CCR1986124RESOLUTION # 124-86 APPROVAL OF FUTURE PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT LANDFILL NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT WHEREAS, in amended Resolution #92-86, Future Parkland Landfill Negotiating Committee submitted the proposed Agreement between Future Parkland Development, Inc. and the City of Muskego for review; and WHEREAS, the Common Council submitted the proposed Agreement to the City Attorney, City Engineer, Zoning Officer, Plan Commission, Financial Advisor, Auditors and Assessor for their review; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on Tuesday, June 3, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Future Parkland Landfill Negotiating Committee Parkland Development, Inc. approved said agreement. adopted this agreement on Thursday, June 5, 1986, and Future NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Future Parkland Landfill Negotiating Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor Muskego, Briggs & Stratton Corporation, and Future Parkland and Clerk to execute the attached Agreement between the City of Development, Inc., upon execution of the Agreement by all other parties by their properly authorized representatives, upon execution of the attached Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement by Briggs h Stratton, Inc. and Future Parkland Development, Inc. by their properly authorized representatives, and upon payment of Agreement. all the landfill expenses required by paragraph 10. of the DATED THIS 10th DAY OF June , 1986. " Ald. Frank DeAn elis ATTEST : I 6/86 ca a """"""_ 00000000 _"""""" FINAL NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT FOR FUTURE PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT LANDFILL """"""_ 00000000 """"""" TABLE OF CONTENTS """"""-"-- """_""""" PACE . Introduction ....................... 1 Recitals ......................... 2 General Provisions .................... 3 Specific Provisions 1 . Commencement Date and Term ............. 5 2 . Standing Committee ................. 5 3 . Landfill Site Expansion .............. 6 4 . City Approvals ................... 7 5 Final Use ..................... 6 . Compliance With City Ordinances .......... a 7 . Direct Payment to City ............... 9 . a 8 . Direct Payment to County .............. 10 9 . Records ...................... 10 11 . City Responsibilities to Citizens ......... 11 14 . Local Property Value Protection .......... 14 Impact on Enjoyment of Property .......... 17 16 . Reimbursement for Exempt Property Taxes ...... 17 17 . Savings Clause .................. 17 Signatures ........................ 18 0 10 . Landfill Expenses ................. 11 5 13 Contested Case Hearing 13 12 . Covenants of the Landfill Operator Regarding Operation 11 . ............... j 15 . Compensation to Local Property Owners for Adverse FINAL NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT FUTURE PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT LANDFILL FOR The Local Committee of the Future Parkland Development Landfill, created pursuant to Chapter 144 of the Wisconsin Statutes in response to the application of Future Parkland Development, Inc. for licensure of a landfill in the City of Muskego, having engaged in negotiations and meetings in response to its statutory duties under Chapter 144 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and Future Parkland Development, Inc., an applicant for a landfill license under Chapter 144 of the Wisconsin Statutes, do hereby agree that the agreement contained herein shall stand as a Final Negotiated Agreement between the parties as defined in Chapter 144 of the Wisconsin Statutes. RECITALS WHEREAS, Future Parkland Development, Inc. is a wholly- owned subsidiary corporation of Briggs & Stratton Corporation, existing by virtue of the corporation laws of the State of Wisconsin (Future Parkland Development, Inc. being hereinafter referred to as either the ltApplicanttt or "Landfill Operator"), and desires to open and operate a sanitary landfill for the disposal of non-hazardous foundry waste; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes to locate said proposed landfill in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, more specifically described as follows: North 1/27 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 36, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; and, WHEREAS, the City of Muskego is a municipal corporation existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and has a duty and obli- gation to insure a safe environment for the health, safety and welfare of its citizens; and, by virtue of Chapter 144 of the Wisconsin Statutes, has joined the County of Waukesha (hereinafter referred to as the "County") in appointing members to a local negotiating committee to negotiate with the Applicant concerning said proposed landfill site; and, WHEREAS, a request by the City of Muskego for a contested case hearing on the issues of feasibility and need of the pro- posed site had been filed; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as fOllOwS: 2 -" 000 --- GENERAL PROVISIONS A. This Agreement shall be applicable to the present Applicant, its successors and assigns, and to all parties to which the Applicant may transfer any or all of its interests or operations, contracts or subcontracts concerning its ownership and responsibilities under this Agreement and State law with respect to the proposed landfill site. As the Applicant is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Briggs & Stratton Corporation, Briggs & Stratton Corporation shall guarantee and assure that the Applicant carries out all of its responsibilities provided for herein or under State law in the event that the Applicant is unable to carry out such responsibilities. Further, Briggs and Stratton Corporation shall be jointly and severally liable for any and all liability which may be imputed to the Applicant under this Agreement. B. That in conjunction with the foregoing, the Applicant shall notify the City and the State of Wisconsin/Department of Natural Resources of any and all changes in ownership or opera- tion of the Future Parkland Development landfill site, and pro- vide proof that any such successor or assign has notice and acknowledges this Agreement and the duties and obligations hereunder. C. That in conjunction with the foregoing, the Applicant shall not transfer any of its interests in the operation of the landfill or of its property interests in the landfill unless such party or entity (hereinafter