CCR1983241RESOLUTION #241-83 APPROVING THE CITY'S OFFER TO PURCHASE PARCEL OF LAND FOR BASS BAY SEWER PROJECT (Robert A, and Susan Rae Sorensen) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby approves the City's Offer to Purchase for the property of Robert A. and Susan Rae Sorensen as stated in the Relocation Order for the purchase price of $ -0-, and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign legal documents in the name of the City, and hereby waives any contingency as to approval in the Offer to Purchase, and approves of the sane. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF September , 1983. e City Clerk 9/83 jh FINANCE COhTITTEE Ald. ??itchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Charles Colburn ATTEST. 'E. lhdlars(S +? tame.tsnoncyotS U...OY. ten~~harewith hJJititma\canleat tnoncyots O:.OU .&Cix~~X. ) MJ on lhc term@ lnll condibonu a% lolh~ws: ~UCLllDWrollWxKXXX.XXXKr~mO(aYOt~uBOQl[nnKOM. , und the balmcc in cauh at closing or as hereafter YCI fol.lh. II~h~~ollcristhcrc~ultofaco-brokcrsge.thenallmoneypaidherewithshallbchcldinthewllingbrokcr's~sl~ccountuntilrheacfcpWc~of hr oh and rhall bc vantmitted IO the listing broker upon such acceptance. ~~namsycprplraPPrrauraacduolr~~~~wpmlpoMwcnrmpr~~~apcx .................................. TIME IS 0f'THE.ESSENCE'ASTO: ADDITIONAL EARNEST MONEYPAYMENT; LEGAL POSSESSION, OCCUPANCY. AND DATE OF CLOSING. Sulk those not a licable THEBUYER'SOBLIG~TIONTOCON~~UDEr)Hl~TRrUI(SACTIONISCONDlTlONEDUPONTHECONSUMMATlONOF~~E (Ir his der is SubJect LO financing. percolation test. specuic zoningor use. approval of recorded buildmg and uw realrictions and covenants. or any FOLLOWING: orher contingency. it must be sued here. If none, 80 sute.) ~. ~~ 1 ,thk., ~?& day .o,f,, t, /,~~. ~'"- 1983. .......... If this piirchase ........................ is not i 2... .........,._.. Seller e5ecuk;ng. L_..l the ............................................................. attached documents marked Exhlblts B-,( thr.0ug.h. ~~ ~~~~ ~, 7 .. ap,prWn:'o:.bef;thls >, offer ....................,....... LS null and voLd.MJu,&,, ,. ....,......... .......................... ....... ........ a.: 4 .. ..... .... ... ...... ........... .. ..... ......... .. ...... .. ...... .. ... .... .... .... ........ ..... .. ...... .. ..................... ................ .. ......... ......... ... ..................... Buyer agreea that unless otherwise specified. Buyer will pay all costs ofsecuriwany finwing to the eruni permitted by law. and lo pmfonn dl acta ncccrs.ry lo expedite such finenck. ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE: RQnC?. ,. .. Lgal pawsoion of pmpeny shall bc delivered LO Buyer on date of closing. It is unrkrslmd he pmpcny is now occupied by .o,W?,r S, under (oral ICMC) (written lease). which terms a: ., j All eamcrl money paid shall bc appl~d toward payment of he purchase price if his der is nccepted on or before D -19 ; Mhcwiaa. IO ba returned to the undersigned Buyer no later h~ 7 IY and IJus otTar 8hlll become null Md void. .... 5 BY.. ...................... WAYNE C. SALENTINE, Mayor By: (Buyer) CIiARLO'TTE STE:(JA#T, 'Cletk (Bu TlllS OFFER IS IIliREHY ACCEPTED. THI: WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREIN SURVIVE 1 CLOSIN(; OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO SELL AND CONVEY THE AB0 ~ ' MEN.I'IONED PROPERTYON THE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS AS SET FORTH AND ACKNOWLEDGES mCEIPTOFAC( OF THIS AGRkEMkNT 11 I 1 Earneb1 money In the amuun~ ,ti S EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT in form oi received from Thc undersigned Ila.lrby agrees IO hold same in an authorized real estate I lccoylll In Wisconm. or lransmll Ihe same in accordance with the terns oi the al,",,. offer. IY BY That p descri #art of bed as: EXHIBIT "Y" the land described in the aforesaid Exhibit "X" All that part of the Northeast % OE Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being a 10.00 ft. wide strip of land lying Northerly, parallel and adjacent to the following described line: Commencing at the North % corner of Section 15; thence North 87' 48' 11" East, along the North line of said Section, 619.00 ft.; thence South 1' 20' 39" East, along the Easterly line of an existing 30 ft. wide private road right-of-wa 405.00 ft. to the place of beginning; thence North 8i" 48' 11 East, along the Northerly line of an existing o€ termination. Said parcel contains 0.04 acres, more or less. 20.00 Et. wide private road right-of-way, 454.38 €t. to the point x2 a e. Parcel Yo. 7