CCR1984234D b B RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES. INC. (As Amended) TO SOLICIT COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS $2,300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES FOR NOT TO EXCEED FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 WHEREAS the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin is presently in need of $2,300,000 for public purposes, including paying part of the costs of construction and improvement of storm and sanitary sewers, road and drainage projects, park acquisition of telephone and fire rescue equipment and other improvements, public improvements in the industrial park, provided for in the City's capital budgets or tax increment plan; municipal acquisitions and improvements and related expenses and WHEREAS it is desirable to borrow said funds through the issuance of promissory notes pursuant to Section 67.1202), Wis. Stats.; and WHEREAS it is now found by this Common Council to be in the best interests of the City that said notes be publicly offered made to Moody's Investors Service; for sale and that an application for a rating on said notes be NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: $2,300,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes for said purposes 1. This Common Council hereby authorizes the issuance of in accordance with the official Notice of Sale attached to this resolution and as determined at public sale. 2. The City Clerk shall cause copies of the abbreviated Notice of Sale attached to this resolution to be published in such newspapers and at such times as the Clerk may determine and pertinent data to be sent to interested bidders and published as to cause copies of the complete official Notice of Sale and other the Clerk may determine. 3. At a meeting to be held on November 27, 1984, the Common Council shall consider such bids as may have been received and take action thereon. 4. The City Clerk shall cause an Official Statement concerning this issue to be prepared by the City's financial consultants, Ehlers and Associates, Inc., and the appropriate City officials shall certify said Statement, such certification to constitute full authorization of such Statement under this resolution. Ehlers and Associates, Inc. is also authorized to soliciting competitive proposals for the notes. take whatever action it deems necessary for the purpose of Resolution #234-84 Page 2 application to Moody's Investors Service for a rating on the 5. The Common Council hereby authorized the making of an notes and authorizes the Mayor, a Council Member, an accountant for the City and the City's financial consultants to make a presentation to Moody's Investors Service in connection with the rating of said notes. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF November 9 1984. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dude hi, Ald. Ritche'hPenovich ATTEST: City Clerk 11/84 Ald. Ralph Tomczyk 8 NOTICE OF SALE $2,300,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes City of Muskego, Wisconsin i NOTICE IS EEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the purchase of the Clerk's office in the City Hall, Muskego, Wisconsin, until 4:OO P.M., above Notes of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, will be received at the The bids will be considered by the Common Council at its meeting to be Central Standard Time, on November 27, 1984, when they will be opened. held later that day. These Notes are being issued for public purposes, including paying part of the costs of construction and improvement of storm and sanitary sewers, road and drainage projects, park improvements, public improvements in the industrial park, acquisition of telephone and fire rescue equipment and other municipal acquisitions and improvements and related expenses provided for in the City's capital budgets or tax increment plan. $ Dates and Maturities The Notes will be dated December 1, 1984 and will mature on December 1 in the following years and amounts: , Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1994 Amount $ 225,000 225,000 200,000 300,000 1,350,000 D Call Provision Notes maturing on December 1, 1991 and December 1, 1994 shall be 1 subject to call and prior payment on any interest payment date on or after December 1, 1990 at par plus accrued interest. ) Interest Interest on the Notes will be payable on each June 1 and December 1, commencing June 1, 1985. All Notes maturing on the same date must bear interest from date of issue until paid at a single, uniform rate. Each rate must be in an integral multiple of 1/20 of 1%, and no rate previous maturity. applicable to any maturity shall be lower than that applicable to any Fiscal Aqent The Notes shall be distributed to the owners in fully-registered form in any authorized whole multiple of $5,000 each by the fiscal agent for the Notes. Such fiscal agent shall be First Bank (N.A.), .: I. i Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Notes shall he payable as to interest by @ check or draft mailed to the registered :owner by the fiscal agent and as to principal by presentation of the Notes at the office of the of the Notes. fiscal agent. The City will pay all costs relating to the registration I Delivery Within 40 days after sale, the City will furnish and deliver at the office of the purchaser or, at the purchaser's option, will deposit with a bank in the United States selected by the