referred to as the "Transferee") can be demonstrated by the Applicant or the Transferee to have the 3 ability, both financial and operational, to comply with the terms of this Agreement, the State of Wisconsin/Department of Natural Resources landfill license, and applicable State law. The Applicant or the Transferee shall provide documentation suf- ficient to demonstrate the same prior to transferring any such interests. The City shall have standing to challenge such transfer if the City believes that the Transferee is not finan- cially able or otherwise able to comply with the requirements Of this Agreement, the State of Wisconsin/Department of Natural Resources landfill license, and applicable State law. The City shall have sixty (60) days from receipt of the aforementioned documentation in which to bring action in circuit court to enforce this provision. "_ 000 --- SPECIFIC PROVISIONS 1. Commencement Date and Term. The commencement date of this Agreement shall be the date on which the City formally approves the Negotiated Agreement between the Applicant and the Local Negotiating Committee. The term of this Agreement shall be equal to the active site life of the proposed Landfill as set forth in the Applicant's feasibility report or as hereinafter set forth in this Agree,ment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Applicant shall be responsible for proper closure of the site as set forth by the State of Wisconsin/Department of Natural Resources (hereinafter referred to as the 'lDNR'l) and State law, as well as hereinafter set forth in this Agreement. 2. Standing Committee. The Applicant and the City agrees to the formation of a Standing Committee which will con- sist of one (1) member appointed by the Waukesha County Board, one (1) member of the Muskego City Council, two (2) area resi- dents of the City of Muskego, and one (1) representative of the Landfill Operator. The Committee will have the functions and powers described in Exhibit ffAff attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Subject to the monetary limitations set forth below, the Landfill Operator agrees to contribute toward the reasonable operational expenses incurred by the Standing committee for it3 actions taken pursuant to this Agreement. Standing Committee operational expenses shall include, without limitation, the Costs 5 of technical assistance retained by the Committee to provide ana- lyses, explanations, advice and opinions regarding any data pro- vided to the Committee, legal assistance when required to carry out the powers of the Standing Committee, and reasonable expenses incurred in monitoring compliance with this Agreement. The Landfill Operator shall pay to the Standing Committee the sum of $2,000.00 prior to the receipt of waste at the land- fill and thereafter prior to the beginning of each fiscal year for the first seven (7) years of this Agreement, and $2,500.00 annually for the eighth (8th) and any subsequent year thereafter that waste is received. Such payments shall constitute payment of Standing Committee expenses and funding of payments to local property owners stated in paragraph #lo of Exhibit ',A". The Standing Committee shall not incur any expenses beyond its allotted payment as provided for herein. 3. Landfill Site Expansion. The Applicant has proposed to develop thirteen (13) acres (excluding berms, roads, liners, etc.) at the present time for its active landfill. The Applicant agrees that the landfill site shall never exceed forty (40) acres (including berms, roads, liners, etc.). In the event that the Applicant proposes to expand the site beyond the initial thirteen (13) acres, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a feasibility report for the expansion to the City and the DNR. The Applicant shall submit the feasibility report to the City by certified mail, or personal delivery, with a separate written notice stating that it desires to expand the site to include the additional acreage. The City shall have 6 ninety (90) days in which to either renew this Agreement as hereinafter provided or reject the same, subjecting the proposed expansion to negotiations under the law as it shall exist at that time. If the City does not renew and continue this Agreement, this Agreement shall be limited to the original thirteen (13) acre site and apply to that thirteen (13) acres until that area is "filledf1. "Filled" shall be deemed to have occurred when the Landfill Operator has exhausted the space or volume of the original site as proposed in its feasibility study. If the City chooses to renew this Agreement and continue its applicability to the expansion proposed in the feasibility report mentioned above, it shall formally do so by motion or resolution within the ninety (90) day period and notify the Awl City bind i I i cant by certified mail or personal delivery of such action. The parties agree that if this Agreement is renewed by the all terms and conditions stated in this Agreement shall be ng on both parties and applicable to the proposed expansion. Both parties may extend the time deadlines set forth in this sec- tion. The parties may further choose to limit the renegotiation to specific issues, and apply the renegotiated agreement to the expansion stated herein. 4. City Approvals. The City agrees to issue a Conditional Use Grant allowing the Applicant's proposed landfill development, waiving other local approvals, and extending the time limitation set forth in Section 1 of Ordinance 534A to 18 months after execution of this Agreement, subject to the conditions I stated hereinafter and the Applicant's Agreement. The Applicant further agrees to stated in City of Muskego Plan Commissi attached hereto as Exhibit 'IB" and the compliance with this the terms and conditions on Resolution No. 102A-85 Plan Commission's Conditional Use Grant attached thereto. The Applicant further agrees to the "Additional Conditions of Grant of Conditional Use" attached to the Resolution as Exhibit "A" of the Resolution, and attached hereto as Exhibit "C". 