CCR1984183RESOLUTION #183-84 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Bill Koehn (Town of Norway) WHEREAS, a certified survey map has been submitted to the Common Council by Bill Koehn for the purpose of changing the Town of Norway, and location of Lot A and the Private Road on his property in the WHEREAS, this property is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval of this map. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, purpose of changing the location of Lot A and the Private Road does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map submitted for the on the Bill Koehn property in the Town of Norway. a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of the $25.00 submittal fee. DATED THIS &&- DAY OF , 1984. ATTEST : City Clerk . . .. . , . , - . IIC."".""- "CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. It Laclne County Certified Survey Map No. 36 recorded in Volume 1 of :ertified Survey Maps, Paqcs 95, 96, being part of the Southwest 1/4 of the :outhwest 1/11 of Section 10, Town 4 North, Hange 20 East, Township of lorway, Racine County, Wisconsin. - \$ the locof!on of Lof A and Lhs Privols The PurpOYe of fhis mop is lo chonps Rood. b I Land Surveyor, hereby certiiy: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped this "Certified Survey Map" by the ;; direction of Koehn's Rosemont 8" Iv1 Gardens of Racine County Certified ume 1 Of Certified Survey Maps, Page Survey Map No. 36 recorded in Vol- 95, 96, being part of the South- west 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10, Town 4 North, Range 20 VARII, Town!lhLp or Norw;ly, It.arI.nc County, Wisconsln, and mor(: partic- ularly described as follows: COmmenCing at a standard Racine County monument marking the South- west corner of thc Southwest 1/11 of said Section 10, run thence North O"47'48" West along the West line of the Southwest 1/4 of said srction. I7 .I .. .. :c .. :. .. .. il .. I 066.n5 fcrt. 1:o I.hr poinl: oI' hryqI.nninq of thp fol.lowlnq r1~1~r:rtIwcl p*arr!rl; IO. r, 4 N , R hV ..I* C*l",, DI lh# .tu IA thence continue North OU47'48" West along said West line 466.09 feet to a point on the North line of-.the Southwest 1.14 of ~thc Southwrsy 1/11 of wid wctton: thPn(:C North 00"09'21" East along said North line 233.04 feet: thence South 0'47'40" llast 4GG.09 feet: 101.#11,., 1:101.11~.0. a _- .~ thence South 8B009~21" West 233.04 fcet to thc pbint of beginnfH'q'. Subject to County Trunk l~lighway "S" right-of-way. IOiNNETI~I R. HKI;SMAN Containing 2.493 ncres oE"l'ahd, more or less. That said map is a true and correct representation 5-1351 of all the,exterior boundaries of the land surveyed. Robers 6 Boyd, InC. That I hdve fully complied with the provisions 109 South Spring of Section 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutcs and - __ ab:.07 .",,;:e ~ - . .. SWEET ~ 2 OF 2 SIIEETS Hurlington, WI 53105 of July, 1904 Dated this 20th d-ly Code of Ordinance of the Town 04177 . ~