CCR1987074Corrected COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION 874-87 APPROVING THE STORMWATER DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL POLICY PLAN FOR THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT WHEREAS. Community Assistance Planning Report No. 130, A STORMWATER DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL POLICY PLAN FOR THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT (MMSD) has been completed by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC); and WHEREAS, the Policy Plan was formally approved by the MMSD on June 19, 1986, and WHEREAS, the MMSD and SEWRPC have requested that the Common Council review and approve the Policy Plan, and WHEREAS, the study area involved in the Policy Plan extends beyond the existing boundaries of the MMSD and, in fact, includes a substantial area in the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Storm Water Drainage and Flood Control Planning for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and District Service Areas does not include in its membership any representatives of that part of the study area which is not within the existing boundartes of the MMSD, and WHEREAS, the system plan and plan implementation program to the hasis of the Policy Plan will have a significant impact Muskego, and WHEREAS, the Policy Plan promotes the expansion of the MMSD limiting project eligibility to projects located within the boundaries, and 0 be developed on on the City of boundaries by District WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has contracted with the MMSD for sanitary sewer service, and the basis of payment for that service, especially as it relates to capital improvements, is the subject of current litigation, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego recognizes the need for and supports the development of a Stormwater Drainage and Flood Control Plan for the area, but has serious concerns about the implementation program that will be developed under this plan, and the impact of this program on the City of Muskego. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego tha; the City of Muskego hereby approves the STORMWATER DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL POLICY PLAN FOR THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT contingent upon the appointment of not less than three representatives of that MMSD to the Advisory Committee on Stormwater Drainage and Flood Control portion of the study area not presently located within the boundaries of the Planning for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and District Service Areas. Resolution #74-87 Page Two Plan calls upon the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Muskego in its approval of the Policy straightforward basis the concerns of the City of Muskego that: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to address in a a . the forthcoming implementation plan must recognize that sanitary sewer service and storm drainage are separate issues, and any assumption that drainage and flood control costs can be distributed on the same basis as sanitary sewer service costs is questionable; . the costs of implementation of the Plan be distributed on a fair and equitable basis to - all communities in the drainage area; . inclusion within the NMSD boundaries as a criteria for project eligibility is not appropriate and, in fact, unrelated to the proper implementation oE the Policy Plan; . the implementation plan could result in broadening the jurisdiction of jurisdiction and control of the City of Muskego. the MMSD, the DNR, or other agencies over matters now under the . areas not draining into the MMSD watershed should not be charged for MMSD watershed improvements. ATTEST: , . .4 CQNN (XIUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUITON #74-87 APPROVING "IE S"WATER DRALNAGE AND FLOOD CNIROL POLICY PLAN Ft3R THE MILWALKT METROFOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT WHEXEAS, Corrmavlity Assistance Planning Report No. 130, A S7DRNWAm DRAINAGE AM) FLOOD CONI'ROL POLICY PLAN FOR THE tELh!ALKEF METROKILITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT (MD) has been completed by Commission (SEMPC), and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning WHERMS, the Policy Plan was fondly approved by the MD on June 19, 1986, and WlERFAS, the !"ED and SWC have requested that the Comn Council review and approve the Policy Plan, and WHEREIS, the study area involved in the Policy Plan extends beyond the existing boundaries of the "SD and, in fact, includes a substantial area in the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Storm Water Drainage and Flood Control Areas does not include in its membership any representatives of that part of Planning for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and District Service the study area which is not within the existing boundaries of the "SD, and WlERFAS, the system plan and plan irnplementation program to be developed on the basis of the Policy Plan will have a significant impact on the City of 0 Muskego, and WETEAS. the Policv Plan ormtes the mansion of the "SD boundaries by ' limiting project Lligibility to projects' located within the District boundaries, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has contracted with the MD for sanitary sewer service, and the basis of payment for that service, especially as it relates to capital improvements, is the subject of current litigation, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego recognizes the need for and supports the has serious concerns about the implementation program that will be developed development of a Stomater Drainage and Flood Control Plan for the area, but under this plan, and the inpact of this program on the City of Wskego. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Comn Council of the City of Muskego CQNIROL POLICY PLAN FOR THE MILWAUKEE MELROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRIC7 that the City of Muskego hereby approves the STORMklATER DRAINAGE AND FLOOD portion of the study area not presently located within the baundaries of the contingent upon the appointment of not less than three representatives of that "SD to the Advisory Coromittee on Stomater Drainage and Flood Control Planning for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and District Service Areas. ” Resolution #74-87 Page Two BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Muskego in its approval of the Policy Plan calls upon the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and the straightforward basis the concerns of the City of Muskego that: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to address in a . the forthcoming implementation plan nut recognize that sanitary sewer service and storm drainage are separate issues, and any assunlption that drainage and flood control costs can be distributed on the same basis as sanitary sewer service costs is questionable; . the costs of @lentation of the Plan be distributed on a fair and equitable basis to - all comities in the drainage area; . inclusion within the “SD boundaries as a criteria for project eligibility is not appropriate and, in fact, unrelated to the proper implementation of the Policy Plan; . the implementation plan could result in broadening the jurisdiction of jurisdiction and control of the City of Muskego. the “SD, the DNR, or other agencies over matters nm under the . areas not draining into the “SD watershed should not be charged for WSD watershed improvements. DATED THIS 28th DAY OF April , 1987. * A. ,lcLL.k, ayne . Salentme, Mayor A’ITEST : A