5. Final Use. After termination of all landfilling operations, the Landfill Operator and the City shall agree on subsequent uses of the landfill area, such permitted uses to be binding on all future owners of the landfill area, as long as such uses are consistent with the final closure plan and preserve the environmental integrity of the landfill area. 6. Compliance With City Ordinances. The Applicant shall comply with Sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the City's Municipal Ordinance Code, except as expressly provided below: a. b. C. Section 11.03(3) pertaining to annual permit fees and renewals shall not apply. Instead, the Applicant's annual licensing fee shall be as pro- vided in Section 7 of this Agreement. The term of this license shall be concurrent with the life of the Conditional Use Permit. Section 11.03(8) pertaining to termination of use shall not apply. Termination of use shall be governed by the Applicant's plan of operation and closure plan, as approved by DNR, and the Conditional Use Permit. Any provision inconsistent or inapplicable to the type of landfill operated by the Applicant shall not apply. 8 9 d. Any term inconsistent with the Conditional Use Permit shall not apply. 7. Direct Payment to City. In consideration of the approvals contained herein, the Landfill Operator agrees to pay to the City an annual fee for fifteen (15) years or as hereinafter stated. The annual fee shall be $25,000.00 for the first seven (7) years, and $30,000.00 for the last eight (8) years. Such payments shall be paid on a "fiscal" year basis. The ftfiscal" year for purposes of annual payments shall begin on the first (1st) day that waste is received at the site. That date shall control all succeeding "fiscal" years. The annual license fee for each fiscal year shall be paid prior to the first day of each fiscal year. If the Landfill Operator receives approval for an extension beyond its fifteen (15) year time period, or deposits waste in the original thirteen (13) acre proposed fill area after the last day of the fifteenth (15th) ttfiscaltt year, the Landfill Operator shall pay an annual fee of $35,000.00 per year for the sixteenth (16th) and all suc- ceeding "fiscal" years. Annual payments shall be subject to the following con- ditions: a. If the entire original thirteen (13) acre site state law prior to the fifteenth (15th) year, is both "filledtf and closed in compliance with payments shall continue at the rate of $30,000.00 per year through the fifteenth (15th) year. b. If the landfill is not fffilledlt but is closed in compliance with State law before the end of the fifteenth (15th) year, annual payments shall be adjusted as provided below. The "fill percentage" shall equal that portion of the site's design capacity that has been filled. The "pay percen- tage" shall equal that portion Of $415,000.00 already paid to the City under this Agreement. If centage, then no further payment shall be due. If the pay percentage equals or exceeds the fill per- centage, then the Landfill Operator shall pay the the fill percentage is greater than the pay per- City prior to closure an amount necessary to render the two percentages equal. If the Landfill Operator wishes to place waste from other foundries at the landfill, it shall reach an agreement with the City for a tippage fee for such waste at a rate no less than fifty cents ($.50) per ton prior to placement. This fee shall be paid within thirty (30) days after each calendar quarter that such waste is received. Any delinquent payments shall accrue interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month and be compounded monthly. 8. Direct Payment to County. In the event that waste is received at the landfill site which is not generated by Briggs and Stratton Corporation, the Applicant shall pay to the County of Waukesha the sum of $.25 per ton of waste received at the site. Such sum shall be paid within thirty (30) days after the last day of each fiscal year. All sums received by Waukesha County will be set aside in a separate "Recycling Fund" to be used solely for purposes of advancing recycling efforts within Waukesha County. With such payment, the Landfill Operator shall submit to the County an accounting of volumes of waste received not generated by Briggs & Stratton Corporation. Any late payment shall accrue interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month and shall be compounded monthly. 9. Records. The Landfill Operator shall provide the City and County with a copy of any reports or records submitted to the 10 ing each fiscal year pertaining to the amount of waste 5 Landfill Operator received, as well as any reports per- ~. to estimates of future waste receiving rates. LO. Landfill Expenses. The Landfill Operator shall pay sonable and necessary expenses of the Local Negotiating se, including attorneys fees incurred by the Local ::ing Committee and the City relating to the landfill. All Jenses shall be paid within thirty (30) days of execution Agreement. -1. City Responsibilities to Citizens. The parties to f?eement understand that the City has certain duties and .bilities for the health and welfare of its citizens, as a duty to enforce its laws and ordinances. Consistent 3 rights and obligations under this Agreement, the City -e does not waive any remedies it may have in law or -n enforcing its laws or ordinances or in acting to pro- 3 health and welfare of its citizens. The City shall have ;J to enforce this Agreement. .2. Covenants of the Landfill Operator Regarding Operation. A. The Landfill Operator will not accept hazardous is defined by either NR 181.04(44) and NR 181.12, or as by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (P.L. ~ whichever is more stringent, for disposal at the land- -,e. The Landfill Operator shall also not accept any gar- inicipal solid waste, nor putrescible waste as defined in .n Administrative Code NR 180.04(26), (35), and (47), and 11 shall execute such a deed restriction no later than sixty (60) days prior to receiving waste. B. The Landfill Opzrator shall only operate ("operate" shall include daily cover and grading work) the land- fill site between 7:OO A.M. and 6:OO P.M., Monday through Friday, and from 9:OO A.M. and 2:OO P.M. on occasional Saturdays, not to include removal of clay soils. The site shall not be open on Saturdays more than twenty (20) times each year. The Landfill Operator shall notify the City Clerk prior to opening on any Saturday, by 3:OO P.M. of the last working day before such Saturday opening. C. The Landfill Operator shall comply with all State directives concerning traffic controls or street work as may be authorized by law at the juncture of any public right- of-way and the landfill access road. The Landfill Operator shall create a turn lane subject to State approval at the juncture of Highway 45 and the landfill access road. The Landfill Gperator and its waste haulers shall use Highways 36 and 45 within the City to transport waste to the landfill. If this route is blocked or detoured for any reason, the authorized detour