CCR1986258RESOLUTION #258-86 (As Amended) TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Section 65.90 of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the budgetary adjustments as listed on the attached amended schedule to be approved by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed these transfers and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby direct the City Clerk/Comptroller to make adjustments to the 1986 budget as shown on the attached amended schedule. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF December , 1986. E COMMITTEE n A 11 I86 jm RECONSIDERED AND AMENDED 12/9/86 AMENDED ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION (1258-86 1986 BUDGET TRANSFERS TO CONTINGENCY #58300-3212 (1 00-8300-321 2) From: 1oO-0100-11 OO(50100-1 100-0200-1 101 (50200-1 100-0400-11 lO(50400-1 100-0900-llOO(50900-1 100-2000-1 101 (52000-1 100-201 0-1 100 (52000-1 100-520O-1101(55200-1 100-5300-1 101 (55300-1 100-5500-1101(55500-1 100-5400-1 101 (55400-1 100-57~0-1101(5571)0-1 100-5800-1101 (55800-1 100-7200-llOO(57200-1 100-7300-1100(57300-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100-9000-9400(59000-9400) Long Term Debt Interest TOTAL FROM CONTINGENCY A58300-3212 (100-8300-3212) TO : 100-0200- 100-0300- 100-0800- - 100-2000- 100-2500- 100-201 0- 100-2500- lOO(50200-1 llO(50300-1 1 lO(50800-1 lOO(52000-1 101 (52000-1 100 (51 500-1 1 lO(52500-1 '1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 100-28011-1 110(52800-1 100-51 00-1 1 OO(55100-1 100-5200-1 lOO(55200-1 100-5300-1 1 OO(55300-1 100-5400-11 OO(55400-1 100-5500-1 1 OO(55500-1 100-5700-1 lOO(55700-1 100-5800-1 1 OO(55800-1 100-5900-1 1 OO(55900-1 100-6000-1 lOO(56000-1 100-71 00-1 1 OO(57100-1 100-7300-1 101 (57300-1 100-1 200-81 00 (51 200-8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~oo-~3oo-~2oo~s~3oo-82ooj 100-7200-7500(57200-7500) 100-0700-3212(50700-3212) 100-1 000-31 11 (51 000-31 11 ) 100-1000-3612(51000-3612) 100-1 000-321 l(51000-3211) 100-1 1 OO-7200(~1100-7200) 00) Mayor/Council S h W 10) Clerk S h W-OT 00) City Hall S h W 10) Assessor S h W-Other 01) P.Works-Rd.Maint.-OT 12) P.D. S h W-Dispatchers 01) P.Works-St.Signs-OT 01) P.Works-Strm.Wa.,Sew.-OT 01) P.Works-Snow Rem.-OT 01) P.Works-Mach.Eq.-OT 01) P.Works-S/W Garage-OT 00) Recreation S h W 00) Parks S & W 01) P.D. S h W-OT Clerk S h W Mun.Justice-S h W-Other Treas. S h W-Other P.D.-Dispat.-S h W-OT Bldg.Insp.-S h W Bldg.Insp.-S h W-Other Plan Comm.