CCR1983195RESOLUTION # 195-83 AUTHORIZING THE GRANTING OF $1200 FOR Wl COUNTRY FAIR DAYS PARADE WHEREAS, over the past several years the V F.W. Lembezeder- Cook Post $18171 has provided the citizens of the City of Muskego with the enjoyment of a parade as part of their Country Fair Days celebration, and WHEREAS, in the past the City of Muskego has helued offset GheTexpense of the parade by contributions. WHEREAS, the Commander of the V.F.W. Post has requested of the parade by contributing $1200 to this event, and the City of Muskego help them to offset the rising costs THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego in recognition of the effort being expended by the V.F.W. to provide the citizens of the cornunity a parade at their Country Fair Days celebration and in recognition of the value of the event to the cornunity does hereby grant to the V.F W. Lembezeder-Post i16171 $120.0. to help offset the costs of the parade, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Comptroller is authorized to charge Account #58400-3215 (Parade Fund) for this expense. DATED THIS l2~TN 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwln Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich CLL Ll L Ald. Charles Colburn ATTEST : City Clerk