route or any other reasonable route may be used. D. The Landfill Operator will comply, at all times, with this Agreement and shall operate the site at all times in substantial compliance with applicable Federal and State statu- tes, Administrative Codes, regulations and requirements of the DNR. E. The Landfill Operator shall undertake the ground- water monitoring program required by the DNR, imposed as a condition 12 of its finding of feasibility, or any subsequent requirement made by DNR to test groundwater or private wells. In addition to such requirements, the Landfill Operator shall perform background groundwater tests on Wells No. 1 through No. 3, No. 5 through No. 12, No. 21 and No.. 22 on Plate 2, Project 156.06, which was sub- mitted as a part of its May 22, 1985 feasibility report. The I results of such background tests shall be provided to the City and to each resident tested. F. The Landfill Operator agrees to limit the height of its landfilling activities at the landfill to that stated in the feasibility report. I G. The Landfill Operator agrees that it shall prohi- bit private cars and small trucks from using the facility for dumping activities. 0 H. A breach of any such covenants, agreements or responsibilities shall be grounds for the City to seek legal action to enforce the provisions of this Agreement. In addition to injunctive relief and specific performance, the City may seek a per diem forfeiture for violation of this Agreement as provided under the general penalty provisions of the City's Municipal Code. I. The Landfill Operator shall not stockpile or Store any waste outside of the active area of the landfill site. I 13. Contested Case Hearing. As an additional consideration, the City does hereby agree to withdraw from all pending contested case actions against the Applicant concerning the licensure Of 0 this site. In addition, the City and County agree not to petition 13 .- tion for judicial review of DNR's dec feasibility report, plan of Operation landfill site. isions pertaining to the , and/or licensure of the 14. Local Property Value Protection. The parties deem the following properties to participate in benefits under this sec- tion: A. Wesel jak ; B. Boehm; C. Hoffman; D. Mittelstadt; and, E. Petroviak. In consideration of the potential adverse impact that the landfill may have on the above-named neighboring properties, the Landfill Operator agrees to protect such properties in the event of sale. Such program shall be administered as follows: a. To be eligible for fair market value price pro- tection under this section, owners of real estate listed above must place their property on the market for sale with a real estate broker licensed such time as the applicable property is offered under the laws of the State of Wisconsin. At for sale, the owner must provide the Operator with estate is listed and the proposed terms of sale. both the name of the broker with which such real The Operator shall then cause the property to be appraised at its fair market value both (1) as of that day and (2) as of that day but making the sole additional assumption that the site described herein had not been acquired for use as an industrial landfill. The difference between the two values, which solely represents the adverse impact on property values, if any, caused by the presence of the landfill, shall equal the "diminished fair market" value of the property. from appraisals performed under this section, must Both of these values, and any others calculated expressly take into account the affect of the Waste Management landfill in Franklin on local property values. The real estate appraiser hired 14 by the Operator shall be certified as a member of the American Institute of Appraisers or recognized work independently of the Operator. by the National Appraisers Association and shall Upon its completion, the Operator shall make known perty owner. In the event the affected property the result of the appraisal to the affected pro- owner disagrees with the valuation arrived at, he or she shall have a right to obtain an appraisal valuing the subject property in the same manner as Any appraiser retained by the affected property it was valued by the appraiser for the Operator. owner shall be certified as a member of the American Institute of Appraisers or recognized by the National Appraisers Association and work inde- all appraisers under this section shall be paid by pendently of the property owner. The costs for desires for purposes of offering the property for the Landfill Operator. If the property owner so sale, he or she may request of the Operator that the first appraisal be performed by an appraiser of appraisals described above shall be reversed. the owner’s choice. If so, the order of b. Computation of Fair Market Value. For purposes of qt value” means the value of the property as if the site described herein had not been acquired for use as an industrial landfill. Fair market value shall be established as follows: 1) by a single appraiser under subsection (a) if the results were accep- table to both parties or 2) by agreement between the two appraisers retained under subsection (a). If the two appraisers retained under subsection (a) do not agree, they shall meet forthwith and have five (5) days to agree upon a fair market value. If they are unable to agree, they shall have seven (7) days to pick a third appraiser who shall act as a review appraiser and shall arrive at a fair market value within fifteen (15) days of his or her selection. Diminished fair market value, which is defined in subsection (a), shall be established in the same manner as described in this subsection. c. Any property affected by this section shall con- tlnue to be exposed for sale until: 1) The property owner sells it at the fair market made by the Operator. value price, in which case no payment shall be 2) The property owner receives an arm’s length written offer which is less than the fair 15 D l. market value. The property owner shall notify the Operator of the offer and the Operator shall elect to purchase the property at the fair market value or permit the property owner owner the difference between the sale price and to accept the offer and then pay the property subsection (b). In any event, this subsection the fair market value as determined under sub- shall not apply unless the property has been on the market for at least one hundred eighty (180) days. 3) At least 270 days expire from the time the property has been continuously exposed to the market for sale and no offers of purchase have been received. If no offers of purchase have Operator shall make a one-time payment equal to been received for the affected property, the the diminished fair market value of the pro- perty. The Operator shall not be obligated to purchase the property. 