CCR1987156COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 81 56-87 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP L. Wanas ek (Town of Norway) WHEREAS, a certified survey map has been submitted to the Common Council for a two parcel division of the Leonard Wanasek property on Loomis Rd. in the NE 114 of Section 8 in the Town of Norway, and WHEREAS, this property is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval of the proposed division. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map submitted for a two parcel division of the Leonard Wanasek property in the NE 114 of Section 8 in the Town of Norway. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of the $50.00 submittal fee. DATED THIS 29 DAY OF 3 ULU , 1987. I ATd. Mitchel Penovich ATTEST: / RACINE ClXINTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS. PARi OF COVERNMWT LOT 6 IN THE NORTHEAST FRACPIWAL 1/14 OF SECTIW 8, T.4N ., R. 20 E. OF TIE 4TH 'P.M., TWNSHIP OF NORWAY, COUNTY OF RACME, STATE OF WISCONSIN. ( SEE SHEET 2 FOR DESCRIPTION. ) FOR: THE ESTATE OF LGONARD WANASEK $ JaS. MISMIC, PERSWAL REPRESENTATIVE 26850 IIING w(E RW WIND IAKE, WI. 53185 NOTE "A": EASB4EtiT OVER THE EAST 1.00 FOOT OF LOT 1 AND THE WEST 11 .OO FEEX OF I13p 2 IS CREATED AS A JOINT EASEBENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF BOTH LOTS FOR BUIIDING MAINTAINENCE, SEWER MAINTAINANCE AND IAKE ACCESS. I UNPLATTEI) LAEK "_" 2 49307878 307 712.50 (- 1917.30 $7 N.1/4 CORNER SIX. 8-4-20 MONUMmT FaJND. I" l~ "I 7 o 1" IRON PIPE 2 STAKE SET.-UEIG~ g 1.13 LBS/pT. UI 4 s! .' - ,d IRON PIPE I,- In STAKE FOUND. I* BEARINGS REIATE TO STATE PIANE COORD. GRID NOIFH IN WIS. ~ SYSm, SOUl'tl ZCNE. :$ N Y LI LOO MI S 3 '05'33"E. 100.00 N.UNE NE 114 50.00 50.00 i 1 EC 8 "f -*) NECORNER SEC. 8- 4-20 ELEVATION 773 IS 100 FIDOD ~~~. 12 IC loo HEICAP OF "-i PER RECORDS WIND IAKE ; 1; IG i.'U IN RACINE CCUNTY ZWING OWICE. 4 OFFICE OF PLANNING h ZONING June 10, 1987 . "" " . " - - Mr. Leonard Wanasek Joseph Kuzmic, Agent Wind Lake, WI 53185 26850 Long Lake Road Dear Mr. Wanasek: The Board of Adjustment on June 2, 1987 granted your request to amend your original variance granted on May 5, 1987. The amended variance is granted to divide a parcel to create two (2) equal 50 foot lots at 26103 and 26101 West Loomis Road, Section 8, Town of Norway. Such variance request is being granted subject to: 1. The creation of a 12 foot easement down the middle of the two lots, for home and sewer maintenance. being fully complied with. 2. All other conditions of this office's letter of May 20, 1987 Should you have any questions, please contact this office. Planning & Development Director ALC/el cc: John Malchine Jeanne Branzolewski Rudy Hosni 14200 Washington Avenue Stunevanl. Wisconsin 53177 414-886-8470 Milwaukee Melro 835-2535 Toll Free 800-522-6240