CCR1986153I RESOLUTION #153-86 COUNTER-OFFER TO PURCHASE INDUSTRIAL PARK EXPANSION WHEREAS, an Offer to Purchase in the amount of $36,000.00 was submitted by Lloyd S. Hamm for property having 325 feet of frontage on Saturn Drive west of Mercury Drive in the Muskego Industrial Park Addition No. 1. and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee recommended a counter-offer in the amount of $40,800.00 with an acceptance date of buyer of July 2, 1986, and a reduced frontage of 285, based on a recommendation received from the City's broker, and WHEREAS, a Counter-Offer in the amount of $40,800.00 has been submitted on July 2, 1986, by Lloyd S. Hamm for a 285 ft. frontage with the following conditions: 1. Purchase price and frontage adjustment accepted by 2. Date for receiving a11 City and State approvals and 3. Buyer's determination as to subsoil conditions to be 4. Closing to be on or before September 1, 1986. 5. Buyer to be provided access to site at closing. 6. Buyer to install culvert, City to put gravel in roadway. 7. All other terms and conditions in the offer dated June Buyer. permits be extended to August 25, 1986. made by August 25, 1986. 20, 1986 and counter-offer dated June 24, 1986 to remain in full force and effect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the counter-offer in the amount of $40.800 submitted by Lloyd S. Hamm for a 285 ft. frontage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary documents. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF July , 1986. FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST : 7 186 wB-44 Counter-Offer Approved by the Wisconsin Depamnent of Regvlauon and Licensing 5-1-82 Wisconsin Legal Blank Co.. Inc. Milwaukee. Wir. COUNTER-OFFER I The Offer to Purchase dated .June. 20,s. !?86 and signed by ................. Lloyd S. Ham ? 3 for purchase of real estate* .in. fh&e. .II,l 9.f :the. .Mu.Ske.gp. .IRd',Is.tFj,?~. .?+.rib. .MU$kegp., Wi$C.'?WiP. , 4 is countered as follows: l... P.UrchaSe Rrjse..is..to..be. ,$!tO,.4OD.,OD. .f,Qr .the. 1...2D..ac.res. .Of. land f~Z!+..OD.Q,R~/AcF.4), 6 2.. Fxontage. along. .Sa.turn D.rlve. is. .adJus.ted ,to. ,285. iee.t, and. .ref.le.cts a. .map. rorxec.tlnn. . 8 9 10 11 7 .made. .bx the. .Cl,ty.'s engheer,. ... .. .. .. ..... 12 I3 14 IS .. ....... .. .. ... .... 16 Seller agrees to sell and convey the above property on the terms andtonditions as set forth in said offer and this Counter-Offel and 18 thls transacuon. ac,knowledgcr receipt of a copy of this ageement. The warranties and representations made in said offer and rhis Counter-Offer swive Ihe closmg of I9 This Counter-Offer must bc accepted on or before JulX 2. 1486and it shall not become binding upon Seller until a copy of the 20 accepted Counter-Offer is deposited. postage prepaid, in the United States mails, addressed to SeUer or Seller's agent at!+.oo. .Sp.uth ?I Executive. Drive. Broakfaeld,. .WL .53.005:6.808. or by personal delivery thereof >) to Seller or Seller's apent. ?? !I 26 CITY OF MUSKEGO ... ?J Buyer's above Counter-Offer is hereby accepted. CITY F MUSKEGO JUIJ 9. 198.6 By: .A ... ': &%ant to Resolution # 153-86 passed Wayne Salentin .1 by the Muskego Common Council on .- Julv 8 , 1986 .3 Charlotte L. Stewart@ .4 THIS COLXTER-OFFER SHOCLD E)E ATT.~CHED TO THE OFFER TO PURCH.%SE