4) The property owner chooses to sell the property to one other than an arm's length purchaser. Such property owner shall notify the Operator at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed compensation under this section, appraisals conveyance. If the property owner seeks Fair market value shall be determined under shall be made as provided for in subsection (a). only be entitled to payment from the Operator subsection (b) but the property owner shall of the property rather than the difference be- equivalent to the diminished fair market value value price. tween the purchase price and the fair market d. Applicability Of Section. 1) This section shall apply only once to the first transfer of any one parcel of property owned by the individuals named above after execution of this Agreement. This section shall not apply, however, to transfers by gift, bequest ation (i.e., termination of joint tenancy, inheritance or other transfer not for compens- transfer pursuant to divorce decree, etc.). In the event of a parcel which is subdivided, only that portion which is transferred shall no longer be eligible for further compensation. A maximum of four (4) lots created by way of subdivision of existing lots shall qualify under this subsection. 2) Property owners conveying under this section shall do so by deed or land contract. 16 3) Any person who seeks to obtain fair market value protection under this section shall notify the Operator of his or her intention to sell such property at least ten (10) working days before offering such property for sale. 15. Compensation to Local Property Owners for Adverse ImDact on Enjoyment of Propertl. The following property owners shall be paid compensation in consideration of the potential adverse impact on the enjoyment and use of their properties because of the placement of the Future Parkland landfill in the following amounts: A. Weseljak -- $1,000.00; B. Boehm -- $1,000.00; C. Mittelstadt -- $500.00; and, D. Petroviak -- $500.00. Such payments shall be made within thirty (30) days after commencement of construction of the landfill. 16. Reimbursement for Exempt Property Taxes. The Landfill Operator shall reimburse the City for any property taxes not paid due to the exemption of any portion of the landfill under state law. 17. Savinus Clause. If any part of this Agreement should be found to be unreasonable or unconstitutional by a court of law, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force. 17 DATED this day of , 1986. FUTURE PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. BY : President BY: Secretary DATED this day of , 1986. BRIGGS & STRATTON CORPORATION BY: President BY : Secretary DATED this day of , 1986. CITY OF HUSKEGO BY : WAYNE G. SALENTINE, Mayor BY : Clerk 18 , -. The City of Muskego (hereinafter referred the Countv of Waukesha (hereinafter referre STANDING COMMITTEE: to as the "Citv"). 1. Purpose. ~ ~~ - d to as the "Countyj, and Future Parkland Development, Inc. "Applicanttt), agree to establish and participate in a committee (hereinafter referred to as the tlLandfill Operator,, or to monitor the construction and operation of the landfill site. 2. MembershiD. Membership on the committee shall consist of one (1) member appointed by the Waukesha County Board Chair, one (1) representative of the Landfill Operator, one (1) member of the Muskego City Council, and two (2) residents who reside South of Woods Road and East of Racine Avenue, excluding any resident residing within one-half (1/2) mile of the site, except properties presently owned by Hemowski, Jankowski, and Marold. that Loomis Road residents may qualify, except residents of the Further, no relative by blood or marriage of anyone so disqualified to the degree of first cousin may serve on the Standing Committee. The two (2) resident-members shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Each public member of the committee shall serve for a term of three (3) years. The City shall be allowed to initally stagger the terms of its three (3) appointees. The Committee shall elect, city of chairperson. For any action taken by the committee, from amongst its members, an individual to function in the capa- mittee is required. The Landfill Operator shall be entitled to unless otherwise expressly provided, a majority vote of the com- send an alternate to any meeting of the committee to exercise its full rights of membership. by the City or County may voluntarily resign at any time, and any 3. Replacement and Removal. A committee member appointed committee member appointed by the City shail automatically be removed from the committee effective from the date that member no longer resides in the area, as above stated. Upon the occurrence of either, the City or, if applicable, the County, shall promptly appoint a replacement. Any committee member may be removed by the committee committee. for good cause and upon a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the 4. Quorum. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum. 5. Documents. The Applicant shall provide copies of all technical reports and monitoring data supplied to the State of Wisconsin/Department of Natural Resources by the Landfill Operator pertaining to the landfill, including the Plan of Operation, any proposed amendments to the feasibility study or any proposed changes to any special conditions imposed by the State of Wisconsin/Department of Natural Resources, and shall provide such copies free of charge to the committee membership. Notice shall be provided to the Standing Committee at least three (3) weeks prior to commencement of construction of any new cells. Exhibit "A" A-1 6. MeetinRs. The committee may establish a schedule for meetings for the purposes of review, explanation and discussion of said technical data and the status of the landfill site construction, operation and closure. Special meetings of the committee may be called by any member of the committee upon five (5) days written notice for the purpose of addressing any tion or closure. Upon the occurrence of an event deemed by any issue of concern involving the landfill site construction, opera- committee member to constitute an emergency condition, a special meeting may be called with less than five (5) days notice, pro- vided each committee member