CCR1983296RESOLUTION il296-83 (As Amended) RELEASE OF LAND COVENANT AND GRANTING OF LEGAL LOT STATUS (Former R.Ford Lot) 1, WHEREAS, a claim against the City has been submitted by Title i Insurance Company of Minnesota regarding a parcel of land owned by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota, formerly the Martha Frances Lederhaus(Ron Ford) property (Tax Key No. 2174.978); and WHEREAS, previous requests for legal lot status were denied in Resolutions #165-82 and #186-83; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the claim be resolved by removing the land covenant placed on this property and granting legal lot status to same. I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the ~* City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby release the Land Covenant dated September 2, 1970 between Martha Frances Lederhaus and the City of Muskego, recorded in Vol. 1211, Page 562, Document 773969. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon release of this Land Covenant, Legal Lot Status is automatically granted to Title Insurance Company of Minnesota, current owners of this parcel on Topaz Drive with Tax Key No. 2174.978. I DATED THIS abd DAY OF , 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE DEFEATED 11/22/83 Ald. Edwin Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich &LA QAL Ald. Charles Colburn - I ATTEST : ~ City Clerk RESOLUTION #296-83 RELEASE OF LAND COVENANT AND GRANTING OF LEGAL (Former R.Ford Lot) WHEREAS, a claim against the City has been Insurance Compan tted by Title 1 of land owned by the Citizens Lederhaus(Ron Fo WHEREAS, previous requests for legal status were denied in Resolutions #165-82 and 8186-83; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee ha be resolved by removing the land commended that the claim property and granting legal lot nant placed on this tus to same. NOW, THEREFORE, City of Muskego, Committee, does hereby re1 September 2, 1970 between the Land Covenant dated of Muskego, reco BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED t upon release of this Land Covenant, Legal Lot Status of Mukwonago, current Tax Key No. 2174.978. DATED THIS , 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE / Ald. Edwin Dumke / / Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Charles Colburn 11 183 jm Muskcgo, Waukeslra County, Wisconsin, a Municipal Grantors, Corpornti.on, Grantce; for the use and benefit of the City of Htcskcgo and of p~rsons owni.ne property within thc City of Muskeao for whom the ~~ City i: hereby drsi~nntcd as agent for the purpose of eiforcinp. and rBf TejC.2Si.ng or morljfving thr covenant hcrcin contained, fol.lo!.r.?; Thc premises affected by this covenant are described as PT NW114 SEC 4 T5N R2nE VOL 458 OF DEEDS, PACE 378 VOL 1016/158 (Tax Key 2174.978) Lot 7,R Rlk 21 Jewel Crest Suh. (Tax Key 2174.179) inp aP!l dc!.i.VPry a.f thesp presents that they ate a11 of the tuners of Grantors w3rr:tn.t and covenant that at the time of the enspal- the premises 2nd .th:+t no nthcr person has any estate or interest therein c?XC~.pl. by rt:Ason n< r:lsclnpnl:s for prrh1,ic cctj.l.:itics, building restrict Lonr dcd:icnf:i.rms t.o .the pclhlic ,~ instruments unrrcordcd, and mortgages of record .. Grantors rcprcscnt as follows: (a) "'h;ll. they have received notice of a special nsses.smrnt to be I.evj~t1 for tll~ installntion of R mnCtary sewer lateral to each of the above spccified parcc1.q of land. (h) That each of sa.id pnrce1.s of land is a non-conforming l.ot wif:hjn the zclniny. rt-culations of the city and in that each of snjd 1.ot:s irvlivitltrn1.ly dor!c nnt meet t.hc area,, frontage or width require- mcn.Ls of the zoninc ordinnncc. (c) That they have requested the city *o install only one sanitxry srwer ??tcrx.l to serve the entire area and propertiea an abow tlcscribcd parcPS:.: as one rwilrling l.ot or site and to bring said parcels ns a applic;s.ble tberrto. (dl That they voluntarily wieh and intend to establish said sinElc unit .into cnnfclrmity with the zoni-ng regulations of the city 1.n c@nsi4(!cttjcn therefor,, of the city's installing Only rme san.il;b'y SCW~.? htcr;?.l tn serve the entire area above described and in c~?:~id?r?.t.ion of tht: reasons hcrein before stated, the Grantors for thcmsc!ves, tl1ci.r hcirs. s1jccessors and a.saigns do impose the following covrn;+r.lts upon t:he mid premise3 for a term of twenty five years from thr date hereof. Thp rml estate above described shall be used as a single lot and/or bLtildjnE site as defined by the zonong ordinance of the C<ty of h!u!ckcc.o and amendnwnts thereto, No building shall hcrt.after lx ptaced upon said premises or no use of said prcm.ircfs sh3ll herca€ter be macle which is dcscribed as a non.. coni 0rm.i ne use ru1dcr said ordinance. All future use of the land and bvilrings crrcted thereon in the future shall be in confor- mity with .the zoning rcgulati.ons of the City cf F(uskt?go for the distr.i.ct in wh j,ch said land 1s 1.ocated. This COVefIRnt may bc ic1.rasc.d or n1or.l.i licd by the City of Muskegg only i.n accordnncc wj.th thc prrJc.rrlurc.s awl rcquirements of the zrrning ordinance and s'.lM.iviF,ior a.ntl phttine ordinance of the City of MUS~EO- a C;rn.ntr!r:: Iurthr-r rpprpnent thnt tllry have bccn made nwnrr uf 1:hc p~.mvi.$ion? oil Section .LR,28 of the M1cnicipn.l Code Of the City cf fbl?l!pr,n in r.If'~c1. a3 nT (1n:kc. nlrjch ~,rcl.i.~lancc provides a procrdlcrc fnr 1~0:r.rnlinin~ tht: ic*nsih.ili.l.y nf rcdCvitlillR substandard lot3 of rccotd and do specjfica1I.y waivc their rights thereunder and do further represent and *larrpnt that thry desire to bring the above described p.lrcrls of rrnl cgtnk in conformity with the zoning regulationa of the City of Munkego aa practical.ly as may be done. In klitnesn \Jhrrcof, G and wals this A ntl PA Ln 2 dny of S<cncr! and Sealctl i.n Presence of -4- (seal) Atty. John P, Duckley rs