CCR1986156RESOLUTION #156-86 AWARDING OF BID STREET CONSTRUCTION (INDUSTRIAL PARK-ADDITION Sl) WHEREAS, the City advertised for bids for Street Construction for the Industrial Park Addition #l, and WHEREAS, the following bids were received: Payne h Dolan - Waukesha $390,128.25 Lang Engineering - Rochester 397,137.36 Wolf Construction-Oconomowoc 435,972.65 Edgerton Contractors-Oak Creek 467,790.60, and WHEREAS, Ruekert h Mielke and the Finance Committee have reviewed by Payne h Dolan of $390,128.25. the bids and have recommended acceptance of the low bid submitted NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the low bid of Payn'e h Dolan for the Street Construction project for the Industrial Park Addition #1 in the amount of $390,128.25. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby DATED THIS DAY OF Oh / , 1986. authorized contracts in the name of the City. FINANCE COMMITTEE - , I h ca