CCR1986236RESOLUTION #236-86 AMENDMENT TO FINAL RESOLUTION MW-1-86IMW-2-86 WHEREAS, Final Resolution 8176-86 was adopted on August and amended by Resolution 11212-86 on September 23, 1986, 6 12, 198 and WHEREAS, the Public Water Committee has recommended that the assessment roll be amended to remove the front foot assessment for Assmt. No. 2 (Tax Key 2225.012) for Pat Higgins since water has already been made available to the property from Mercury Drive, and WHEREAS, all remaining sections of Final Resolution #176-86 shall remain unchanged unless specifically changed by this resolution and Resolution //212-86. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Water Committee, does hereby amend Final Resolution 11176-86 by removing Assmt. No. 2; and, all remaining sections of the Final Resolution f/176-86 shall remain unchanged unless specifically changed by this resolution and Resolution 8212-86. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Engineers Report and Assessment Roll shall be amended accordingly. DATED THIS 2% & DAY OF A , 1986. A Ala. Danic Jf ‘Hilt City Clerk 10186 jm