is personally notified. The public may attend any committee meeting. Any written notice called for in this agreement, except for emergency notice, shall be deemed effectively provided when either personally delivered or sent by mail to all members at the addresses listed by them with the com- mittee. bers with proper identification shall have the right to conduct 7. Committee Access to Site. Individual committee mem- on-site inspections of the landfill site. Said inspections shall be conducted during operating hours, but only after giving notice to the Landfill Operatorls employee in charge at the landfill site, if immediately available. If such individual is not imme- diately available, then notice to any of the Landfill Operator's employees on the site shall constitute notice under this provision. In a condition deemed an "emergency" by the majority of the committee, access during non-operating hours shall be pro- vided as soon as possible upon notifying the Landfill Operator. 8. Violations. If, in the judgment of the majority of the committee members, the landfill site is not being constructed or operated in compliance with the Landfill Operator's approved plan of operation, or with any applicable State statute or regu- equity, the committee may serve written notice of such perceived lation, or any other provision of law, whether it be in law or Landfill Operator. Similarly, if any aspect of the construc- non-compliance upon, and may make recommendations to, the tion, operation or closure of the landfill site causes or is likely to cause, in the judgment of the majority of the commit- access road, litter, traffic flow, traffic patterns or inadequate tee, a problem due to noise, dust, debris, odor, maintenance of screening or fencing or any other problem, the committee may serve upon the Landfill Operator written notice of the commit- concern. The committee shall not have authority in its own right tee's concern and make recommendations to remedy or address such to commence litigation. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the right or duty of the City or County officials to make such on-site inspections as deemed necessary under their duties to protect the public health and safety and to take action pursuant to law. Similarly, nothing herein shall be construed to limit any legal or equitable right of any neighboring property owner with respect to individual legal rights pursuant to law. Furthermore, the existence of the Standing Committee shall not constitute a waiver of any County, City, or local property owners' public duties, rights or privileges pursuant to law. 4-7 . 9. The Landfill Operator shall supply the Local Committee with a telephone number at which one of its representatives can be reached at all times, including weekends, holidays, and night- time hours. sit all funds received under DaranraDh #2 of the Nenotiated 10. Standing Committee. The Standing Committee shall depo- Agreement in an interest-bearing account. The Staniing Committee payments to property owners as hereinafter provided by majority shall approve all disbursements from such account for expenses or vote. I. Mittelstadt, Boehm, Petroviak and Weseljak properties only for Payments shall be made to the current owners of the so long as they continue to own and reside at such properties. Over the life of the site, the Standing Committee shall provide for a minimum payment to each of the owners as follows: Wesel jak Boehm Mittelstadt Petroviak $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 amount not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the property tax bill to Boehm, Mittelstadt and Weseljak, and ten percent (10%) shall be determined at a meeting of the Standing Committee during to Petroviak. The exact payment for each preceding calendar year the month of January following each calendar year. The Standing Committee may authorize payments up to an excess of the balance in its account as of December 31st of the The Standing Committee may not issue payments in preceding year. Any authorized payment not made due to the insufficiency of funds in the account may be carried over to suc- ceeding years until paid. If there remains any sums in the account after closure of the site, the Standing committee may disburse such sums to the City or retain such sums for continuation of the Standing Committee until the DNR certifies that leachate collection may cease. I . Commission suggests thbt the requiring Futuro Parkland co execute an appropridto deed reatriction so that no garbage, municipal solid waata nor putrercible woske as defined in Wis- conain Administrative Coda NR 180.04(26), 'OS), and (47) may evor be buried on Sita. Dated chis .icJ dry ot I/ -. . / e , 190s CITY Or IIUSKLGO I '\ c* """" - L """" - """"" Exhibit nBn B-1 Wore the.. .~~.~.~,..~.O~~SS~.O.~.. .of thc.. .Cg:.!Y..~ ... of. ......... M!.?.&.%9. Ll(urn. Bd", tGW. v1111l r-. hy, "El?.!k.?.?.!E hty. W-m. in regard w Prmiro at. inTovruhip.. 5 ...... North Ran;r ... 20 .&t.. .?!W.k.&!a .... County. .... State oi Wiuonrin. further dacritai at folb-: The North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 and the Northeast 1/4 Of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. .... .... ........ ..... .... .. GRANTED by aCriDn of the..Elan. .Ccmnissiomf Ihe. ..City. of Muskega .... .. ." ........ the. .dayof..-. ... ...... 19.. ,Gay. V.l!4. Ta -1 Atmt: ._ ...... ._ ........... ... Wavne G. Salentine ._ (sal) ................................. ........ . -. ....... MaYOr Charlotte L. Stewart W.W. R-k hum, T,,L.Citv Clerk - (Gv. '>'dlw. Torn cann) OIL B 6. CondltlmU O11 UI. ma ,.~of-tim: 7:Ofl A.M. to 6:OO P.M. - Monday thru Friday: 9:00 A.M. to b. Pd- stad&!& &tin# OD mtx..vibntiar. &. sn& Or dm: 2:oo P.M. - Occasional Saturday not to include removal of clay soils. See Number 9. c. Water &Y : On site well. d, pmvims ~-dirpoul: System approved by all necessary governmental sgencie C. (xhs: See Number 9. 7. CrmdIUoor 011 the Bulldlnb New builcinqs a. Facade matcnal of each building ¶de: / must be approved by Plan Commission. b. Enrruua, him and hrlcn: MU#U#M##~###M"~ As in Site plan. c. Sips atuched 10 the Budding. Location, Size. !him (including lighung): Any signs proposed d. Exterior Llghtinsof thc hildlns: Any exterior lighting proposed must have Plan e.Othn: All existing buildings be issued an Occupancy Certificate prior must have Plan Comission approval. Commlssion approval. to occupancy. 