CCR1986104RESOLUTION #104-86 AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OF EASEMENT TO WEPCO TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO WATER TOWER WHEREAS, in order to provide electrical service to the Water Tower in the Industrial Park it is necessary to enter into an agreement between the City and WEPCO to provide the necessary easement, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to provide an easement in order that electrical service may be execute the attached agreement between the City and WEPCO to installed to the Water Tower in the Industrial Park. DATED THIS ]3d DAY OF ". ._. __.__ .- .. . . .. .. -. . .... . . ._ ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . , , . . owner ........ and grontor ... _._, do..e.S. hereby convey unto WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY grantee, its successors and assigns, the right, permission and outhcrity to construct, instoll, operate, wires,M&g&M&ond other opplionces necessary ond usuol in the conduct of its business, ond to string, maintain and re lace o line of poles, together with the necessary crossorrns, transformers, anchors, guy operate, maintain and replace wires thereon, and to construct, install, operate, mointoin and rcploce con. duit and cables underground, together with riser equipment, pedestals, terminals, morkers, x#d(rxyx63#J( and other appurtenant equipment; also the ri ht to construct, install, operate mointoin and replace (on] electric pad-mounted tronsformer (5) , X&d( w ~xdbXW(15b(~mb~~#~~3(.)~~X~X~#ix~ together with (a) concrete slob Is), secondary power pedestal Is) and other necessary and usuol oppurtenont equipment above ground, all for the purpose of transmitting electric energy for light, heat, power and signals, for such other purpose as electric current is now or may hereafter be used, upon, olong, over, across, within and beneath strips Of land twelve (12) feet in width being a part of the Grantor's premises in the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Five (5) North, Range Twenty (20) East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. (If necessary, continue on reversesidel The locotion of the easement X#&# (oreo) xwxm of the easement hereinbefore gronted with respect to the premises of the grontor. ... 15 as shown on the drawing ottoched hereto, morked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, struct, instoll, operate, mointoin ond re?loce one (I ) underqround service lateral or one (1 I overheod The right, permission and authority is olsa granted to said grantee, its successors and ossigns, to con- conductor service drop upon, in, over and under the grontor. .$. premises for the purpose of extending electric service to said premises. Soid underground service lateral or overheod conductor service drop is to be installed at such time and in such lccation os grantee, its successors ond ossigns, moy deem it necessary. The right, permission ond authority is also gronted to soid grantee, its successors ond assigns, to trim ond keep trimmed a11 trees now or hereofter existing olong soid lines so thot they will cleor wires strung mt !ess than .18 feet above the presently existing ground level, by os much as five (51 feet, and so that the trees will not be liable to interfere with the tronsmission of electricity over said lines; olso the where said trees and/or brush interfere with the installation or mointenonce of underground focilities or right to cut down trees ond/or brush where it is found improcticol to mointoin cleoronce by trimming, or represent o horord to such focilities. Structure will be erected over and/or under or ploced in such close proximity to soid underground ond/or The grantor ... ., it.$.. ... heirs, successors and ossigns, covenant. ond agree. ~~ thot no building or above ground electric facilities as to create a violation of the Wisconsin State Electricol Code or any omend- ments thereto. \ The grantor ., !.t.$.. heirs, successors and ossigns, further covenont and agree that after the instollotian and construction of said facilities the elevation of the existing ground surface within the easement areas wIlI not be altered by more than four (4) inches without the written consent of grantee. of exe)cising the rights herein ocquired, but the grantee agrees to restore or cause to have restored, the \The grantee and its agents shall have the right to enter the premises of the undersigned for the purpose premises of the undersigned, as nearly as is reosonobly possible, to the condition existing prior to such mid underground and/or above ground electric facilities or to ony brush or trees which may be removed entry by the grantee or its agents. This restoration, however, does not apply to the initio1 installation of at any time pursuant to the rights herein gronted. This grant of\easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and asignsof all wrties hereto. \ \ \ \ I