CCR1984170RESOLUTION #170-84 (As Amended) SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING SPECIAL FINAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INSTALLATION OF ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY (Kurtze Lane Project - Assessment District "0") Wisconsin held a public hearing at the City Hall at 7:OO p. m. on 'dHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, the 23rd day of January, 1984 for the purpose of hearing all of the City Engineer on the proposed sanitary sewer improvement interested persons concerning preliminary resolution and report within the area described below and shown on the attached map and heard all persons who desired to speak at the hearing: Sanitary Sewer Assessment Area for Assessment District "0" Kurtze Lane Project A11 that part of the W 1/2 of Section 15, Town 5 North 3ange 20 East, Zity of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, describsd as follows: A11 abutting properties along Kurtze Lane, Kurtze Court, tne Kurtze Lane Txtension from Kurtze Lane to approximately 238 feet North of Kurtze Lane and including the Cozington property, tax key number 2219.998, with the exception of the lots at the intersection of Woods 2oad and Kurtze Lane which are in Assessment District "P". NOW, T'dEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Nuskego as follows: 1. That the report of the City Engineer and any amendments or modifications thereto pertaining to the construction of the above-described public improvements, including plans and specifications therefor is adopted and approved. 2. That the City of Nuskego has or shall advertise for bids and shall carry out the improvements in accordance with the report and any amendments or modifications thereto of the City Engineor. 3. That payment for the improvements to be made by assessing any anendments or modifications thereto. the cost to the propzrty benefited as indicated in the report and or modifications thereto, representing an exercise of the police power, have Seen detsrmined on a reasonable basis and are hereby confi.-med. 4. That assessments shown on the report and any amendments before November 1, 1985 or in ten (IO) annual installments to the City Treasurer, installment payments to bear interest at the rate of 9s per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on November I, 1985 and said first installment being due on the date when real estate taxes are due and annually thereafter. All assessments or in3tallments which are not paid by the date specified shall be property and all proceedings in relation to the collection, extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise ream and sale of property for delinquent real estate taxes prsvided by statute. 5. That the assessments may be paid in cash in full on or 6. That certain of the properties which are assessed by this resolution shall have said assessments deferred based upon the by 3esolution 19-71 As Amended. The properties to xhich this policy of the City established as to certain agricultural lands delsrred assessment policy applies are those referred to on the Strsmpe and #3, Glenn Pellman. assessment roll as assessment numbers #2, D.C. Ludwig & J. M. C1.3~ I Notice in the assessment district and mail a copy of this 7. That the City Clerk shall publish this resolution as a bec-fited property to every-property owner whose naae appears on resalution and a statement of the final assessment against the with reasonable diligence be ascertained. the assessment roll whose post office address is knovn or can CITY OF MUSKEG0 WAYNE G. SALENTINZ, Hayor Charlotte Stewart, Clerk Dat5d: 8/28/84 Published: 9/6/04 .: -2- " /" I- I" ____" ""I- 19 UA n.w M.00 "_ ""_ "" - _"" a n.w S0.W w.00 RESOLUTION U247-85 AMENDMENT TO FINAL RESOLUTION KURTZE LANE SEWER PROJECT WHEREAS, the Ffnal Resolutfon was adopted by Resolutfon 11170-84 (As Amended) on 8/28/84, and WHEREAS, the Publfc Sewer Committee has recommended that the which is the charge for a lateral, from $69,740.19 to assessment roll be amended to lower Assmt. No. 1 by $990.28 $68,749.91; and, to further amend the roll by deleting No. 3 and replace with No. 13, 14, 15 fn accordance with an Agreement between the Cfty and Glenn Pellmann, and WHEREAS, Paragraph No. 6 of Resolutfon 8170-84 is further amended to defer assessment numbers 1, 2, 13, 14, and 15, and e WHEREAS, all remafnfng sections of Ffnal Resolution 8170-84 0 shall remain unchanged unless specfffcally changed by this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Sfty of Muskego, does hereby amend Final Resolutfon U170-84 