CCR1986175RESOLUTION #175-86 (As Amended) RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, hereby adopt the amended Assessment Policy for Construction of upon the recommendation of the Public Water Committee, does Water Mains as attached hereto and made a part hereof. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF September- , 1986. RECONSIDERED 8/26/86 DEFERRED 8/26/86 / Atcachmenc to Reso. i(k175-86 August 12. 1986 CITY OF MUSKKCO 0 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS ASSESSMENT POLICY 1. The basis for water main assessments shall be the assessable linear footage of frontige of each benefitted property within an aaseasment district, computed as per the following requirements. 2. Water main and appurtenances assessable and non-assessable costs. 0 i 4 0 A. The front foot assessment for residential. commercial and industrial zoned properties shall be based on the respective asaessment district in accordance with equivalenc size uater main required to serve the Sections NR 111 and PSC 185 Wisconsin Administrative district. The assessment rates shall be $1&.00 per Code to service a11 properties within the assessment lineal foot of frontage for all residential and agricultural property and $16.00 per lineal foot of frontage for all commercial, industrial and ways and within easements shall be assessed back to the institutional property.*Water mains in public right-of- respective assessment district as directed by the Cicy. B. Assessable water main costs shall include the total costs for ~.ater mains, valves, hydrantsrkaad related appurtenances. costs involving inspection, engineering, legal, restor.qtion costs such aa pavement repair and landscaping and necessary administration costs to complete a project shall also be assessed back to the respectiva assessment district. C. Hon-assessable costs with respect to frontage assessments include maia over sizing, pump Stations, water towers. reservoir3 and system controls* b. * 3. The assessable linear footage shall be determined as poll or^: A. For corner tote: I) If tho water main is installed in both streets, add tho tvo side diaensionr and divide by two. 2) If the water main is inataltod in 000 street 0017 aad tbo owner is not given him optioa for tho W~COC main ia inrtalled cogardtorr of vhethor it ia lateral location, us0 tho side dimenoion whero tho tha 10118 or ahort sida. sa S- ON AEJE~SE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO RESOLUTION 175-86 ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS lineal foot of frontage is less, then the assessment shall be the 2.1. After "institutional property" add: "unless actual cost per lessor amoun;." - 2.B. (Assessable Costs) After "hydrants", add "pressure booster stations for area-wide pressure improvements as required by state agencies". 2.C. (Non-assessable costs) After "system controls" add Essure reducing valves, pressure reducing stations and wells". 2.D. Add to read as follows: Individual pressure booster system for individual residences are to be paid for by the property which is served by the individual system. - 0 RESOLUTION #I 75-86 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the upon the recommendation of the Public Water hereby adopt the Assessment Policy for Mains as attached hereto and made a DATED THIS DAY OF A Ir Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST : City Clerk 8/86 jm ,I I C Attachment to Xeso. 11175-86 August 12, 1986 ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS :ITY OF MUSKEG0 1. The basis for water main assessments shall be the assessable linear footage of frontage of each benefitted property vithin an assessment district, computed as per the folloving requirements. 2. Water main and appurtenances assessable and non-assessable costs . A. B. C. The front foot assessment for residential, commercial and industrial zoned properties shall be based on the equivalent size vater main required to serve the Sections NR 111 and PSC 185 Wisconsin Administrative respective assessment district in accordance with district. The assessment rates shall be $14.00 per Code to service all properties vithin the assessment lineal foot of frontage for all residential and agricultural property and $16.00 per lineal foot of frontage for all commercial, industrial and ways and vithin easements shall be assessed back to the institutional property. Water mains in public right-of- respective assessment district as directed by the City. costs for water mains, valves, hydrants and related Assessable water main costs shall include the total appurtenances. Costs involving inspection, engineering, legal, restoration costs such as pavement repair and complete a project shall also be assessed back to the landscaping and necessary administration costs to respective assessment district. Non-assessable costs with respect to frontage assessments include main over sizing, pump stations. vater tovers, reservoirs and system controls. 3. The assessable linear footage shall be determined as follows: A. For corner lots: I) If the vater main is installed in both streets, add the tvo side dimensions and divide by two. 2) If the water main is installed in one and the owner is not given his option vater main is installed regardless of lateral location, use the side dimens the long or 6hort side. street only for the ion where the whether it is -. 