CCR1984025RESOLUTION #25-84 ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CERTAIN CITY OF MUSKEG0 EMPLOYEES FOR 1984 BE IT RESOLVED, that the following salaries shall be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated: POSITION MAY OR $1,075.00 Mo. $12,900.00 Yr. ALDERMEN 250.00 Mo. 3,000.00 Yr. President of Council - Salary plus $400.00 CLERK-COMPTROLLER ASSESSOR MUNICIPAL JUSTICE TREASURER (Parttime) DEPUTY CLERK CITY ATTORNEY LIBRARY DIRECTOR DESK ATTENDANT PAGE ELECTION CLERK ELECTION CHAIRMAN PUBLIC WORKS SUPT. BUILDING INSPECTOR DEPUTY INSPECTOR SEWER INSPECTOR START 6 MOS. 1933.80 2043.31 1980.53 2208.69 802.33 1371.93 1447.45 1731 .53 1820.20 3.99 Hr. 3.99 Hr. 40.00 DAY 35.00 DAY 2384.66 2473.31 2384.66 2473.31 1994.84 2050.91 6.59 Hr 7.59 Hr ANNUAL 18 MOS (18mo.rate) 2359.43 28,313.18 2470.24 29,642.87 7,800 .OO 9,627.95 1514.85 18,178.14 26,000.00 1908.86 22,906.21 2597.07 31,164.85 2597.07 31 ,164.85 2199.52 26,394.25 8.59 Hr. WATER PATROLMAN LITTLE MUSKEG0 LAKE $700 Yr. plus $700 mileage $300 Yr. plus $300 mileage $200 YK. plus $200 mileage POLICE CADET (start) 10,787.79 RECREATION SUPV. 1609.25 1669.12 1787.31 21 ,447.65 PARKS I*wIpFT. SUPV. 1609.25 1669.12 1787.31 21 ,447.65 PARK MAINT. MAN 6.05 Hr. 6.68 Hr. 7.62 Hr. 15,849.60 BASS BAY LAKE DENOON Page 2 - Resolution #25-84 ANNUAL -m POLICE CHIEF START 6 MOS. 18 MOS: (18mo.rate) 2716.05 2820.80 3030.29 36,363.50 LIEUTENANTS (2) 2355.25 2440.60 2611.32 31 ,335.79 RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST I - (Parttime) 5.22 Hr. 5.87 Hr. 6.25 Hr. RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST 11 - (Parttime) 5.39 Hr. 6.06 Hr. 6.47 Hr. DEPUTY TREASURER (Parttime) 5.40 Hr. 6.06 Hr. 6.47 Hr. ASSESSOR'S AIDE (Parttime) 6.02 Hr. 6.75 Hr. 7.23 Hr. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for those employees eligible for the City's pension plan, the contribution for each employee shall be 55 cents per hour. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above employees shall have the following health insurance options: 1. Present Blue Cross-Blue Shield plan funded by the City up to the amount of Comp Care with the difference to be paid by the employee by payroll deduction. 2. Comp Care HMO. 3. Alternative HMO (this alternative will only be offered March 1 , 1984) to be determined by the City with monthly provided there are ten (10) participants in the plan by costs not to exceed Comp Care during the term of this agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above employees shall be granted five (5) weeks vacation after 20 years of employment. DATED THIS lq DAY OF f=~BRu,q~q , 1984. I FINANCE COMMITTEE Mayor Wayne G. Salentine Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penoviph ATTEST : City Clerk 2/84 -1