CCR1984076RESOLUTION #76-84 DIRECTING CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (B-1 to RSM - Richter) 3 9 D WHEREAS, Fred Richter has requested the property at the intersection of College Ave. and Martin Dr. as described below be rezoned from B-1 to RSM: Part of the Northwest 114 of Section 4, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, commencing at a point in the North line of said Northwest 114, 399.15 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northwest 114; thence East along said North line of said Northwest 114, 87.05 feet to the intersection of said North line with the center line of the Racine-Waukesha Road; thence South 57 30' East along the center line of the Racine-Waukesha Road, 139.5 feet to a point; thence South 32 34' 22" West 205 feet to a point; thence North 47 11' West 110.84 feet to a point; thence North 0 22' West 187.70 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, the necessary public hearing has been held, and WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby authorize the City Attorney to draft the necessary described above from B-1 to RSM (Multiple Family). implementing ordinance for the rezoning of the property ATTEST : City Clerk 4/84 . .- jm