by l& and 15; and, all remafnfng sections of the Final Resolution smendfng Paragraph No. 6 to defer assessment numbers 1, 2, 13, #170-84 shall remain unchanged unless specifically changed by this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Engfneers Report and Assessment Roll are hereby amended accordingly. DATED THIS yT* DAY OF G(:ior36/2_ D 1985. PUBLIC SEWER COWTTEE kld. Mitchel Penovfch Ald. Edwi~ P. Lhmke ald. David Taube ATTEST : City Clerk 10185 Im P PAGE 1 [(Is! PER 6 INCH SEYEP LIIEPIIL: (990.28 6 IOQI i SUsAn MELLEt 42218.978 50.00 I $1109.50 s390.20 $2199.78 Y165 a140 KURTZE IN€ RfiKEGo, MI. 53150 I "" 7 nLmnnlnSrm (2219.998 100.00 1 12419.00 $990.28 13409.28 "" Mlbb 9374 KURTZE WE IIIIsKm, MI. 53150 " 8 UIOLn BAPTHOLE 1a219.997 13 $27744.96 $12873.64 $40618.60 1146.% " "" SI M17085 MMD5 pI)aB m, MI. 53154 - 9 AI(My(I I MPY SWI (2218.991 4s.w 0 S1088.8 w.00 $1088.55 "" 7719 Y. FIEBPmn ME. IIWEE MI. 53121 RESOLUTION #170-84 FINAL RESOLUTION AUTEORIZING INSTALLATION OF /' SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING SPECIAL' (Kurtze Lane Project - Assessment Distric; 491) WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY held a public hearing at the City Hall at 7:OO p.m< on the 23rd day of January, 1984 for the purpose of hearing / all interested persons concerning preliminary resolution and report of the City Engineer on the proposed sanitary sewer impFovement within the area described below and shown on the attached map and heard all persons who desired to speak at the hearing: / / Sanitary Sewer Assessment Area Kurtze Lank ,Project All that part of the W 1/2 of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East,'C,i'ty of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows: All abutting properties / along Kurtze Lane, Kurtze Court, the Kurtze.Lane Extension from Kurtze Lane to approximately, 23% feet North of Kurtze Lane and including thekozington property, tax key number 2219.998,,!with the exception of the lots which are in Assessment District "P". at the intersectlon of Woods Road and Kurtze Lane for Assessment District NOW, THEREFORE, B.E IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Muskego as follows: 1. That the report of the City Engineer and any amendments / or modifications:thereto pertaining to the construction of the above-described.public improvements, including plans and specifications 'therefor is adopted and approved. / // .I 2. That,/the City of Muskego has or shall advertise for bids and shall carry out the improvements in accordance with the report and any amendments or modifications thereto of the City Engineer. 1, I/ 3. That payment for the improvements be made by assessing I' the cost to the property benefited as indicated in the report and any amendments or modifications thereto. I' I 4. /That assessments shown on the report and any amendments or modifications thereto , representing an exercise of the police power ,have been determined on a reasonable basis and are hereby confirmed. ' ;/ 'I a 5. That the assessments may be paid in cash in full on or before November 1, 1984 or in ten (10) annual installments to the City Treasurer, installment payments to bear interest at the rate of 9% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on November 1, 1984 and said first installment being due on the date when real estate taxes are due and annually thereafter. All assessments or installments which are not paid by the date speci,fied shall be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property and all proceedings in relation to the collection, return and sale of property for delinquent real esta.te taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. / / / / / / / I i 6. That certain of the properties wh'ich are assessed by this resolution shall have said assessments deferred based upon the policy of the City established as to ce,rtaln agricultural lands by Resolution 19-71 As Amended. The properties to which this deferred assessment policy applies are those referred to on the assessment roll a5 assessment numbers #2. D. C. Ludwig & J. M. / /. / / / I e and #3. Glenn Pellman 1 7. That the City Clerk shall'publish this resolution as a / Class 1 Notice in the assessment ,district and mail a copy of this resolution and a statement of the final assessment against the benefited property to every property owner whose name appears on the assessment roll whose post.'office address is known or can with reasonable diligence be ascertained. CITY OF MUSKEG0 / WAYNE G. SALENTINE, Mayor ATTEST: CHARLOTTE STEWART, Clerk Dated: Published: 813ol K4 I