CCR1984222RESOLUTION 1/222-84 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF "ADMISSION TO SERVICE" (As Amended) (Workmen's Compensation - Police Officer) WHEREAS, Officer Kenny Brian Putt was employed by the City of Muskego Police Department on September 30, 1983, and WHEREAS, Officer Putt was disabled as a result of an injury sustained while on duty on the date aforementioned, and, WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received an application for hearing wherein Officer Putt has claimed benefits due and owing while on duty, and, under Section 40.65 Wisconsin Statutes for disability sustained WHEREAS, the City of Muskego acknowledges that Officer Putt has suffered a permanent and disabling injury as a result of the aforementioned incident and is, therefore,, entitled to said benefits under Section 40.65 Wisconsin Statutes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorized and directs the Mayor of the City of Muskego to execute the Admission to Service and Answer to Application" of Officer Kenny Brian Putt, in the form of the copy annexed hereto and incorporated herein by reference forthwith, thereafter Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Worker's Compensation forwarding same to the State of Wisconsin, Department of Division forthwith. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes and directs the Mayor of the City of Muskego to sign the Stipulation in the form of the copy attached hereto, said Stipulation to be State of Wisconsin. filed with the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations, II DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF October , 1984. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin Du&-e r. - L"/I 3cue_Q, Ald.PQitche1 Penovich ATTEST : /&d>U Ald. Rdlph Tomczyk RESOLUTION #222-84 / / AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF "ADMISSION TO SERVICE" (Workmen's Compensation - Police Offiker) /' WHEREAS, Officer Kenny Brian Putt was the City of Muskego Police Department on September 30, 1983, and WHEREAS, Officer Putt was disabled as a repult of an injury sustained while on duty on the date aforementioned, and, WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has receiyed an application for hearing wherein Officer Putt has claiyed benefits due and owing under Section 40.65 Wisconsin Statutes for disability sustained while on duty, and, / / WHEREAS, the City of Putt has suffered a permanent and aforementioned incident entitled to said benefits under Section NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorized and directs the Fyor of the City of Muskego to Officer Kenny Brian Putt, /in the form of the copy annexed hereto execute the "Admission to Qervice and Answer to Application" of and incorporated herein br reference forthwith, thereafter forwarding same to of Wisconsin, Department of Industry, Labor and Relations, Worker's Compensation Division forthwith. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1984. FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST : / I Charlotte Stewart, Clerk / A1ahel PehovLch I I, Ald. Ralph Tomczyk u/ 'ADM~SSION TO SERVICE THE STATE OF WISCONSIN AND ANWER TO APPLICATION Drpanmenl of Industry. WORKER'SCOMPENSATION DlWSlON Ln~r and Humh kclarions P.O. Box 7901 Madtron 53707 a 'ate 111 blanks. Typa or print legibly. ANT NAME APPLICANT SOCIAL SECURITV NUMBER Kenny Brian Putt 311-64-8396 City of Muskego Police DeFt. S8150 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 EMPLOYER NAME AND ADDRESS INSURER NAME AND ADDRESS N/A DATE OF ALLEGED INJURY 9-30-83 RESPONDENT ATTORNEV NAME AND ADDRESS Arenz, Molter, Macy 6 Riff 916 Clinton Street Waukesha, WI 53187 P.O. Box 1348 I I I IN ANSWER TO THE APPLICATION. THE RESPONDENT STATES: 1. 2 7. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. THE ACCIDENT OR OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE ALLEGED IN THE APPLICATION ACTUALLY OCCURRED ON OR ABOUT THE TIME CLAIMED. THE RELATIONSHIP OF EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYE EXlSTED. THE PARTIES WERE SUBJECT TOTHE WORKER'SCOMPEHSATION ACT AT THE TIME OF ALLEGED INJURV THE EMPLOYE WAS PERFORMING SERVICE GROWING OUT OF AND INCIDENTAL TO EMPLOYMENT, THE ACCIDENT OR DISEASE CAUSING INJURY AROSE OUI OF THE ALLEGED EMPLOb"ENT NOTICE OF lNJURY WAS GIVEN EMPLOVER WITHIN 30 DAVS OF ALLEGED INJURY. THE ALLEGED EMPLOYER WAS INSURED UNDER THE WORKER'S COUPENSATION ACT, AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION PAID TO DATE NAME ANDSIGNATURE OF RESPONDENT DATED None S40.65 Wis. Stats.