-S h W-Other P.Works-S h W-Admin. P.Works-Rd.Maint. S h W P.Works-St.Signs S & W P.Works-Storm Wtr.S h W P.Works-Snow Rem.S h W P.Works-Mach.Eq. S 6 W P.Works-Garage S h W P.Works-Bridges S h W Library S h W P.Works-Weed Cut.S & W Parks - S h W OT Municipal Retirement Recreation-Sr.Citizen Social Security Election/Other Supl. Notices h Publications Office Sup. h Expenses Workmen's Comp. Postage P.D. - S h W $ 809 2.125 1,324 172 500 2,615 40 3 28 116 8.612 93 8 6.806 2,007 $19,754 4.136 $ 4,401 958 1,808 671 500 15,431 1,380 1 ,840 13 8,042 2,226 7,073 2,142 51 5,404 2,045 2,573 5,289 95 1,085 41 3 80 1,200 1,000 1,000 2,900 1 ,300 1986 BUDGET TRANSFERS - PAGE 2 100-1100-7400(51100-7400) Auto Insurance 5,700 100-1100-7500(51100-7500) Errors & 0mm.Insurance 3,000 100-1100-7600(51100-7600) Umbrella Insurance 1 ,000 100-1100-7700(51100-7700) Crime & Bonds Ins. 550 100-1 200-81 11 (51 200-81 11 Eauitable Pension 2.000 100-1 200-8500 (51 200-8500 j Unemployment Comp. 4; 000 100-8500-3212(58500-3212) 1nd.Pk.Exp.Pump Repair 1,000 TOTAL $ 88,176 FROM: 100-2000-3910(52000-3910) P. D. Vehicle Purchase$ 876 - TO: 100-2000-5200(52000-5200) P. D. Maintenance 876 FROM:100-7300-llOO(57300-1100) Parks S & W $ 2,436 TO: - 100-7300-2400(57300-2400) Parks Contracted Serv. 2,436 FROM:100-0400-1520(50400-1520) Assr. Auto Allow. =:loo-0400-2100(50400-2100) Assr. Prof.Services FROM:100-0401-1100(50400-2201) Assr.Reval.Sa1aries FROM:100-0401-1521(50400-2202) Assr. Mileage-Reval. $ 250 9.900 1,200 450 $ 11,800 $ 650 - TO: 100-0400-lllO(50400-1110) Assr. Salaries-Other 100-1000-5103(51000-5103) Assr.-Cama Charges 11,150 $ 11 ,800 FROM:100-5700-3311(557OO-33ll)P,Works-Diesel Fuel $ 8,975 - TO: 100-5200-3411(55200-34ll)P.Works-Road,Oil,Asph. 7,250 $ 8,975 - TO: 100-5200-3412(55200-3412)P.Works-Sand,Stone,Gr. 1,725 RESOLUTION #258-86 TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Section 65.90 of the Wisconsin Statute budgetary adjustments as listed on the attached approved by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed thg has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commgn Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation ofthe Finance Committee, does hereby direct the City Clerk/Comptroller to make adjustments to the 1986 budget as shown oh the attached schedule. DATED THIS wr~ DAY OF urJiCnp,Eg , 1986. / Ald. Edwin P. Dumke B Ald. Mitchel Penovich 1 Ald. Daniel J. Hilt . 1986 BUDGET TRANSFERS TO CONTINGENCY h58300-3212 (100-8300-3212) From: 100-01 00-1 100-0200-1 100-0400-1 - 100-0900-1 100-201 0-1 100-2000-1 100-5200-1 100-5200-1 100-5300-1 100-5400-1 100-5500-1 100-5700-1 100-5800-1 100-7200-1 100-9000-9 100-7300-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 OO(50100- 01 (50200- lO(50400- OO(50900- 01 (52000- 00 (52000- OO(55200- 01 (55200- 01 (55300- 01 (55400- 01 (55500- 01 (55700- 01 (55800- OO(57200- OO(57300- 00 (59000- ,1 1 ,1 1 '1 1 ,1 1 ,1 1 ,1 1 ,1 1 ,1 9 100) 110) 110) 100) 101) 112) 100) 101) 101) 101) 101) 101) 101) 100) 100) 400) MayorJCouncil S h W Clerk S & W-OT Assessor S h W-Other City Hall S & W P.D. S 6 W-Dispatchers P.Works-Rd.Maint. S & W P.Works-Rd.Maint.-OT P.Works-St.Signs-OT P.Works-Strm.Wa.,Sew.-OT P.Works-Snow Rem.