CCR1987017COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 111 7-87 AWARDING OF BID OAK HILL SEWER PROJECT WHEREAS, the City advertised for bids for the Oak Hill Sewer Project, and the following bids were received: United Sewer & Water $204,519.90 Terra Engineering & Constr. 251 ,933.35 Tomasini Contractors 246,585.40 Debelak Bros., Inc. 197,208.85 American Sewer Services, Inc. 212,023.00 Super Excavators, Inc. 276,709.30 Globe Cntractors, Inc. 260,335.00 Reesman's Excavating & Grading 228.199.75 Madison Underground. Inc. 219,512.50 D. F. Tomasini Contractors, Inc. 288,841 .OO Rock Contractors, Inc. 304.466.00 Mainline Sewer & Water, Inc. 210.200.00, and WHEREAS, the Public Sewer Committee has recommended approval of the low bid from Debelak Bros., Inc.. and WHEREAS, the City Engineers have recommended that the bid be awarded to Debelak Bros. for $188,685.35 which reflects the following changes in the contract: I tem Old New 2 8" Sanitary Sewer MH 6 6" Sanitary Lateral 685 625 9 Grinder Pump Stations Furnish only Simplex 2 0 No. Description Qy;;;ity Q;;';kity NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego. upon the recommendation of the Public Sewer Committee and the City Engineers, does hereby accept the bid of Debelak Bros., Inc., in the amount of $188,685.35 for the Oak Hill Sewer Project, with the above changes in the contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City, and are further authorized to sign any change orders at their discretion upon recommendation of the City Engineers. DATED THIS DAY OF 3Qfl"Ae~ , 1987. 0 CITY OF MUSKEtiO Official Notice COMhlON COUNCII, RESOI.UTION Xlfi-87 INSTAI.LATION OF SANITARY SEWEIt FINAI. RESOILITION AIJTIIORIZING IMPROVEMENTS AND LEWING SPE- CIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENE- FITED PROPERT (Oak Hill Sewer Project . Assessment District 5-1 City of Muskego. Wisconsin, held a public WHEREAS. the Common Council of the hearing at the City Hall at 7:W P.M. on the 19th day ofJanuary. 1987. Tor the purpose of henrina all interwted persons concerning tho prdiminnry redtation nrd mpnrt nT the 1:il.y Encinwr on lhc pmfmrd Rnnil.!lry d0.ClilWd Irlw 1,1111 SllllWll $11, 1111. :,l.ln?lBvd IIPWPT imprwemcnt within the nrcn map and heard all persons who dmired La speak at the henring: Sanitary Sewer Assesnment Ares OAK HILI, SEWER PROJRCP ASSESSMENT I)ISTRICT 'S' r& P~O~CL MSS-1-87 Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of All that part of the SW 114 of Section 3. hluskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. more fully described as follows: lines of Martin Drive and Lannon Drive; Commencing st the intersection ofcenter- thence Southeasterly along the said center- line of Martin Drive. 216 feet more or less to the paint of beginning oT the lands herein described: All those properties thnt "hut the right-of- Southeasterly 5lfi feet more or JESS Lo the wny of Martin Ilrivc: thcnce continuinc intersection of Centerlines of Mortin I)rive and Oak llill Drive being the point of termination. also those properties in the Onk Hill Estates Subdivision. Also the Westerly 180 feet of parcel identified as Tax Key No. 2171.997. (See attached map1 NOW. THEREFORE. RE IT RESOI.W.1) by the Common Council aT the City of Muskego as follows: any amendments or modifications there- I. That the report afthe City Engineer and pertnining to 1.l~ constructim vf 1,lw nhovv- described public improvements. includiw plans and specifications therefor is ndoptcd and approved. advertise for bids and shnll carry out the 2. Thnt the City of Muskcgo hns or slwll improvements in occordnnce with the report nnd my amendments or modifications thereto of the City Engineer. 3. That payment for the improvements he made by assessing the cost to the properly benefited as indicated in the report and any amendmenu or modifications thereto. 4. That assessments shown on the report and any amendmenls or modifications thereto. representing an exercise of the police pawer. have been determined on a rennrmnhle hasis and are hereby cnnlirmd. mall in fn~ll on or Idore N~wvtnlwr I, I!M7 or 5. 'l'h~bt the nsmwmcnt.n mny hr pnid in 'Snwuurer. in~lnllnwnt pnynwnln 1.1, 1ww in t.rn 1101 nnnunl instnllmrnl.n lo 11w IXv intrrrsl, nt the rnte ofb% per nnnam nn the unpaid balance commencing on November I. the date when red estate taxes are due and l9R7 2nd raid first incl;dlnwntlr.inl: duc.mu annually therealleer. All assessment9 or specified shall be extended upon the tax roll installments which are not paid by the dnte as a delinquent tax sgainst the property and all pmceedings in relslion to the collection. return and sale oT property for delinquent real estate taxes shall apply to such specinl assessment, except BB otherwise provided by statute. 6. That the City Clerk shall publish this resolution as a Class 1 Notice in the nssessmcnt district and mnil LI copy of this rwolution end a stnkmcnt uf the find mscssnwnt against the henefitcd prolrrry LO every prnperty owner wl~nne nnme appears on the assessment roll whose post ofke addresa im known or cnn wilh ree11-n- nhle diligence be sscertaind. 1987. IIATED THIS 27th I)AY OF Jnnunry. IdWayne GSolentine. CITY OF MIJSKEGO Mayor ATTEST IsiCharlotte Stewart City Clerk Published February 12. 1987