8. Ccndltioas 011 the Sit. a. Swat Arc- (number. lourim.dai~): Provide street address. b. OffSuen Pulring (burim ud doim inc!udinn wrrrning therm0: AS provided in Plan of c. LasdingandSmiceArma(lourim.nddoi~): As provided in Plan of Operation. d. Ouulde Stomp 01 Maraida. P&u or Relux (hcicm d urcming rhmor): As provided in e. Finished toFcgrsphy and buildinggrado. rcuming vdh. norm warn nul*R: As provided in Plan 1. bpwg of rhe Sire ud Buildinpr (ircluding plvn ty~. six. miry): & Pedarrian rdkray.. C-Q. malm (kat- .nd aam): n/a h. Sip (fret runding) loutinn. size. daim (urludinp lighrinp): See Number 7 (c) . i. &mior LiahtLns of the siu. locarm bign mad povcr: As approved by Plan Comission. i. Mu: Any proposed chanoe in the creek which transverses the Drooertv Operation. - llan of Operation. of Operation. Landscaping plan must b submitted to the Plan Comission for approval ,. , ~~ must havb engineering Dians submitted to the Public Works Depbrthent' and the City Engineer for approval. &" moll(*IOy""m" 9. See Exhibit .Am uhich is attached hereto ad mado a part hereof which are additional conditions of this grlat. EXHIBIT rrArf SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS OF GRANT OF CONDITIONAL USE tions as submitted to the DNR shall also be submitted to the City for review. The site shall be developed as presented by Future Parkland Development and its agents with the additional pre- cautions as noted below. All DNR permits and its recommendations are included in the Conditional Use Permit by reference. 1. Prior to commencement of operations, the Plan of Opera- location compatible with the future ultimate development of the site as set forth in the DNR-approved Plan of Operations. 2. The access road to the site shall be constructed in a 3. The entire access road to the site shall be paved with asphalt to the leachate loading area to minimize dust and noise to the surrounding area. access roads so that there is no interference with existing drainage patterns, as set forth in the DNR-approved Plan of Operations. 4. Drainage structures shall be constructed under all will not damage or pollute downstream facilities, the following 5. In order to insure that excess run-off from the site precautions shall be taken: A sedimentation pond shall be approved by DNR. During the active phase of the landfill, site constructed as proposed by Future Parkland Development and run-off shall be directed to the basin with diversion berms and swales on the perimeter of the filled area. Diversion berms on the south side of the landfill shall be constructed to divert off-site water away from the landfill and the sedimentation after the entire site is filled and restored. Only upon the basin. The sedimentation pond shall remain in use on site until approval of the City may the sedimentation pond be removed or altered. During operations, any precipitation which comes in contact with landfill wastes shall be directed to the leachate collection system. 6. Should any materials from the project site such as wastes or sediments enter a waterway excluding the sedimentation basin, such materials shall be removed immediately at Future Parkland Development's expense. Sediments shall be removed from ments to the waterway and placed back into the landfill or taken the sedimentation basin as needed to eliminate discharge of sedi- off site. The City shall be allowed to inspect and enforce this provision. 7. If additional measures are required to control ero- sion, silt and sedimentation run-off, such measures shall be Exhibit "C' c-1 . instituted immediately by Future Parkland Development at their expense. does not exceed the amount of run-off currently existing on the site, a IIB" type soil cover with grass growing in good condition shall be installed to achieve a run-off curve number of 61 as per the Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55. 8. In order to insure that run-off from the finished site 9. Final plans showing cell construction, final grades and the leachate collection system shall be submitted to and approved by the City prior to any construction commencing at the site. 10. The clay liner shall be constructed as stated in the Muskego at any time during construction, desire to have indepen- proposal and in accordance with NR 180. Should the City of leachate collection system, three (3) such inspections during dent spot inspection, of the City's choice, of the liner or Future Parkland Development. The construction of 2' clay cap each cell construction phase shall be allowed at the expense of shall also meet the above conditions. not exceed those as shown on the approved Plan of Operations. 11. The height and area of each cell constructed shall 12. Reproductible as-builts of each cell construction, City. grading and leachate collection system shall be provided to the 13. The maximum sub-surface flow distance to the leachate collection system shall be 100 feet. 14. All excavations on the site relative to the fill operation shall not be below elevation 768.5 MSL unless otherwise required by the DNR. regard to groundwater monitoring, liner construction, leachate system construction and compaction of liner or cap fill material shall also be given to the City of Muskego. 15. A copy of all test results submitted to the DNR with 16. Should the City of Muskego feel that additional groundwater monitoring is required due to possible groundwater contamination from the landfill, investigation and corrective measures shall be taken by Future Parkland Development at their expense. 17. If it appears that the leachate from the site has con- taminated the groundwater supply beyond the landfill property actions to contain and correct such contamination. All costs for line, Future Parkland Development shall immediately commence such containment or correction shall be borne by Future Parkland Parkland Development shall submit a preliminary contamination Development. As part of the final plan submittal, Future correction plan outlining the plan of action it will follow for correction of possible contamination problems. Actual c-2 implementation of contamination correction plans will depend upon Landfill Operator shall provide potable water for purposes of the nature and extent of individual contamination problems. The any resident whose well has become contaminated if it appears human or animal consumption normally provided by their well to or other activities. Such action shall continue until (a) a that such contamination originated from the Operator's landfill permanent replacement source is made available or, (b) it appears whichever occurs first. If the Operator is responsible for such