-OT P.Works-Mach.Eq.-OT P.Works-SJW Garage-OT Recreation S h W Parks S & W Long Term Debt Interest TOTAL P.D. S h W-OT FROM CONTINGENCY #58300-3212 (100-8300-3212) 0 - TO : 100-0300-1 100-0200-1 100-0800-1 100-2000-1 100-201 0-1 100-2500-1 100-2500-1 100-2800-1 100-51 00-1 100-5300-1 100-5400-1 100-5500-1 100-5700-1 100-5800-1 100-5900-1 100-6000-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1oo-71oo-11oo(571oo-11ooj 100-7300-1 101 (57300-1 101 100-1 200-8100(51200-8100) 100-8300-8200(58300-8200) 100-7200-7500(57200-7500) OO(50200-1100) 1 O(50300-1110) OO(52000-1100) lO(50800-1110) 01 (52000-1 101 ) OO(51500-1100) lO(52500-1110) lO(52800-1110) OO(55100-1100) OO(55300-1100) OO(55400-1100) OO(55500-1100) ooi55700-1 loo\ 00~55~oo-11ooj OO(56000-1100) OO(55900-1100) I 00-0700-321 2i50700-3212j 100-1 000-31 11 (51 000-31 11 j ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ .--. ~~ 100-1000-3211(51000-3211) 100-1000-3612(51000-3612) 100-1100-7200(51100-7200) 100-1100-7400(51100-7400) Clerk S h W Treas. S & W-Other Mun.Justice-S h W-Other P.D.-Dispat.4 & W-OT B1dg.Insp.-S h W Bldg.Insp.-S h W-Other Plan Comm.-S & W-Other P.Works-S & W-Admin. P.Works-St.Signs S & W P.Works-Storm Wtr.S h W P.Works-Snow Rem.S & W P.Works-Mach.Eq. S h W P.Works-Garage S h W P.Works-Bridges S & W P.Works-Weed Cut.S h W Library S h W Parks - S h W OT Municipal Retirement Social Security Recreation-Sr.Citizen ElectionJOther Supl. Notices & Publications Office Sup. h Expenses Workmen's Comp. Postage Auto Insurance Errors h 0rnm.Insurance P.D. - S & W $ 809 2,125 1 ,324 172 500 2,615 8,042 40 3 28 116 8,612 93 8 2,007 6,806 4 136 777% $ 4,401 958 1,808 677 500 15,431 1 ,380 1,840 13 2,226 7,073 2,142 51 5,404 2,045 2,573 5,289 95 1,085 41 3 80 1 ,200 1,000 1,000 1 ,300 2,900 5,700 3,000 * 1986 100- BUDGET TRANSFERS - PAGE 2 ~1100-7600(51100-7600) Umbrella Insuranc e 1,000 100-1100-7700(51100-7700) Crime & Bonds Ins. 550 100-1200-8111(51200-8111) Equitable Pension 80 100-1200-8500(51200-8500) Unemployment Comp. 4,000 100-8500-3212(58500-3212) 1nd.Pk.Exp.Pump Repair TOTAL $ 78,214 1 ,000 FROM: 100-2000-3910(52000-3910) P. D. Vehicle Purchase$ 876 876 - TO: 100-2000-5200(52000-5200) P. D. Maintenance FROM: 100-7300-1 1 OO(573OO-1100) Parks S & W $ 2,436 TO: - 100-7300-2400(57300-2400) Parks Contracted Serv. 2,436 FROM:100-0400-1520(50400-1520) Assr. Auto Allow. $ 250 =:loo-0400-2100(50400-2100) Assr. Prof.Services 1 ,200 FROM:100-0401-llOO(50400-2201) Assr.Reval.Sa1aries 9,900 FROM:100-0401-1521(50400-2202) Assr. Mileage-Reval. 450 $ 11,800 - TO: 100-0400-lllO(50400-1110) Assr. Salaries-Other $ 650 100-1000-5103(51000-5103) Assr.-Cama Charges 11,150 $ 11,800 FROM:100-5700-3311(55700-3311)P.Works-Diesel Fuel $ 8,975 7,250 - TO: 100-5200-3412(55200-3412)P.Works-Sand,Stone,Gr. 1 725 - TO: 100-5200-3411(55200-34ll)P.Works-Road,Oil,Asph. m