediting the actual number of DATED THIS 26th DAY OF January , 1988. FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST : Ald. Edwin P. Dude City Clerk Ald. nit che 1 Penovich 2/88 jm Ald. Daniel J. Hilt RECONSIDERED, AMENDED, ADOPTED 1/26/88 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO (As Amended) ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CERTAIN CITY OF MUSKEG0 EMPLOYEES FOR 1988 RESOLUTION 1/3-88 BE IT RESOLVED, that the following salaries shall be various persons occupying the positions herein stated POSITION START 6 MOS. 18 MOS (Annual Salaries Listed DEPUTY ASSESSOR 10.76/hr. (part-time) DEPUTY CLERK 9.41 /hr. 10.87lhr. DEPUTY TREASURER 8.59/hr. LIBRARY DIRECTOR 27,395.43 PUBLIC WORKS SUPT. 32,000.00 UTILITY SUPT. 27,920.00 BUILDING INSPECTOR DEPUTY INSPECTOR 35,248.64 37,012.48 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST., 14.06/hr. 10.54/hr. 15.07/hr. 11.90/hr. Bldg.Insp.Dept. RECREATION SUPV. 23,787.62 27,078.33 PARK MAINTENANCE 23,787.62 SUPERVISOR 27,078.33 PARK MAINTENANCE MAN 7.45/hr. 8.22/hr. 10.76lhr. POLICE CHIEF 38,708.04 LIEUTENANTS(2) 40,200.89 33,566.11 34,782.51 37,215.50 1 43,186.58 RECEP.-TYPIST I1 6.41 /hr. 7.191hr. 7.69/hr. (part-time) HIGH SCHOOL STUDE T 3.45/hr.* (part-time) *Starting salary for new employee reverts to minimum wage. MAINTENANCE MAW (part-time) LIBRARY PAG,E 3.35/hr. 4.1 O/hr. 4.74/hr. / / 5.17Ihr. 5.42/hr. / , Resolution #3-88 As Amended PageTwo START 6 MOS. 8 MOS. ELECTION INSPECTOR 3.35/hr. ELECTION CHAIRMAN 3.35/hr. plus $5.00/day BOARD OF CANVASSERS WATER PATROLMAN CITY ATTORNEY 26,000 BE IT FURTHER twenty January , 1988. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #3-88 ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CERTAIN CITY OF / MUSKEGO EMPLOYEES FOR 1988 / / BE IT RESOLVED, that the following salaries shall be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated in 1988: POSITION MAYOR ALDERMEN START 6 MOS. 18 MOS (Annual Salaries Listed' Unless /' $17,900.00 ../ I 4,500.00 ,, ,r ,is ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR 10.76/hr. (part-time) {T ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR 10.76/hr. (part-time) {T CLERK-COMPTROLLER ,./ DEPUTY CLERK TREASURER (part-time) DEPUTY TREASURER 8.01 /hr. 8.59fhr. ,, 9.41 /hr/ 9.92fhr. 10.87/hr. LIBRARY DIRECTOR 24,68!8.97 25,940.87 27,395.43 PUBLIC WORKS SUPT. 28 ~000.00 30,000.00 32,000.00 // 17 UTILITY SUPT. 26,307.22 27,920.00 BUILDING INSPECTOR DEPUTY INSPECTOR 35,248.64 37,012.48 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST., Bldg.Insp.Dept. RECREATION SUPV. 23,787.62 27,078.33 PARK MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 23,787.62 27,078.33 PARK MAINTENAN 8.22/hr. 10.76fhr. POLICE CHIEF 38,708.04 40,200.89 43,186.58 LIEUTENANTS(2) 33,566.11 34,782.51 37,215.50 RECEP.-TYPI T I1 (part-time HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT 3.45/hr.* (part-time) *Starting salary for new employee reverts to minimum wage. 14.06/hr. 15.07/hr. 10.54/hr. 11.90/hr. // lp 6.41 /hr. 7.19/hr. 7.69/hr. I 0 _. - I' -2- START 6 MOS. 18 MOS. MAINTENANCE MAN 5.17/hr. 5.42/hr. (part-time) i LIBRARY PAGE 3.35/hr. 4.1 O/hr. ELECTION INSPECTOR 3.35/hr. ELECTION CHAIRMAN 3.35Ihr. plus $5.OO/d'ay 4.74/hr. BOARD OF CANVASSERS 3.35/hr. with $10.96/day minimum WATER PATROLMAN 8.95/hr. CITY ATTORNEY 26,000 MUNICIPAL JUDGE 8,500 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for thos employees eligible for the City's pension plan, the contribution for each employee shall be based on the 1988 settlement agreerne,t J' with the AFSCME unit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City shall contribute towards the COS^ of health insurance for the Mayor on the same basis as other non-represented employees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that non-represented employees shall be allowed to accumulate unused sick leave up to one hundred thirty twenty (120) days for those employees active on 12/31/87 and up to ninety (90) days for those employees hired on or after 1/1/88. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that non-represented employees shall receive $21,000 life insurance coverage effective 1/1/88. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Police Chief and the Lieutenants shall receive the same uniform maintenance benefit as provided to the Police Officers. (1 30) days, with a payout upon termination of up to one hundred DATED THIS DAY OF FINANCE C~MMITTEE 1988. ATTEST : City Clerk 1/88 Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Daniel J. Hilt @ Re: Resolution #3-88 SALARIES OF CERTAIN ELECTED OFFICIALS START 6 NOS,. 18 MOS. Current Assessor .a $27,271.24 $30,;;12.99 $34,014.41 Clerk-Comptroller 26,627.77 28,135.68 32,488.63 Treasurer(part-time) 11,047.82 With 3.5% Increase Assessor $28,225.73 /31 ,477.44 $35,204.91 :/ # Clerk-Comptroller 27,559.7y 29,120.43 33,625.73 I Treasurer (part-time) 11,434.49 I