purchaser and approved by the City as its agent to permit examination by and to deliver to the successful purchaser the printed and executed Notes (one each in the principal amount for each maturity), the unqualified opinion thereon of bond counsel and a certificate stating that no litigation in any manner questioning their validity is then threatened or pending. The charge Of the delivery agent must be paid upon delivery by the purchaser but paid upon delivery of the Notes or within five days after deposit with all other costs will be paid by the City. The purchase price must be the delivery agent in funds available for expenditure by the City on the day of payment. Legal Opinion Messrs. Quarles h Brady, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The legal opinion Will An unqualified legal opinion on the Notes will be furnished by be printed on the Notes at the request of the purchaser. The legal obligations of the City, and all the taxable property in the City is subject to the levy of a tax to pay the principal of and interest on the Notes as the same become due without limitation as to rate or amount . opinion will state that the Notes are valid and binding general Type of Bid - Amount v Sealed bids must be mailed or delivered to the undersigned and must be received prior to the time established above for the opening of bids. Each bid must be unconditional and must be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check or bank draft in the amount $46,000, payable to the City Treasurer, to be retained by the City as liquidated damages if the bid is accepted and the bidder fails to comply therewith. The bid authorlzing the lowest net interest cost (total interest from date of Notes to stated maturities less any cash premium and no bid of less than $2,265,500 plus accrued interest on all of the Notes will be considered and the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in any bid. l or plus any discount) will be deemed the most favorable. No oral bid l BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Charlotte Stewart City Clerk City Ball Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 2 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC., Financial Specialists, 507 Marquette Further information may be obtained from and bids may be delivered to: Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402. Telephone: (612) 339-8291. 3 . .- 1, (Form of Published Notice) I I NOTICE OF NOTE SALE General Obligation Promissory Notes City of Muskego, Wisconsin Until November 27, 1984, at 4:OO P.M., Central Standard Time, sealed bids only will be received at the Clerk's office in the City Hall, Muskego, Wisconsin, for the above issue to be dated December 1, 1984, and to mature December 1, Year Amount 1988 1990 1989 1991 1994 $ 225,000 225,000 300,000 200,000 1,350,000 The Notes constitute the general obligation of the issuer, issued for public purposes. No rate applicable to any maturity shall be lower than that applicable to any previous maturity. Legal opinion: Quarles 6 Brady. Additional information and a copy of the Official Statement and Notice of Sale, which set forth additional details concerning the issue and limitations on the bids to be received, may be obtained from: Ehlers and Associates, Inc., 507 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, financial consultants to.the City, or the undersigned. Charlotte Stewart City Clerk City Hall Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 4 D RESOLUTION #234-84 TO SOLICIT COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS FOR NOT TO EXCEED FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC $2,300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NO WHEREAS the City of Muskeg presently in need of $2,300,000 paying part of the costs of con and sanitary sewers, road and drainage projec improvements, public improvemen acquisition of telephone and fi provided for in the City's capital budgets municipal acquisitions and impr ated expenses ax increment plan; and WHEREAS it is desirable to S tats. ; and issuance of promissory notes pu WHEREAS it is now found by best interests of the City that for sale and that an applicatio made to Moody's Investors Service' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES0 1 the issuance of 1 a 1 to cause copies of Sale and other for said purposes attached to this resolution and as 2. The City of the abbreviated Notice of Sale be published in such newspapers may determine and pertinent data and published as 3. At a g to be held on November 27, 1984, the Common Council consider such bids as may have been received 1 the Clerk may determine. i and take action thereon. 3 4. The City Clerk shall cause an Official Statement consultants, Ehlers and Associates, Inc., and the appropriate concerning this issue to be prepared by the City's financial City officials shall certify said Statement, such certification resolution. Ehlers and Associates, Inc. is also authorized to to constitute full authorization of such Statement under this take whatever action it deems necessary for the purpose of 0 soliciting competitive proposals for the notes. , e a l a Resolution #234-84 Page 2 5. The Common Counc application to ~oody notes and authorizes the Citv's financial e ma il hereby authoriz s Investors S the Mayor, any accounta consultants t I Moody'sd Investors Service in connection wit notes. DATED THIS DAY OF ^'"" M tc e Penovich ATTEST :