3) If the owner is given his option for the lateral ..I certain design decisions for the project the water location and as a result of his decision along with main is not installed on one of the sides, the assessable frontage shall be figures as per Item 1 of this section for corner lots. B. On lots with frontage on three streets, use the longest and shortest side and compute as a corner lot. C. On lots with frontage on two streets, use frontage on one street only if the lot cannot be subdivided into an additional lot or lots complying with the present zoning ordinance. D. For lots on cul de sacs, use the chord dimension at the building setback line as measured tangent to the curve as its mid-point, if said setback line is formed by a curved line. E. For lots on curves with an exterior angle over 45’ as measured between the side lot lines of each lot, use the chord dimension at the building setback line for the inside lots on the curve. F. On large tracts of land which are on corners, assume a ordinance and apply the corner lot policy. The balance future corner lot that complies with the present zoning of the frontage shall be considered at full linear footage. Deferment of assessments for large tracts of land will be reviewed by the City on an individual basis upon a written request for deferment by the respective property owner. w-: G. When a water main passes a large tract of land that would be eligible for deferment, the homesite will be assessed for the number of feet that would be required on the minimum width required by zoning. H. Lots which do not meet the above criteria will be handled on an individual basis; as each special situation is decided, it will become policy for future decision of a similar nature. 4. Water laterals will be assessed back to each respective property for the entire expense on a unit or lump sum basis when installed within streets. 5. Deferred Assessments -- Special assessments for water improvements levied upon agricultural lands which are actually devoted to agriculture or farming purposes and are not used for any other purposes shall be deferred on the following basis: e A. If no use of the improvement abutting the agricultural land is made within five (5) years from the date of the be due and payable until the expiration of Eive (5) final assessment resolution, said assessment shall not years from the date of the final resolution making the Council unless further extended by the Common Council. levy, as finally amended or confirmed by the Common That said assessment shall bear interest at the rate established by the final assessment resolution from the first November 1st after the date of the final resolution. That said interest rate will be that established in the final resolution €or deferred assessments and if there is no separate rate established established for installments and if there is none for deferred assessments, it shall be the same as that established for either deferred assessments or installments, it shall be at the rate of 8% per annum. B. If within five (5) years from the date of the final resolution said land is used for other than agricultural made, the assessment will become due and payable in full or farming purposes and any use of the improvement is upon the next installment payment date for said district resolution or the first November 1st after said use is in which said property lies as determined by the final made iE there is no installment date in said district, and interest established by the final resolution shall be charged from the first November 1st after the date of the final resolution. That said interest rate wii! be that established in the final resolution for deferred assessments and if there is no separate rate established established for installments and if there is none for deferred assessments, it shall be the same as that established for either deferred assessments or installments, it shall be at the rate of 8% per annum. If within Eive (5) years from the date of the final resolution a parcel of said land is divided by certified agricultural or farming purposes and any use of the survey or Einal subdivision plat, is used for other rhan negotiate with such a property owner an agreement by improvement is made, the City, at its sole option, may which less than the entire assessment might be paid when only a portion of the property is used for other than agricultural or farming purposes and any use of the improvement is made, C. Any assessment deferred pursuant to this resolution may ment assessments are alloved to be prepaid and as nevertheless be prepaid upon the same terms as inetall- provided for in the final assessment resolution. 6. Controlled Access Water Mains -- There is established a controlled access water assessment policy as Eollows: - 3- (I I A. Unless this policy is amended, no front foot water assessments vi11 be made against properties under either of the following conditions: I) Because of any hardship approved by the Public Water Committee no lateral connection can reasonably be made, OK 2) Because an additional vater main will be constructed which will be the direct source of water service to the property in question in that the laterals to the property will come from the water main to be constructed and that laterals will not be connected to the water main for which no front foot vster assessment will be made, OK B. In any event, if a direct connection is ever made by assessment has been made, a charge will be made based on lateral to the water main for which no front foot water the equivalent cost of installing a water main for a lot of equivalent vidth. i -4 -