CCR1984223RESOLUTION #223-84 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Theodore Packard (Town of Norway) WHEREAS, a certified survey map has been submitted to the Common Council for a two parcel division of the Theodore Town of Norway, and Packard property in the Northeast quarter of Section 17 in the WHEREAS, this property is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval of the proposed division. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map submitted for a Northeast quarter of Section 17 in the Town of Norway. two parcel division of the Theodore Packard property in the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of the $25.00 submittal fee. DATED THIS a3 DAY OF p 1984. 0 ATTEST : City Clerk LOC4TlON M4P I-: zm. CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A REDIVISION OF LOT 3 KNUDTSENS SUBD., OF A PART OC THE N. E. 1/4 OFTHE N.E. /A OF SECTION 17, T 4 N., R. 20E., IN THE TOWN OF NORWAY, RACINE COUNTY WISCONSIN GRAPHIC SC4LE \ \ \ \ t t 3 2 - w 0 z I I +I