CCR1986155RESOLUTION {!155-86 APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY HABITATION OF A TRAILER (Victor A. Murn) WHEREAS, an application for Permit for Temporary Habitation of a Trailer has been received from Victor A. Murn for his property addressed S76 W18202 Janesville Road, and WHEREAS, an inspection has been made by the Building Inspection Department and has approved the sewer disposal and water supply, and WHEREAS, the $25.00 inspection fee has been received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby grant the request of Victor A. Murn property addressed S76 W18202 Janesville Road. to occupy a trailer from July 1, 1986 to December 1, 1986, on the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to submittal of a $50.00 permit fee. DATED THIS YJd DAY OF , 1986. -4 6.” wo .--Edwin P. Dum e ” 4’ /*// Ald. Tan’RiYt’ ATTEST : A 7/86 ca APPLICATIOK ?EMIT FOR TLiOMRY HABITATIOK OF A TRAILER TO: Ccmon Council of the City of Nuskego ,Please consider chis request for permission zo occupy a trailer on the xemises described below for a 6 mont3 period from ~ .~ C'L Li I , 19 B6to L=L , 19&, in accordance wijh Ckapter 12'. LO oFthe Mur?cipaL Cobe: ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ Attache-' are tv*o copies of a scaled site plan showing the followin,-: 2. The plan .for water supply. I The'rechod and plan for sewage disposal. 4 A floor plan of the trailer. 3 The plan for garbage removal. 5. Pr0pert.z lines and location of trailer thereon. 6. Location of driveway access and parking area. Xn inscection rus: be rade prior to a pernit by the Corn-on .Zouncil An Inspection Fee be submitted vich tb.is Applicasion. A Six Vsnth Permic Fee of $50.00 shall be scjnitted at the time the Pe-it is gran:ed. Renewal for an additional six month period cay be granted by the One noczh prior to the expiration.of the six month permit, a Common Council, not to exceed a raximum of me renewal period. requesr for reneval nust be submitted to the City Clerk for Council approval. A $50.00 Six Xonth Renewal Fee shall be submitted at the tire the Renezal is granted. Writter. consent of the owner, legal agent of the owner or the attached to this application. (If different from the applicant.) lessee of the location for which the permit is granted shall be The Conzon Council nay revoke any license or permit issued pur- Sec. 66.058. Vis. Statutes. sudnt to the teras of Chapter 12.10 of the .%nicfpal Code or