contamination and fails to take corrective action, and if the City participates in corrective actions, the Operator shall repay the City for reasonable costs it incurs reasonably necessary to implement corrective action. that such contamination was not caused by the Operator, 18. (a) Future Parkland Development will only be allowed to place materials as outlined in reports presented by RMT from the 68th and 83rd Street foundries of Briggs & Stratton as set forth in the initial proposal. If there is any significant change in the wastes from these foundries, a full chemical analysis must be presented to the City for its approval prior to placement. If Future Parkland Development wishes to place other non-hazardous wastes from Briggs & Stratton Corporation at the landfill, it shall present a full chemical analysis of such waste to the City and obtain the City's approval prior to placement. (b) In any event, materials such as garbage, municipal Administrative Code Section NR 180.04(26), (35) and (47)' shall solid waste and putrescible waste, as defined in Wisconsin never be dumped at the site. (c) If Future Parkland Development wishes to place waste from other foundries at the landfill, it shall do the following: 1) present a full chemical analysis of such waste to the City, and 2) obtain the City's approval prior to placement. 19. The wastes, with the exception of sludge, shall be placed in 18" maximum lifts and compacted to minimize settlement. Proper watering of exposed wastes shall be maintained to prevent dust problems. 20. The City or its agents shall be allowed access to the site at any time during normal operating hours for the purposes materials. The City will be allowed to have an independent of inspection of operations, testing of compaction or testing of testing lab check composition and compaction of all materials at any time during normal operating hours. 21. Notice shall be published in the local newspaper and be given to the City and contiguous landowners a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to commencement of construction of any new cells. 22. A conceptual post-closure plan for the 13-acre land- @ fill shall be presented to the City prior to the commencement of operations. Any final post-closure plan, including plans for c-3 post-closure usage, shall allow for the protection of the Plan Commission for approval prior to implementation. finished cells and their clay seal, and shall be submitted to the 23. An annual report on operations of the facility as sub- mitted to DNR shall also be given to the City and County. This report shall include a summary of the previous year's activities and the proposed next year's operations. 24. Calcium carbide slag shall not be allowed in the land- fill. 25. The leachate from the disposal site shall be tested semi-annually and compared to the normal influent to the wastewater treatment plant at Briggs & Stratton. The sludge leaving this plant shall also be tested semi-annually. If it is determined that the cycling of the leachate from the disposal site to the wastewater treatment plant and back to the disposal site as sludge creates elevated levels of potentially hazardous wastes, Future Parkland Development shall discontinue disposal of Stratton. The City shall be permitted at any time to have inde- leachate at the wastewater treatment facility at Briggs & pendent tests performed on either the leachate or wastewater sludge at its cost. 26. Dust from the construction or operation of the land- fill shall be controlled at all times. The gravel delivery road shall have an approved dust treatment. Future Parkland Development will have someone on site responsible for dust control during all hours of operation. If visible dust in the City has been determined by the zoning officer after due examina- Waukesha County. tion, then henceforth all trucks shall be covered while in 27. Future Parkland Development shall fulfill all require- ments of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources or its responsibility for closure of the site and proof of financial successor as to the filing of appropriate evidence of financial responsibility for long-term care of the site after closure. Copies of such evidence shall be filed with the City and County simultaneously with filing with the DNR. 28. Future Parkland Development and Briggs & Stratton shall enter into an agreement with the City upon granting of this Conditional Use whereby Future Parkland Development and Briggs & Stratton shall, jointly and severally, agree to hold harmless and indemnify the City, City officials and employees, when acting in City, City officials and employees, when acting in their official their official capacity, as to any claims or damages against the capacity, arising from the operation of the landfill, including but not limited to, defending the City, City officials and employees, when acting in their official capacity, against all said claims and payment of all said claims. If Future Parkland Development obtains Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance coverage or similar insurance coverage for the landfill, the City . (to include also its officials and employees, when acting in their official capacity) shall be named as an additional insured 0 in the same amounts as Future Parkland Development. waste for fifteen (15) years after the first day solid waste is received at the site. This condition shall not prevent Future Parkland Development from seeking to obtain all necessary State and local approvals to extend the period of disposal or expand the site within the parameters hereinbefore stated. 29. This Conditional Use Grant permits this site to accept 1 c-5 HOLD HARMLESS h INDEMNITY AGREEMENT hereto, the undersigneds agree as follows: For valuable consideration acknowledged by all parties 1. That Briggs & Stratton, Inc. and Future Parkland Development, Inc. hereby jointly and severally agree to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Muskego from any claim whatsoever made against the City of Muskego growing out of the operation of a landfill by Future Parkland Development within the City of Muskego and each agree to defend the City, at their expense, against such claim or claims. 2. This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the bene- fit of the parties hereto, their heirs, assigns, successors and legal representatives. Dated this day of , 19” BRICCS & STRATTON, INC. BY : BY : Dated this day of t 19-. FUTURE PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. BY : BY: Exhibit “D” D- 1