CCR1983201RESOLUTION $1201-83 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF PARCEL OF LAND FOR SEWER INTERCEPTOR (Gladys Mike) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby approves that the city purchase the property of Gladys Mike as stated in the Relocation Order for the purchase price of $110.00 and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents.in the name of the city and hereby waives any contingency in the Offer to Purchase and approves of the same. DATED THIS 2Q DAY OF 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dumke J L QzL Ald. Charles Colburn ATTEST: v City Clerk .................. ........... ..................................... 1 4 in the . .ciS.U.. ..... of.. . .kfP.sk!XQ. . . County of .... !!a“ kes, .a,. ........... Wiscon. I .Mu.Ske~o. WisMnlin, , 19. The dcdplcd Buyer.. .. cI.Tx. .QE.MR$KEGo. ........................................... mom pMicUlarly dcrcribod u: ... .@.CP..A F.~aFked..easer?enf.. ............................................... I hcnbyoflenIOpu~huc~PO~XPbY.KY..B~..~a~~~~u.t..in..~~F.~ai.rl..~.l:~.~~~.~ x ............ .............................................................................. .............................. .. ............ .................................................................................... .......... ..... ...... ...................................... .. .... 1 .................................... XurU~~xX~~~XXX~~~~U~~~... ... 4 ...... ................................... 5 ~ ~ . . , , , and the balance in cash a1 closing or .6 hereaRcr IC1 fo f, chis oiler and shall be usnsmiaed lo the listing br&r upon such acceptancc. If this ker isbe result of acebrokerage, then all money paid herewith shall k held in the selling broker’s Vust accounIuntil the ascep(lmC, 7 IcMta~MKm~lwarrPr~~~LsK~mulab~~I~~ ....... 8 .......................................................................................................................... 0 DATE OF CLOSING. (Suike those MI a licable.) Y TIME IS OFTHE ESSENCE AS TO: ADDITIONAL EARNEST MONEY PAYMENT, LEGAL POSSESSION, OCCUPANCY. AI 2 FOLLOWING: I THEBUYER’SOBLlGATlONTOCON~~UDETHlSTRANSACTIONISCONDITlONEDUPONTHECONSUMMATlONOPT~ .I aher continncncv. it mu1 be sutcd here. lf none. $0 stale.) 3 (If this oller is oubjcct LO fmaacing. percolation ksI. spcfic zoning or use, approval of recorded building and use restrictions and mvenmu. or - .- 5 .I.. A{pzo&,.af. .the .Camman Council .af. Lhe..C.iLy.. f Myskego. 9.0. ,x...’b.eio.re ...... 6 ....... .c e.. .... dw .o.C.. June I .. 1983.., , ..... I. , ‘thls ..................... purchase ) ................ 1s not 7 ....... ~P.er~~:::or..~.ef~.~atae.~.,.tht~..of~er,.ts.nu1.~,.and Vov!, .......... 2 .... ~e.l.le.l:..exeCut.in~. the..?tt.ached.docume!!tS..marked..Exh~bFt?..B-. .... !!??.?ugh.. ........ ..p.n..or..bef?.re..Sl?smR: ................................................................ i) ’. 6 ................................................................................. .................... 7 ....................................................................... ............................ n ............................................................................................................... 9 ..................................................................................................................... 0 ..................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 2 I J ........................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................... I h ...................................................................................................................... 7 ...................................................................................................................... n .. ..................................................... ............ ...................... ............................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... I I 2 Buyer mgrccs that unless olhcrwisc Ipecficd. Buyer will pay all COSU of securing My financing 10 the exlent permitted by law. and IO perform all i ’ I ) nccesslry LO expedklc such ficing. 4 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE: . .nQne. ................................................... 5 ................... :. i 6 7 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN SALE: .none. ......... ....... ....................................... .......................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ..................... ............... ............................ ..... 8 ................................................ ........... ............................. Y 0 iilier shall, upon payment or the purchase price, convey the propny by~a(~POSLi&”~~w&ub~free andclcaro; ,I liens and encumbrancer. cxcepling: municipal and zoning ordinances. recorded easements for public utilities located adjacent IO side and rent / .............................. ...... .... .attachad easement. ................... e.] 2 lines, recorded building and use rerlrictions and COVC~~~IS. general taxes levied in the year of closing and ,.I ,5 &gal possession of pmpeny shall bo delivered Lo Buyer on date of closing. It is undcnlood the pmpeny is now occupied by . .o.Wle.rP. ................ .. ... ..... 6 under (oral lease) (written lease). which term8 are: ............. ... ............ ................... .... ... ............. ........... .............................. ,7 ............................................ ...... ....... . ...... ...... .8 OCCU~MCY of .the. ?,49!?qnleP.t.. ..... shall be given IO Buyer on .. .C.!?.Sl*.g, ....... , . ........ .9 ....................... 1 .... ...... ... ........ ..... ... .... .I m~~~WeX~~m~~~~n~~II~R~SBL~~~rnn~Su~~rn~~~~~ .. .I ~rA~~~~adr~xonr#~~~~n~WJIYB~~~~~XX 5 All eamesl money paid shall bc 8pplied toward payment of the purchase price if lhis oiler is accepted on or before ......... h ................. 19 .. ; otherwise. lo be returned IO the undersigned Buyer no later than ....... 1 19 . and this ofler shall become null and void. .. A 1 ._ - -~ --, 4 llthiso~crisacccpted,ltahallnotbccomeblndingupnBuyeruntilacopyolacceptedo~~ rited.postageprrpald.lntheUnitedS 1 .~usk.e~o.,..rJI...5~15R..,. .......................................................... ,Orbypemn\de\ivtrythc .W.182..S82RO..Recine..hxc ..,.. Muek~xoP:,..Wl.c)c?ne,ln .onorb . ......................................... I mxmpwwnaymcoorleprmwnxma~ ....................................................... 1 mails,addresredtoBuyerat ..Ci.ty..nf..Mv.ske~~.,..M~!:i'~~.~~f:P..Ci,FY..H~,!.~~,, !~~8~.~~.?~~..Ra.cinc.,Av' .. .. This transactlon Is lo hs clnnad nt tho omce of Buyer's mo.rtgrgea or pt the omce or MU,$kf!gO. .GAtY. .He !,!.I.. i ........................................ 19 ..... , or at such other time and place 13 may be In writin8 by Buyer and S, :@ ~~~~Prln~UltwKaecptPK~wacrmwsexaw~yPMKrr~~. ............. ......................................................................................................... ................................................................................... t Reler to wetlands repulations.) .. , I I n)plnnncd or commenced puhlic improvement which may result in special assessment, or otherwise materially afkt thc property. eller warrants and represents to Buyer that Scllcr has no notice or knowledge ol any: b)governmcnl agcncy or COU~ order requiring repair, alteration or cwrection of any existing conditlon. EXCEPTIONS TO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS STATED IN LINES ABTO 91:. .?'ne .. I ............ ....... ........................................ ............ i ? Buyer has read, fully un'derstands and acknowledges rcceiptola copyollhis ollcr to purchase. ,BOYERISADVlSEDTHATBROt. HAS AN AGENCY RELATIONSHIP WITH SVLLER. CITY OF MUSKEGO I By.; ............................. By : ................. ) WAYNE G. SALENTINE, 'Ma'ydr"''"'~" (Buyer) ' ' cHA#L*TTr.S'*E(J*A#T; (BII J I CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO SELL AND CONVEY THE AIIO THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREPl SURVIVE 7 ! MENTIONEDPROPERTYONTHETERMSANDCONDITIONSASSETFORTHANDACKNOWLEDGESRECElMOFAC~ {' OF THIS AGREEMENT. i ......... ...... .................... ....... ...... ~. ...................... (Ir Seller is married. spouse should sly.) (SC EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT I Earnest money in the amount of S . , ... ....... .in lorn ol .................. ...... .. wived from .... .......... ..... The undersigned herehy agrees to hold sam in an auchaircd red enate ; in.Wisconsin. or transmit the same in accordance with the terms or fie above omer. ...... .... I . P.. ...... . . 19 By .......... .... .... ..... a I That part of the East # of the Northeast % of Section 12, Town 5 of Wisconsin, described as follows: North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State running thence North on the East line of said Quarter section, 20 rods; thence West 80 rods to the West line of the East # of said Quarter section; running thence South on said West line, 20 rods to the South line of said Quarter Section; thence East on said South line, 80 rods to the place of beginning. Railroad Company, a corporation, by deed dated May 19, 1857 and EXCEPT THAT PART THEREOF which was conveyed to Milwaukee and Beloit recorded June 2, 1857 in Volume 20 of Deeds on page 456. Tax Key No. 2205.982 '. Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Quarter Section and .' Exhibi t "Y" A11 that part of the Northeast of Section 12, Tom 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being a 30.00 foot wide strip of land lying Northerly, parallel and adjacent to the following described subdivision line. Commencing at the East & comer of said Section 12; thence South 87"21'18" West, along the East % line of Section 12 and the North line of "Lake Brittany Estates", a recorded plat, 1327.51 feet to the point of termination. Together with a 20.00 foot wide temporary construction easement lying Northerly, parallel and adjacent to the above described permanent sewage force main easement.